I know it’s hard to understand sometimes when I try to explain things…if you haven’t been through something like this (and I hope you never will) then it would be hard to understand. Someone said to me of course Morgan’s body was moved, you and Steve moved her from her bed to the floor to continue doing CPR when the 911 operator instructed you to do so. And yes, that is true, we did move her from her bed to the floor when instructed, but that is not what I meant when I said on a previous post that Morgan’s body was moved Postmortem.
Steve & I both found her in her bed, lying on her right side at the very edge of her bed. She was curled up with her comforter pulled up over her body, almost to the top of her shoulder. When Steve pulled off her comforter we could see her knees pulled up towards her stomach with her legs bent, arms bent at the elbows, with one arm lifted slightly above her body, her hands clenched and eyes wide open. This is exactly what we told the first responders, as well as the sheriffs. We gave them exact details about how we found her because they asked us, but on their reports they only wrote that we found her “curled up.”
When Morgan did not respond Steve pulled off the comforter and pulled her on to her back, on the bed, to perform CPR. Her knees stayed bent up towards the ceiling and her feet were on the bed, her arms stayed bent with her clenched hands pointing at the ceiling. When we put her on the floor her legs were pulled straight, but her arms stayed bent. When we received the Postmortem Report we read for the very first time all the false reporting and we were taken aback. We were still in shock, but I was able to ask the detective about all these false statements, like the sentence that said we found her face down on the bed…a complete lie. The detective said he would speak with the coroner about the corrections…he never did, and yes, I do have documentation to prove this. Years later after we sent many certified requests and letters that remained unanswered we finally saw exactly WHY they wrote in the report that she was found face down, because she did die face down – her lividity showed that she did not die on her side like we found her, and not on her back where the first responders and sheriffs saw her when they arrived. Her lividity showed (confirmed by other forensic medical examiners and investigators) that she died face down, in a contorted position, as if she was left to die bent over a chair! Then after lividity had set in her body was moved and staged in bed with her comforter pulled over her to make it look like she died in her sleep and that is how we found her…disgusting! And how in the world could they even say she died face down in her bed when they could all see at the crime scene that her arms were bent at the elbows with her clenched hands facing up to the ceiling? You can’t die face down flat on a bed with your arms and legs bent like that…and they knew it that very morning, they knew her body had been moved AFTER she was already dead and that is why, in my opinion, they never answered any of our requests for photos, notes, or anything requested. The crime scene photos we received years later showed without a doubt EXACTLY what the first responders, sheriffs and deputy coroner (who we later found out was not a deputy coroner) saw that very morning. Now people say why would so many people cover up something like this…and the answer is that all it takes is one person in a position of authority to instruct others to do what they want them to do, and sadly as happens too often they go ahead and leave things out of reports and sometimes falsify their reports, because they are instructed to do so. I am sure it eats at some of them, and for others maybe not so much. Who knows what they were told that would have convinced them to go along to get along – I do know there has been at least one officer that wasn’t happy about what was done that morning. The truth is there for anyone that wants to see it – my job is not to force people to believe the truth, my job is to just state the facts and allow people that really want to understand what happened, to read the facts, and then make up their own minds.
I wish all those things they show on the crime TV shows were really true. I so desperately wanted to believe someone was investigating our daughter’s suspicious death, but it did not happen. There was NO investigation, ever…the false determination of natural causes conveniently kept there from being an investigation for the first 8 months and the the 2nd false determination of suicide 8 months later made sure not only that there was no investigation, but was equally successful in keeping it from ever being a cold case that another agency could investigate at a later time. It even kept other non-profit, professional organizations that review cold cases, like AISOCC (The American Investigative Society of Cold Cases) and The Vidocq Society, just a couple of examples, from reviewing the evidence and giving their professional opinion at no charge. These organizations can only review and investigate cases when asked to do so by law enforcement, and only law enforcement.
In Morgan’s case the sheriffs have refused for over 4 years now to allow any other agency to review or help with an investigation into her case. One more thing for everyone out there that might believe that lack of funding is one of the problems with law enforcement not wanting to investigate…sorry, not true. These organizations do not charge. They have state-of-the-art equipment and some of the best retired criminal investigators in the nation that assist with cases when asked by LE, so lack of funds is not a reason why the sheriffs would not want them involved. Let me know if you can think of a good reason they would not want to bring them in to assist.
So to the sad misinformed protector of murderers that wrote in to tell me tonight to say, “If you and Steve moved her to do CPR – YOU moved her post mortem before crime scene photographer was even there. How stupid do you think we are? You have written about this before. YOU and STEVE moved her after death!!! Did you forget?”
All I can say to this “Anonymous” person (these people are always anonymous) is that I hope I cleared things up for you in this post…but again, I doubt it because people like you more often than not do not really want to know the truth.

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