To my beautiful daughter, Morgan – I miss you every minute of every day, but today, on what would have been your 29th birthday, it hurts even more. 

Happy birthday Morgan.

Today is the day we celebrate the light you brought into this world, the moment you were born. I want you to know you brightened up everyone’s day, every time you walked into a room. 

Today, my heart wishes you were here, so we could all celebrate the amazing person you are. We would share your favorite Tiramisu birthday cake, have crab legs for dinner, sing happy birthday to you, and listen to your sweet giggles, as you open your birthday presents. But no matter how hard I wish – you can’t be here. We will still celebrate your birthday without you, and hope you can see us celebrate you, while you are celebrating with all the angels in Heaven. Your life mattered, not only to your family, but to so many other people as well.

This past week has been exceptionally hard, and as usual, I try not to ever show the world. Your friend, who was born one week before you, just got married. Her wedding pictures were beautiful, and everyone was so happy…I am really happy for her, and at the same time, it tore my heart apart knowing that we can never have those special moments with you. It never seems like the memories we made are the ones that hurt the most…it’s the new memories, created without you, that hurt the most.  I miss the future that we were all expecting to have with you.

 I miss you with ALL my heart and I love you to the moon and back x infinity…forever!


Happy Summer Solstice

The flower photo above is one that Morgan took in her last year of life…I will always honor Morgan by cherishing life as she did. Morgan loved life. Morgan saw beauty in the world at every turn.

Today, as we celebrate the first day of summer, I am reminded that on this longest day of the year, I have so much to be grateful for. I am grateful that Morgan, in her short 20 years, opened my eyes to so many things. She was wise beyond her years and I feel like she taught me more than I ever taught her. I miss her every moment of every day, but still feel her love and wisdom with me in every breath I take…for that I am grateful.

#IloveMorgan  #JusticeforMorgan #SummerSolstice2020 #Lifeisprecious #Grateful


SPARC is giving a webinar about “Enhancing Stalking Victim Safety During Covid-19”

SPARC has announced it is giving a webinar on “Enhancing Stalking Victim Safety During Covid-19”

May 21, 2020 – 11:00am PT, 12:00pm MT, 1:00pm CT, 2:00pm ET

While the Covid-19 pandemic can limit survivor options and exacerbate victims’ isolation, stalkers may exploit health concerns and social distancing to continue or even escalate their stalking behaviors. This webinar will highlight Covid-19’s potential impacts on stalking victims and provide strategies for service providers to enhance support and safety.

If you are interested in joining this webinar register here: https://www.stalkingawareness.org/upcoming-events/?fbclid=IwAR12U_l9LHWsVrdw6Z-LSBjf8_UCRxnLOvSDnJQDslqEbAudpsokD8nm1B8


My Mother’s Day Wish Today…

For all mothers who have lost a child, I know your pain and heartache never ceases, but my hope for all of us is that the love we have for our child is greater than the pain of our loss.

Normal was destroyed the moment we knew our child was gone, and that normal will never return, but the courage we show, every day, just taking a breath and trying our hardest to carry on, is what I call real courage.

Please be gentle with yourself on this day…may your smile still come through when remembering your precious child, even though the tears will also come.

May you always see your child’s smile in your mind’s eye and feel the warmth of their love, because death can never take that away from us…death can never sever the cord between a mother and her child – remember that always.