With a heavy heart I would like to share with you all that Morgan would have been 25 years old this coming Tuesday, August 16th. As the days grow closer to her birthday, my heart feels more and more pain. The tears keep coming, even though I try to hold them back. And it’s not just the tears…the pain I feel is creating a huge anger from within. I know anger is normal in this case. Anger for the petty jealous people that targeted Morgan and our family. Anger for the sick delusional subhumans that were involved in her gang stalking and murder. Anger towards the Garfield County Sheriff’s detective, who is now the Garfield County Coroner since the last election as he was the one that decided to go along to get along by covering up Morgan’s murder. He had a choice, just as all of us do in life, and he chose the dark side. And I could go on and on…but what good will that do?
I decided a long time ago, right after Morgan’s murder, that I could either become invisible, like a ghost, or suck it up and solve Morgan’s case – – get her the justice that she deserves – – and make sure these people can no longer hurt others. When I decided that was the path I was going to take I knew I could not accomplish it through anger, I knew it would need to be done through love, because love is the most powerful thing in the world. And the most magical part of this journey is that I have been blessed with a partner that believes in the same path. My husband, Steve, Morgan’s daddy is in extreme pain. As a father, he would like nothing more than to lash out, but he hasn’t because he wants justice for his baby and he knows the only way to bring down all involved is to stay resolute, compile and have rock hard evidence, and make sure when the case goes down, the guilty parties pay.
Recently, some supporters of justice for Morgan posted on following on Facebook:
The Morgan Ingram Light-A-Candle event is only 4 days away. Please light a candle to remember Morgan and celebrate her life. Also, pray that justice happens this year for what happened to her. #MorganIngram #JusticeforMorgan#RIPMorgan #Murder #Stalking #Homicide #Death #August16
I am very grateful to everyone that still supports Justice for Morgan after all these years. I think this is a beautiful idea – – so many of you have done this in the past and sent pictures of your burning candles in tribute to Morgan on that day. It meant a lot to me because I know with every candle lit and every intention sent, the power of so many can shift the energy and send out the much needed love that can conquer evil. Light is really the only thing that can dispell the darkness. Thanking you all in advance for burning a candle for Morgan this coming Tuesday on her 25th birthday. I know she will feel the love and warm intentions that are being sent out on her behalf.
Much love & light to you all,
Toni (Always Morgan’s Mom)

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