Chilling Memories…


Have you ever walked into a hardware store – something like a Home Depot or Lowes, and as you walk down one of their aisles a motion detector alarm sounds?  I know they use them to get people’s attention so they might become interested in purchasing them. But if you have ever survived a stalking, or if you are ever in the midst of an ongoing stalking, and you had or have motion detector alarms you understand the sudden momentary fear your body feels when you hear that sound.  It still happens…you can’t forget it.

Small things like this bring back chilling memories.  When we first installed the motion detectors and motion lights we would get a surge of adrenaline when we heard them go off.  Our protection protocol would kick in, and Steve would run out the door of the house armed with whatever we he had decided to use at the time, and I would run to the cameras to see if I could “see” the stalker(s) on the camera.  Then if these sounds came in conjunction with tapping or banging on our windows, or actually seeing someone through the window, or even images on the camera, we would call it in to the sheriffs.  Then ~ 30 to 45 minutes later patrol officers would show up to search and interview us…the lack of sleep was taking it’s toll.

After Morgan’s murder whenever I would hear the sound of those alarms I would instinctively react to them. I am flooded with all the same horrible feelings of anger, worry, fear, and foreboding…the same feelings that I felt during Morgan’s stalking – all those feelings come flooding back.  I hope someday I no longer instinctively react to this sound, but for now I try to avoid places where I may hear it.

I know this is just one small little thing…hearing a motion alarm, but all the small little things that have no meaning to others that have never been a victim of stalking are really big things to a victim of stalking.

Stalking is serious.  Stalking takes an emotional toll on it’s victims.  Still, stalking is the most under-reported crime currently, just one-third to one-half of stalking cases are reported to authorities because victims are often afraid of angering their stalkers and making the situation worse – I know this was a fear that both Morgan and I both expressed at varying times during her stalking. Victims also tend to believe that the police are unable to help, because an estimated 40 percent of all restraining orders are violated and this is something that so many victims have written in to tell me.

Stalking: A Handbook for Vicitms by Emily Spence-Diehl offers a lot of good information for victims.



The Day Your Battle Became Ours…

On December 2, 2013, exactly 2 years after Morgan’s murder, her friend wrote the following heartfelt words:

Today is just another day
Today is just a day…
The day your battle became ours

The day you were robbed, and us too
I loved you long before this day
I loved you for the hundreds that came before it

Two years ago today you took the colors with you
leaving the snow you longed for behind
The sunset and sunrise without your love burned redder in sorrow

Mountains fell silent- void- of sound as you left
Snow untouched, attempted to preserve the moments
Stop the world from turning to keep you near
…but you had to go

and I prayed for the first time
– wake up from this dream,
but each day this dream turns more real
and you become the dream

fading with every sunrise
This world slowly filling with colors I thought I had lost forever
as now you are close in reveries of starry nights and philosophy

today is just a day.

All the words that matter are: I love you.

collage from Katie

Remember to check on Morgan’s Stalking on Facebook

We have a Morgan’s Stalking on Facebook as well as on Twitter  Please check them out – many times I post additional things on those 2 sites that I do not put on this blog.  A lot of the additional stuff is about other stalking cases in the news, as well as good information and answers about stalking – readers participate there and ask questions or give out good information that they have ascertained from their own experiences.

I hope you all have a wonderful day – I feel very positive today, good things are about to happen!


The Holly Moore Case…

holly moore

Below is a link to the Crime Watch Daily video report on the Holly Moore case, out of Castle Rock, CO.  19 year old Holly’s manner of death, yet another young woman like Morgan, was not properly investigated, nor was the evidence properly tested so her official manner of death has been deemed a suicide instead of a homicide.  I have posted about this case before.  This case reminds me so much of Morgan’s case.  Why do some coroner’s in Colorado, like in Morgan’s case, stand by the wrong manner of death in a case that has strong evidence that it was a capital crime? It makes no sense to me.  The coroner in Holly’s case, just as in Morgan’s case, is not a doctor, he had someone else do the autopsy.  Things that should have been tested were not.  Other strong experts brought in by the family proved there was evidence this was most likely a murder and yet the coroner would not change their ruling…this is so very wrong!!!

At least in Holly’s case the pressure brought by her family has finally resulted in the police chief turning the case over to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.  Please watch this updated information about the Holly Moore case.

Was it Suicide? Or Murder? The Mysterious Death of a Colorado Teen – Crime Watch Daily



Stalkers Never Stop…


I recently read this article that was emailed to me.  It caught my eye for obvious reasons…it was about a speech given by Rhonda Saunders, from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office Stalking & Threat Assessment Team & Los Angeles Stalking Task Force.

She warned the CLU audience, “One thing I know about stalkers is they never stop.”

As part of the educational process, as well as raising awareness about the seriousness and dangers of stalking, I wanted to share this article with you.  I agree with Saunders 100% – she said:

“What these stalkers do is destroy any sense of security,” she said.

“It’s a crime of mental terrorism.”

Unless you have been a victim of stalking you would have a hard time understanding the damage that occurs.  I hope you never are a victim of stalking, but I know many of you that are reading this have been, or currently are victims of stalking, and if so you know exactly what she means. You are always looking over your shoulder, you don’t know where to turn, you wonder when the moment will arrive when something terrible will happen and you may not see it coming…it is mental terrorism!

Stalking is the most under reported crime in the US at this time.

60 percent don’t report it.

“Either they feel embarrassed or they feel like, ‘I can handle this,’ ” Saunders said.

Here is the link to the article