Morgan holding Wylah and typing on her computer
At 5:55 am Morgan texts me and says, “Will you let Wylah out? I’m still traumatized.”
We had already arranged that I would let Wylah out at 6:00 am every morning, which was working fine so far, but it seemed that her clock was just running a little fast. I was already on the way to let her out, and didn’t get the message until later, after I had already let her out. Morgan thanked me from under her covers when I came in, and I told her she was very welcome.
Detective Glassmire was coming over at 11:00 am and before he arrived I wanted to ask Elliott one question, based on developments from the Facebook conversation over the last few days between Keenan and Morgan’s friend. I waited until a little after eight before asking him if he had any information on Wiley, as I knew very little and he was being accused by Keenan of being the stalker.
Around 11:00 am I received a text from our detective that he was running late on a call between Glenwood and Carbondale and shouldn’t be any later than 12:00 pm. It seemed at the time that our officers were spread so thin at our end of the valley. I told Steve they were running late.
They had a little “routine” with Rob and Steve, where Steve would pull out our ladder, from our garage, when the detectives came so they could use it to check the cameras, usually he just had it close by, but this time it was already pulled out and set up right at the tree where their camera was. We were both very excited to see their “face shot” of the walkabout, waiting another hour was going to be excruciating.
Detectives Rob and Megan have pressing matters when they arrive. We talk about interviews that are ongoing and plans for the resolution of this case. It is all promising and we believe they are trying their best, Rob discussed information about cars first, so we talk about cars.
Rob tells us that one of their officers saw a green car by Thunder River– right where Morgan has reported seeing Keenan multiple times when she is coming home from school. Our Detective Glassmire said he has revised his numbers when he looked up the exact model and color car that I have given him and their are 6 of them between Grand Junction, Vail and Aspen, so it might not be Keenan. I asked what the problem is, because Morgan said she actually saw Keenan driving when she saw the car that was following her. Steve adds that he has seen Keenan’s car in the Catherine Store parking lot, with another girl driving it, and it has a unique emblem on the back and it is doubtful any of the other 5 would share that same emblem too. He is quite certain also that it was Keenan’s car. Rob is uneasy, and for a few moments there is a tension between us that has never been there before. Morgan repeats that she saw Keenan in the car when she saw the little green car. Rob says he will check into it. What is suddenly going on?
I just want to see his cameras, and I suggest we look at the camera to cut the tension, and at long last we go out into the yard. Normally it is just Rob and Steve, but now we are all there as Rob checks the sheriff’s wildlife camera that is in the direct path of where the prints in the snow were seen. Steve is talking about all the cameras he has bought and returned, because it took so long for that first picture, when Rob curses, which is very uncharacteristic for him. As we all stand and stare we learn that the batteries are dead, there are no pictures, nothing! How can that be?
Morgan goes back into the house without a word, I don’t think Rob notices, but I am pretty sure Megan does not miss this. I am angry beyond belief, and pull Steve back toward the house to talk with him, as they take the ladder and go to check the other camera. The other camera that they have pointed at the camera with the dead batteries – surely that camera must have caught something. Steve tells me he knows why I am so upset, but he does not. There is no excuse for this. A felony stalking case and the one time someone does not just pass by, but intentionally marches right in front of their camera, and the batteries are dead. I’m losing track at the moment, but I think this is battery problem three, at least. I want to start screaming, but I do not. This is our daughter’s life we are talking about here – will someone please take responsibility for this stuff!
Then we learn that the batteries in the other camera are also dead, but it has some images, just none that can be used, just someone’s back. It is a bad meeting all the way around and we say goodbye. Steve tells me we are obviously on our own here. I say great, now what? Pray for snow, lots of snow? Let Mother Nature stop him, because nobody else seems capable?
Right after the detectives leave, Morgan walks up and tells us to get Keenan’s phone number for her. She wants to call him and confront him. She knows that he lives only three houses down the street and we can’t go near him, but she has to do something. I was about to say no when Steve agrees and tells her he will ask Rob, in fact he will suggest that they are on hand to record the call. Morgan is alright with this and I am surprised.
Morgan receives a text message from Nate in Australia in response to her message yesterday, “fifteen minutes and I’ll be free. Just let me know.”
At 6:15 pm I send Morgan a text myself, “Dad and I are leaving to go to Aspen to drop off food for Dave (Steve’s friend Dave is laid up, so we want to bring him some food), so we are wondering what your plans are, do you want to go with us or go to a friend’s house and wait till we text you that we are home?” Since Steve’s friend is laid up and not answering his phone we have cooked up some of his favorites to cheer him up and we were leaving. Morgan answers, “Just let me know when you’re home.” And I tell her, “OK.”
Leesa calls and their heater is on the fritz and she wonders if she can spend the night because she would rather not spend the night in a cold house. I welcome the chance to see my grandchildren, and offer to pick her up. We make arrangements and then as soon as I hang up Elliott sends me a text message, “He (Wiley) wasn’t here when this (the stalking) started. Don’t know his last name.” I wrote back to Elliott, “I know Wylie wasn’t living here when the stalking started, but Keenan told one of Morgan’s friends that Wylie moved in when this first started and people should be looking at Wylie. Could you get Keenan’s cell # I think Morgan should call him and say she hopes it’s not him doing this, but if he has any information on how it could be someone else then please share that with me. What do you think?”
As we are putting the ladder away and Steve is wondering how the sheriff’s department would respond to a crate of batteries at their Christmas party, I tell him I am just looking forward to a quiet night with my favorite, and only grandchildren.
We pick Leesa and the kids up just after dark, and head home. On the way Leesa thinks she sees someone she knows in a group of 3 or 4 walking up Equestrian way in our subdivision, just before the turn to our house. She wants Steve to stop the truck and he does.
Leesa leans out and starts talking to the small group. One of them is familiar to me, but it is hard to be sure in the dark. One answers with her name and Leesa asks her if they have heard anything about the stalker, and a most interesting conversation ensues. It turns out that three of them know all about it, but after being told to shut up, by one particular girl (Brooke Harris) who seems to think she is in charge, all of a sudden they know nothing. It also turns out that this girl (Brooke) tells us that she has knowledge of a “Video that exonerates her boyfriend Keenan” and says this is also well known. Nobody in the group tells her to shut up, and she goes on to explain that she has heard all kinds of weird stories about cameras all over the neighborhood, and does not know exactly what to make of it all.
At the end of the conversation we drive away in silence, until Steve says, “Now how did she know that? I didn’t think we had told anyone yet?” But of course she knew – she was the one doing the alibi walk I truly believe.

Today is October 23, 2012 – It is so easy to look back and see something different from what presented itself at that time. That is the last time I heard from Elliott until the morning of December, 2 2011 when Morgan was already no longer with us in this world. Rob never mentioned any of our encounters with the green car again. And the neighbors walking up Equestrian Way? We only shared with Rob and Megan the odd conversation that took place. And now that I read through the sheriff’s reports, I still have not found any mention of it in the official reports. Strange, isn’t it all? You would think this would be an important fact to be written in to the police reports.
And as I go over the final edit we have 12 signatures to go before we reach 1,000 on the petition to Governor Hickenlooper to open Morgan’s investigation. Thank all of you out there – I just honestly don’t know what I would do without you.
Click here to read about the 98th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=2001
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