For all mothers who have lost a child, I know your pain and heartache never ceases, but my hope for all of us is that the love we have for our child is greater than the pain of our loss.
Normal was destroyed the moment we knew our child was gone, and that normal will never return, but the courage we show, every day, just taking a breath and trying our hardest to carry on, is what I call real courage.
Please be gentle with yourself on this day…may your smile still come through when remembering your precious child, even though the tears will also come.
May you always see your child’s smile in your mind’s eye and feel the warmth of their love, because death can never take that away from us…death can never sever the cord between a mother and her child – remember that always.
Just wanted to let you know what happened yesterday, on Mother’s Day, after I wrote this blog post. I received a phone call. I was told that Morgan wanted me to know she is there with me. I was told she was sending me a butterfly as a sign…I had not seen any butterflies in a very long time, so I shrugged it off. Five minutes later, as I was still listening to what was being said, a lone butterfly flew up to me, then circled and flew off. I then said, “Hello my sweet Morgan, I love you so much! Thank you for being with me on Mother’s Day.”