I don’t think Morgan will ever be forgotten – none of us, even her friends can stop talking to her

I don’t think this picture would ever apply to Morgan.  Last week one of Morgan’s friends said:

i think about you everyday. i want to have just one more conversation with you. even though i talk to you at every moment, and about every decision, i need feedback. your words always meant the most. i just want you back. i love you angel. ♥

November 4, 2011 – Day 95 of Morgan’s stalking – You must wait for the alibi to fully develop!

Morgan wonders who is fooling who here

Morgan wakes up in the morning and we talk about her “bubble” from the night before.  The bubble means she hit the text button on her phone and her phone sent me a bubble so I would know the exact time she heard the noise for my timeline and for the sheriff’s – I always thought it looked like most of these things happened at certain times of the night – with the occassional change of showing up in the yard dressed in black, following her in a car, and showing up on our front porch to punch in our code dressed in a hoodie at 4:30 am.  A rock hit her window at 10:57 pm last night, according to the bubble.  This morning at 5:10 am the alarm goes off.  It was directly coupled with a video taken at that same time.  A figure is caught on video running across Rhonda’s driveway (our next door neighbor on Morgan’s side of the house.  The sheriffs department had the only copy because of a computer crash, and I wish I had not given up the only copy.  A computer expert could not get the copy back, but Steve assures me he will be able to go back through the computer backup files and get another copy.  I warned him you will not be understanding if he fails.

Morgan tells us that Keenan posted a 554 # and keeps sending FB messages back to her friend, and threatening him, and telling him to back off.  Keenan is very vociferous about where the blame for the stalking belongs evidently.  He is saying that the stalking was over 5 months ago.  This of course is not true, because it started three months ago, that we know of.  But then after reading stalking advice it could have started over five months ago, and he is right on the money about timing, but he is not right that it ended…it is still ongoing.  We only know when we think it started.  Only I would have loved to have been able to ask him how he knew all this.  He is also saying the “cops” excluded him because he works all night, every night, and he is in Texas right now. (What he said about the ‘cops’ excluding him is absolutely false…as you can read on every post, since the beginning in August 2011 – his work hours, taken from the police reports, show the time of the stalking incidents compared to his work hours, showing he was not at work at those times…criminals lie and that should not be a shock to anyone).

OK, fact check, yes we have heard he is gone this week, from two different sources, and the detectives are at present telling us they are 100% sure he is the stalker and Morgan knows Keenan is the stalker.  We are troubled by the sheriffs believing it is only Keenan,  because Steve strongly believes that there are at least three different stalkers/terrorizers/bullies.  He really wishes he knew who they all were, but he is only willing to say at this time that Keenan is one of them. 

According to Morgan, Keenan has also recently told her friend that at the time of the stalking he was dating Brooke Harris.  A private investigator that was volunteering his time had assured us the Keenan and Brooke had never really stopped dating in his best estimation – I guess it was just convenient for him to move out at that time since the sheriffs had been coming by her house to interview him.  He had avoided them up till then and I guess it made sense to make up an excuse, like they ‘broke up’ so when he moved out suddenly no one would be any wiser…  That very same investigator sat Steve and I in the back seat of his SUV, a while back, and said OK, I will now take you to the back door of City Market in El Jebel, where our man in question (Keenan) works – and then he did.  After arriving he picked up his cell phone and mockingly said “Hey Jeff, out back having a puff, let me back in.”  And he slapped his phone from hand to hand and winked at us.  Steve and I thought we were being walked down a possible trail, and we looked at each other.  “Simple”, Steve told me. “This makes perfect sense, now what?”  And how are we supposed to convey this to the detectives?

But back to the past, Keenan was not finished with his version of events.  He then went on to tell Morgan’s friend that if he had to guess it was Wiley, the kid that lived next door to Brooke, because the stalking started 3 days after he moved in.  How would Keenan know the date the stalking started?  We had not called the sheriffs until days later…no one, except the stalker, should have known at that time.

Another fact check is in order here, Wiley does not in the least bit match any images of the stalker, male or female, as yet caught on video or camera, and he moved into our neighborhood at least a month after the stalking started.  Oh, and Keenan pointed out that Wiley had a “criminal record.”  Not sure about that, Wiley always seemed like a nice kid, and perhaps Keenan should look in the mirror, eh? It is always interesting how guilty people are always trying to point the finger at someone else – they seem to think everyone else in the world is stupid, and can’t figure out that they are lying…I think it is sometimes called a characteristic of a psychopath. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wicked-deeds/201401/how-tell-sociopath-psychopath

Morgan thought this was very odd that Keenan told her friend about how he heard there was a video showing someone around the house on Tuesday night – the night he was gone.  Keenan reminded her friend that “I was on my way to Texas on Tuesday.”  I looked at Morgan and told her that this was just way too much of a coincident.  As luck would have it, Steve and I had just not had the time to review all the cameras and update the information for the detectives at that time, so really, and I mean really – nobody should know about possible videos unless perhaps they were part of creating the video.  Now the ‘march’ without noise, completely avoiding Morgan’s side of the house makes perfect sense.  In case I haven’t told you yet, Morgan’s side of the house has a few surprises around it and that were avoided completely, made perfect sense to Steve.  Someone knew what was there, and did not think they could make it down that side of the house without becoming ensnared.  Stalkers, because they are always surveilling, always know what you are doing to try to catch them, but sadly, in most cases, they are always a step ahead.

Steve looked at me and said, “So Keenan, while on his way to Texas, knew all about the Tuesday incident?  Right!”

Now I really feel strongly believe that it was nothing more than a set-up for an alibi for him, and of course he knew about it – what he doesn’t realize is that it was so obviously a set-up, as you could tell the person caught on the cameras was female, not male, and didn’t fit the description of the previous photos, and she was obviously texting back and forth behind the berm to someone before she started the last leg of the “march” around our house in order to get caught on every camera angle, as well as leaving the next mornings footprints – she was texting to ask if she should abort the mission as it had started to snow.  This was a staged alibi and she was probably told that she had to still go through with it…unfortunately her footprints in the snow were still visible the next day and guess what?  They came right out of the back door of her (Brooke’s) house and proceeded to our house and followed the path of the person caught on our video camera…so it’s not rocket science to know who is shown on that “alibi” walk.

We couldn’t wait for Detective Glassmire to get there, we knew his cameras would have had to have captured a full face shot or two of this person, and Keenan was so sure he had fooled everyone, he couldn’t wait to talk about it.  Too bad we had not had a chance to tell anyone about how it actually happened yet.  It turns out my sudden decision to not tell Elliott is going to pay big dividends.  But then, for the first time, the detective had to delay coming over  and then when he finally did come to check his cameras he said the batteries were dead – in both cameras – they didn’t capture any pictures!  How does that happen?  Lucky stalkers or ???

Email from Garfield County Sheriff Detective Glassmire on November 4, 2011 – this is in response to Morgan seeing Keenan, in broad daylight, waiting for her as she is driving down the hill from her college classes – she was so traumatized over this that one of her male classmates started to walk her to her car after class.

Subject: RE: case #11-20197

I do know that a little over a year ago Keenan’s father did have an address over in that area. I don’t know if that is where Keenan is living. We didn’t see his car there last Sunday. We should know more in the weeks following the pretext phone call. After the phone call I plan to start interviewing everybody close to Keenan, including Keenan.

Let me know if anything else comes up. Don’t hesitate to call dispatch and let them know what you are hearing outside your windows, that you are going to bed (if you are sleeping or getting ready too go to bed). And that if a deputy has time could they do some directed patrol in the area. That will probably prevent them from coming to your door or calling you, but they will hopefully patrol the area and/or walk around the house. The patrol deputies have also been asked to search local areas for suspicious vehicles too. You can always let me know of the details the next day.

Also, I am going to send the same flyer to dispatch (Carbondale Police too) that i sent to patrol so they can also be aware of the investigation and hopefully head off the idea of you having to explain to them every time what is going on.

Thank you for the updates. Rob

Today is October 21, 2012 – And as part of the ongoing investigation we ran through Morgan’s Facebook up until her death.  This was the first time in a long, long time.  Steve had to walk out of the room, it is still too fresh of a wound for him.  He said he thought she was going to call on the phone any moment now and he could not take it.  And then he apologized to those at the house, sifting through the evidence.  It’s so tough for me at times too but, you all give me such strength, and we have to be strong… for Morgan.

A phone number that had no real consequence a year ago has suddenly turned up to have real consequence.  And another amazing thing has happened – Leesa, our lovely daughter-in-law, had long ago volunteered to be the responsible person for Morgan’s new FB page, Morgan’s Stalking.  Steve thought it was too much for her, and didn’t want her to take the responsibility.  I wanted to close the page down because after a nice start, it was attracting such negativity, and I was so busy with everything else I didn’t have the time for it.  Only now, some friends of Leesa’s & Morgan’s have set up a plan with Leesa to manage the page, and continue to raise awareness, and honor the memory of Morgan.  They are all so wonderful, and I can’t thank them enough.

As Steve and I move into the end of the story of Morgan’s life on the blog, and move into what came next, I can’t imagine any more load to carry.  Thank you all so much for what you are doing, and you all know who you are…

Click here to read about the 96th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1973

November 3, 2011 – Day 94 of Morgan’s stalking. Back to the rocks…

It was a clear night with only tiny patches of snow remaining. Poor Morgan did not get much sleep. The alarm on our next door neighbor, Rhonda’s side of the house, goes off shortly after midnight and then rocks (that’s what we think we are hearing) on Morgan’s windows hit off and on for the rest of the night until sunrise. Morgan doesn’t want to call the deputies, so she just covers her head with a pillow, and tries to ignore the harassment.

First thing in the morning Morgan has an anonymous text message from 970.xxx.xxxx. She it too tired to make her morning classes, so she sleeps in, and talks to Detective Glassmire about the text message. He wants her to send another letter about that particular incident and then he will talk to her about it when he comes to see her over the weekend. That letter becomes one of the group of letters sent on November 5.

Morgan’s letter to Sheriff:
Dear Detective Rob Glassmire & Detective Meagan Alstatt,
This Thursday morning @ ____ am I was woken up by a text message from a phone number I do not recognize. I immediately thought it had to be the stalker since it said:
Great pic of you in the morning. You will just never be a morning person like your Dad.
I had changed my Facebook profile picture to a sleepy looking face resting on my bed. Since I used to be friends with Brooke Harris a long time ago she has my cell # from way back then, and Keenan might have gotten it from Brooke Harris. The phone the text came from was # 970-xxx-xxxx I responded, “Who is this?” But never received an answer.
Morgan Jennifer Ingram
case #11-20197

Morgan’s friend, on his own, snaps and can no longer take what is happening to Morgan.  He decided this is getting to be too much, and no matter what the sheriff’s say about staying out of it and letting them handle it, he decides he will try to talk with Keenan by sending him a FB private message warning him to stop stalking Morgan, and to leave the Ingram’s alone. The conversation quickly degrades into two young men verbally sparring about who is going to do what to whom.  Evidently at one point Keenan tells him he is out of the state right now, but when he gets back he will decide if this friend of Morgan’s is worth the trouble or not. The verbal argument was just this one time, and attempts to get copies of exactly what was said had proved unsuccessful, but I now have a copy of that conversation.

Our neighbor Elliott lets me know that he has heard that Keenan is out of the state for the week and has been gone for at least two days, he is not positive, but says he will verify it for me. This would confirm what Morgan’s friend has been told by Keenan.  As for my concern about Elliott popping up whenever something happened, this could have been purely a neighbor trying to be helpful, but it was sounding more like pure gossip, and a certain desire to know from me what had really happened.  I decided that I would share nothing with him about the video recorded of the walkabout, which was easy because he never really asked.  As it was we had not really gone over it at any length so far.  Only enough to know that there was a person who had left the footprints and it looked like a “she,” and it looked like Brooke Harris.  It seemed completely diverse from our other video and camera photo captures, which made perfect sense now, because now it appeared Keenan was out of the state anyway.

Elliott had seen Steve walking the deputy around house and down the street.  Elliott came across the street and tells me he wishes I would have called him before the footprints started to melt, because he has a high resolution camera that he could have used to take very detailed pictures and they could have proved useful later. He wanted me to call him right away if anything like this happened again.  Then he asked about the video.  I told we had not had a chance to really look at it yet as we had just been so under the gun with everything else, which was not completely true, but pretty true.

Perhaps I was being too obvious, or maybe I didn’t care if it was completely obvious.  But from Elliott’s reaction I could tell he was not happy that I was withholding from him.  I weighed that possibility for a moment, and decided it was probably for the best.  I decided right then to not give in to any more requests from Elliott for information, and see how that went.  It did not last long.

See below, the copy of an email I received later that day from the felony stalking detective, Sheriff Glassmire.  The “flyer” he is talking about is a flyer he designed for all local law enforcement (police & sheriffs) to be on the lookout, with a picture of Keenan, a picture of his car and information about the victim “Morgan” and what to do if seen following her, or if he is seen by our house, etc.  It had our address, along with some other information, this is what Detective Glassmire had told me.  Here is the email from him to me on this day:

Subject: RE: case #11-20197


Thanks for the update. Deputy Hoover told me about the footage you were able to get. I did get those flyers out to our patrol staff. With the exception of a few that were not there ( I will email it to them) everybody is up to speed on the case. This should help alleviate any confusion if a deputy who has been in the Parachute area for a while has to rotate to the Carbondale area. I prefaced by saying, “keep this flyer in your car, you may not even go to Carbondale for months, but when you do you will have this information.”

Also, the text message, in my opinion, very important. It’s also very suspicious and creepy. I will be following up on that. I used a law enforcement data base to check on the number and it did not show anything. This isn’t too unusual, especially for prepaid cell phones. I did check our sheriff’s office records and a person in 2008 was using that phone number that lives in Rifle. This is definitely a lead that we will be following up on. Does he still have that phone number? Does he have a criminal history? Where does he currently live? Like I said the only profile we have on this guy is from an accident in 2008.

I also think it might be feasible to request for a search warrant for the phone records for that phone number. This is a very lengthy process. Once served to the company they have up to 30 days to provide the information. Unfortunately, companies like Verizon, Sprint, ect, often take far to longer than the 30 days and the enforcement process is very difficult. Regardless, it is a lead that I will be following up on.

If you receive additional texts do not reply. We will take photos of the text message(s) on Sunday. I’ll also do a little bit more research on the person in Rifle. Due to the old file I’m hesitant to think that it is him. I also don’t have too much information on him. Also, as investigators, we have to be careful how we introduce a new name or potential suspect to the victims. I’m going to talk to Megan and see if she thinks there is a forensically sound method to see if you recognize the person. I’m thinking something along the lines of a photo lineup. I’ll let you know on Sunday.

In the meantime, continue to call, text, or email me day or night. Stay strong.


Click here to read about the 95th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1959

If you think you are currently being stalked – this is a good resource for information

This is from http://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center/help-for-victims

Things you can do

Stalking is unpredictable and dangerous. No two stalking situations are alike. There are no guarantees that what works for one person will work for another, yet you can take steps to increase your safety.

  • If you are in immediate danger, call 911.
  • Trust your instincts. Don’t downplay the danger. If you feel you are unsafe, you probably are.
  • Take threats seriously. Danger generally is higher when the stalker talks about suicide or murder, or when a victim tries to leave or end the relationship.
  • Contact a crisis hotline, victim services agency, or a domestic violence or rape crisis program. They can help you devise a safety plan, give you information about local laws, weigh options such as seeking a protection order, and refer you to other services.
  • Develop a safety plan, including things like changing your routine, arranging a place to stay, and having a friend or relative go places with you. Also, decide in advance what to do if the stalker shows up at your home, work, school, or somewhere else. Tell people how they can help you. Click here to learn more about safety plans.
  • Don’t communicate with the stalker or respond to attempts to contact you.
  • Keep evidence of the stalking. When the stalker follows you or contacts you, write down the time, date, and place. Keep emails, text messages, phone messages, letters, or notes. Photograph anything of yours the stalker damages and any injuries the stalker causes. Ask witnesses to write down what they saw. Click here to download a stalking incident and behavior log.
  • Contact the police. Every state has stalking laws. The stalker may also have broken other laws by doing things like assaulting you or stealing or destroying your property.
  • Consider getting a court order that tells the stalker to stay away from you.
  • Tell family, friends, roommates, and co-workers about the stalking and seek their support.
  • Tell security staff at your job or school. Ask them to help watch out for your safety.

If someone you know is being stalked

  • Listen.
  • Show support.
  • Don’t blame the victim for the crime.
  • Remember that every situation is different, and allow the person being stalked to make choices about how to handle it.
  • Find someone you can talk to about the situation.
  • Take steps to ensure your own safety.

November 2, 2011 – Day 93 of Morgan’s Stalking – The Mysterious Alibi “March,” What Does It Mean?

Steve is up early, and leaves for work, while it is still dark out.  Snow has fallen during the night, and it is melting off as morning breaks.  The streets are wet, but not icy, and the roofs and lawns have been gently covered in a light layer of white.  For snow country it is a gentle reminder of winter to come, when the road will need plowing, and cars will need to be uncovered, and windshields scrapped of ice before they can be driven, that is the winter right around the corner.  This was more of a light flurry compared to that.

After Morgan left for class, I walked outside in our backyard with the dogs, and was shocked at what I saw over the fence!  The foot trails of a person that was here last night.  I stood up on a bench, and with my eyes, followed the trail crossing behind the house, then turning and coming right to the outside corner of our room, as if someone came just close enough to reach out and touch the corner of the house, and peer into our Master Bedroom window!  Then back across the yard, up and over the berm toward the ranch that was behind our house, and twenty feet down, coming back over and heading for the front, right between our next door neighbor, Ken’s house and ours.  It was only lacking a sign that said “I was here”.  But why were there was no noises last night, no rocks on windows?  Morgan had said it was a quiet night before she left.

I called Steve and told him it looked like a very deliberate trail, straight, marching from this point to this point to the next.  It was unlike anything I had ever seen out there before.  Of course the trail taken by the person was clearly recorded in the snow, and since this was the first snow of any consequence this year it was so surprising to see all of the trails.  I wondered if this was what he did every other night he came.

Steve wanted me to call the sheriff’s department to report the incident, which I did, and then I called him back.  We were talking about how weird this was, as he drove home.  He pulled in the drive, and immediately saw the trail up there, crossing the front of our house and our other next door neighbor, Rhonda’s yard before veering out to the street.  We avoided walking on the yard and went up and down the street.  Then back through the house to see where it began (behind the house and over the berm) and ended.  It was obvious; the snowfall had stopped long before it filled the footprints in.  Was this a break for us, finally?

We went back inside and Steve drew a map of our corner of the neighborhood while he was waiting for the deputy, he carefully filled in the path of the footsteps and went to compare his map to what was still outside.  He called out that the trail passed right inbetween the sheriff’s two wildlife cameras, so he wanted me to call Detective Glassmire, but I did not get him on the phone and then left him a message.  The sheriff’s camera must have caught a perfect picture!

When the sheriff deputy arrived, Steve walked him around the trail, ten feet off to the side, pointing out the starting points, and it was then that they saw another trail, with an obvious section of backtracking.  Trying to walk in the same set of footprints twice, but not quite being able to do it.  Steve told me how he had looked at the deputy and asked him if he was seeing the same thing he saw.  I watched Steve from the back patio a few houses down very slowly walking backward, while looking over his shoulder and down.  The deputy nodded to him and agreed with whatever Steve was showing him.

They came back to our house and the deputy was handing Steve back his “map” and saying it was a good idea that we had documented the path that the footprints follow, and wondered if we saw anyone last night.  Steve tells him no, but that it probably is on video, it will just take a while to locate when it happened.  The deputy wants us to definitely check the video cameras and Steve adds that he will photograph whatever we can.  It was cold out, and with that the deputy left.

Morgan has the camera with her, so Steve just uses his phone, and walks around photographing what is left of the prints in the snow.  He would really like to go over the cameras with me, but does not have the time right now.  I am really busy also, and Steve leaves to go back to work.

We talk by phone, as he is driving away, about how curiously the trail does not go by Morgan’s window, which every time before this was the center of attention.  In fact the trail never goes down her side of the house at all, avoids it completely.  And of course there was no noise last night, if I had not walked outside and seen the trail I would not have even have known that this had happened.  At the rate it was melting away it would all be gone by noon.  This could have been a non event – and gee, if our cameras hadn’t recorded something I guess the sheriff’s would say we didn’t have a stalker…right?

Look for the little white flashes of light in the upper left corner.  That is at the top of the berm – looks like someone is texting on their cell phone…maybe saying, “Now what do I do – it’s snowing out.  Should I still go through with this ‘alibi’ walk around?”  That is what I believe was happening.  Then wait till it reaches the 1:04 spot and you will see the ‘female” get caught on camera coming over the berm.

Video one at approximately 11:51 

Cam.04.walkabout starts at ~ 1:04 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video two – ‘female’ seen marching ‘intentionally being caught on camera’

Cam.05.walkabout can be seen ~ 1:17 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video three

Camera 6 person walks by can be seen at ~ 1:32 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video four

Camera 1 car leaving after the walkaround can be seen at ~ :07 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video five at approximately 11:55

Camera 2 car leaving after the walkaround can be seen at :05 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Today’s email from the felony stalking detective, assigned to our case, Sheriff Detective Rob Glassmire:

Hi Toni,
Attached are a few links that you might find helpful.
Taser: http://www.taser.com/products/self-defense-products/taser-c2 Stalking Resource Center: http://www.ncvc.org/src/Main.aspx

I have only briefly looked at this website but it seems to have a lot of really good information.

I’m also reading a book on my Kindle called “How to Stop a Stalker” by Mike Proctor. It has a lot of good information. I’m not as far through as I would like to be but I try and read a little bit every night. It’s geared towards the victim and not the investigator.

We will stay in touch. If you call, try and call me on my cell phone, ———-. That way if I am at home or away from the desk I have a better chance of picking up. If I am at home and I don’t answer it is because my kids are probably around and acting up. Leave a message and I will call you back shortly after.

Stay with it. You, Steve, and Morgan are very strong. We will do the pretext phone call on Sunday and go from there.

Thank you, Rob

Click here to read about the 94th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1942