November 2, 2011 – Day 93 of Morgan’s Stalking – The Mysterious Alibi “March,” What Does It Mean?

Steve is up early, and leaves for work, while it is still dark out.  Snow has fallen during the night, and it is melting off as morning breaks.  The streets are wet, but not icy, and the roofs and lawns have been gently covered in a light layer of white.  For snow country it is a gentle reminder of winter to come, when the road will need plowing, and cars will need to be uncovered, and windshields scrapped of ice before they can be driven, that is the winter right around the corner.  This was more of a light flurry compared to that.

After Morgan left for class, I walked outside in our backyard with the dogs, and was shocked at what I saw over the fence!  The foot trails of a person that was here last night.  I stood up on a bench, and with my eyes, followed the trail crossing behind the house, then turning and coming right to the outside corner of our room, as if someone came just close enough to reach out and touch the corner of the house, and peer into our Master Bedroom window!  Then back across the yard, up and over the berm toward the ranch that was behind our house, and twenty feet down, coming back over and heading for the front, right between our next door neighbor, Ken’s house and ours.  It was only lacking a sign that said “I was here”.  But why were there was no noises last night, no rocks on windows?  Morgan had said it was a quiet night before she left.

I called Steve and told him it looked like a very deliberate trail, straight, marching from this point to this point to the next.  It was unlike anything I had ever seen out there before.  Of course the trail taken by the person was clearly recorded in the snow, and since this was the first snow of any consequence this year it was so surprising to see all of the trails.  I wondered if this was what he did every other night he came.

Steve wanted me to call the sheriff’s department to report the incident, which I did, and then I called him back.  We were talking about how weird this was, as he drove home.  He pulled in the drive, and immediately saw the trail up there, crossing the front of our house and our other next door neighbor, Rhonda’s yard before veering out to the street.  We avoided walking on the yard and went up and down the street.  Then back through the house to see where it began (behind the house and over the berm) and ended.  It was obvious; the snowfall had stopped long before it filled the footprints in.  Was this a break for us, finally?

We went back inside and Steve drew a map of our corner of the neighborhood while he was waiting for the deputy, he carefully filled in the path of the footsteps and went to compare his map to what was still outside.  He called out that the trail passed right inbetween the sheriff’s two wildlife cameras, so he wanted me to call Detective Glassmire, but I did not get him on the phone and then left him a message.  The sheriff’s camera must have caught a perfect picture!

When the sheriff deputy arrived, Steve walked him around the trail, ten feet off to the side, pointing out the starting points, and it was then that they saw another trail, with an obvious section of backtracking.  Trying to walk in the same set of footprints twice, but not quite being able to do it.  Steve told me how he had looked at the deputy and asked him if he was seeing the same thing he saw.  I watched Steve from the back patio a few houses down very slowly walking backward, while looking over his shoulder and down.  The deputy nodded to him and agreed with whatever Steve was showing him.

They came back to our house and the deputy was handing Steve back his “map” and saying it was a good idea that we had documented the path that the footprints follow, and wondered if we saw anyone last night.  Steve tells him no, but that it probably is on video, it will just take a while to locate when it happened.  The deputy wants us to definitely check the video cameras and Steve adds that he will photograph whatever we can.  It was cold out, and with that the deputy left.

Morgan has the camera with her, so Steve just uses his phone, and walks around photographing what is left of the prints in the snow.  He would really like to go over the cameras with me, but does not have the time right now.  I am really busy also, and Steve leaves to go back to work.

We talk by phone, as he is driving away, about how curiously the trail does not go by Morgan’s window, which every time before this was the center of attention.  In fact the trail never goes down her side of the house at all, avoids it completely.  And of course there was no noise last night, if I had not walked outside and seen the trail I would not have even have known that this had happened.  At the rate it was melting away it would all be gone by noon.  This could have been a non event – and gee, if our cameras hadn’t recorded something I guess the sheriff’s would say we didn’t have a stalker…right?

Look for the little white flashes of light in the upper left corner.  That is at the top of the berm – looks like someone is texting on their cell phone…maybe saying, “Now what do I do – it’s snowing out.  Should I still go through with this ‘alibi’ walk around?”  That is what I believe was happening.  Then wait till it reaches the 1:04 spot and you will see the ‘female” get caught on camera coming over the berm.

Video one at approximately 11:51 

Cam.04.walkabout starts at ~ 1:04 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video two – ‘female’ seen marching ‘intentionally being caught on camera’

Cam.05.walkabout can be seen ~ 1:17 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video three

Camera 6 person walks by can be seen at ~ 1:32 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video four

Camera 1 car leaving after the walkaround can be seen at ~ :07 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video five at approximately 11:55

Camera 2 car leaving after the walkaround can be seen at :05 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Today’s email from the felony stalking detective, assigned to our case, Sheriff Detective Rob Glassmire:

Hi Toni,
Attached are a few links that you might find helpful.
Taser: Stalking Resource Center:

I have only briefly looked at this website but it seems to have a lot of really good information.

I’m also reading a book on my Kindle called “How to Stop a Stalker” by Mike Proctor. It has a lot of good information. I’m not as far through as I would like to be but I try and read a little bit every night. It’s geared towards the victim and not the investigator.

We will stay in touch. If you call, try and call me on my cell phone, ———-. That way if I am at home or away from the desk I have a better chance of picking up. If I am at home and I don’t answer it is because my kids are probably around and acting up. Leave a message and I will call you back shortly after.

Stay with it. You, Steve, and Morgan are very strong. We will do the pretext phone call on Sunday and go from there.

Thank you, Rob

Click here to read about the 94th day of Morgan’s stalking

126 thoughts on “November 2, 2011 – Day 93 of Morgan’s Stalking – The Mysterious Alibi “March,” What Does It Mean?

      • I am sorry I am so late on these things- I have been passing yard signs about this for 2 months now and remembered today to look it up. I, along with everyone else, am so sorry this happened to all of you. When I watched the video I thought it was strange there didn’t seem to be any sneakiness for lack of a better word. She (I think everyone is right) pushed through like she owns the place. I thought on the way back she was even dragging her feet like a child trying to ice skate of carpet. I thought that was odd considering the circumstances unless her job was to make an obvious path.

  1. It doesn’t seem like K to be so careless and just walk around like that… In the snow. :/ plus I know it’s hard to walk in the snow but the only explanation I can see if that was K would be he was intoxicated… He knew the cameras were there, it just seems so careless…

    • It was completely different from any other incident and K was not the kind of person that was careless…this was a deliberate walk getting caught on the cameras on purpose. Sometime after this happened HH walked down the street and Steve (who has amazing deductive abilities) looked up from unloading his truck and observed her stride and told me that was the same stride…just his opinion.

      • I may have missed something but who is HH? I know I don’t know you “personally” but I can see just how much you LOVE Morgan and would do anything to protect her. From one mother to another I love you; and I think you did an amazing job of protecting Morgan when the people that should have been didn’t. I am a pre law student and I am doing everything I can to research Co laws on stalking. If my daughter ever has to deal with the same things you and Morgan had to I hope I have as much courage and strength to be like you, your husband, your family and especially Morgan. You guys are the picture of strength and family.

  2. Some thoughts… that person seems to have more slow and deliberate stride than whoever was on video before. Maybe it’s just because of the snow. But it almost looked more like a woman’s stride than a man’s to me. The person also looks slim and long-legged.
    I assume the trail didn’t lead back to anyone’s house, but instead they got into a car and drove off? Clearly they are trying to mess with you. It looks like they just walked around to leave a trail that didn’t go anywhere on purpose.

    • As in creating an alibi perhaps? Do you think that’s possible? And it was not the same as all our other videos of the stalker so you are correct.

      • Maybe an alibi, or maybe simply to create confusion. Really though, it seems like it adds more merit to your theory that more than on person was involved.

    • You are seeing correctly, but I always thought there was a pom pom on top of the knit hat – what do you think? Unfortunately looking at the playback from the actual DVR recorder is better than anything we have been able to download off of it so I guess I get to see more detail…sorry.

        • Wow you must have good eyes because I can only see that detail on the DVR but I think I am starting to need glasses.

        • I see the pom pom too, could this person be wearing snow shoes of some sort. I see what looks like the flap of a flip flop from behind. Then I thought maybe house shoes.

          • That was the first comment I was going to leave; that I too see a pom pom on the top of the knit hat. I’m going to look at them again, and comment on what else I’ve observed..

  3. Oh Toni-that is crazy and creepy! that person is definitely just marching around, he/she does not even seem to be looking around, just looking straight ahead and purposely leaving a trail. What does that mean?
    p.s. i signed the petition and shared it with friends to sign!

    • I believe it was an alibi set up and so did the Sheriff’s. Thanks so much for signing the petition!

    • That’s exactly what everyone has thought so far…including the Sheriff’s. Good eye.

      • Who is hh again? I agree. They’re trying to throw you off making it look like someone else and toward the stable 20 feet??

        • She was coming over the berm (just as we believe K did) and walked around the house making sure she got caught on almost every camera

        • HH is ——–, look at her fb page, she is a real “winner”. I hope they prosecute these criminals to the fullest. I am disgusted that they are not serving time for harrassing, stalking and murdering a beautiful young lady who made such a positive contribution to our society by simply being in it. In the name of Morgan lets not give up until we hold these “low lifes” accountable for the crimes they have committed.

  4. Two things came to mind when I watched it: It looks like a female and it seems they are wanting to make these prints intentionally, just part of the game playing and terrorizing.

      • Are you able to show us the path they made on their lil walk? Like a diagram of your house and then a mark where they walked?

        Also, who is HH?

        • Sorry Brandi we have the diagram (so does the Sheriff) but somehow it didn’t get released with the “police report” and a very sage young woman pointed out to me tonight that everything that is on the blog this year, is the same thing that I was telling and showing to a much smaller audience last year, and she wondered aloud why is the reaction this year so different than the reaction last year – to the same information? Is this because the audience is so much bigger now?

          • Hi Toni,
            It’s ballerina Sara here again 🙂 —-Team Morgan!
            It sounds like a heck of a lot of information, data, video evidence, etc., was completely left out of the police “reports”.
            What the H3LL is up with THAT??!! I looked over these so-called “official reports” and found them spotty, sparse and lacking in any essential detail about the situation. It’s as if they just glossed over everything. 🙁

            • Like on purpose – I found that extremely strange when I got the reports last week and read them. Not only were they spotty, sparse and lacking any essential details, like you mention, but in some cases they were incorrect. Makes me wonder if someone is being protected here. Maybe being protected the whole time, and law enforcement wanted to protect Morgan, but could not give away the person they were protecting, so they were stuck? Just my thought, but if that is the case then Garfield County Sheriff’s can not be the ones to reopen this case – it will need a whole new set of eyes that have no interest in this county, in order to get a fair investigation don’t you think?

              I am going to be spending the weekend going through the reports again and writing down all the inconsistencies, and outright lies, that’s what I had meant before when I said editing – not really editing, just me pulling it all together for a higher law enforcement agency.

    • HH is someone that is believed to have been K’s lookout, a female that is in the same age group and friends with K. P.S. What a piece of work she is… Not that its relevant so I won’t go there, but she would have done this for a pack of cigarettes or some pot, shes that kind of person forsure…

      • Yes, I’ve seen this person bragging about ripping her own friends off several times and laughing about it – saying how it’s their own fault that they didn’t learn the first first time. If this is what they do to friends… ?? I can only imagine what they do to someone they have some tenuous problem with.

          • Hey ladies, I noticed you mentioned that this girl was writing comments on Facebook, what is her name? Is it since been privatized or is it open to public?

  5. This is my first post although I have been following your story (Morgan’s story) for a few weeks, every single day actually. I can’t imagine Toni (Steve & Family)…your strength now and then is amazing.

    Anyway, the first thought I had watching this video is “oh my gosh, that is a female.” Every other video thus far I have thought male, not this one. Gang stalked by these freaks…I can’t imagine what Morgan was really thinking while trying to be brave and strong so her loved ones would not worry.

    On a personal note, I am a mother to a 5 year year old and I hope to the powers that be that I am half the mother you are and were to your daughter. People don’t seem to understand how close a mother and daughter can be at that age. I’ll tell ya, my mom and I were odds until I was about 18 and then we became VERY close, still are. I KNOW she would do the same for me as you are doing for Morgan, ignore the negative and focus on the growing numbers of people who want what you guys do…JUSTICE FOR MORGAN!

  6. Hi Toni. .I agree with Kristi. It looks like a female. Will you post the pics of the footprints so we can get a better sense of where they walked?What puzzles me is this person doesn’t seem to be sneaking around just walking and not looking around. Like they have a destination in mind.Isn’t there a wine shop around the corner from you and could this person have been taking a shortcut across the berm to get to it?

  7. My God. Even if this were a scenario where no one died or was physically hurt, and no one damaged your property or broke into your home, just doing something like this–clearly to prey on your fears–should get a person prison time. This is just downright inhumane. I am so sorry for you Toni, and for Steve and Morgan as well as for anyone who would ever have to deal with harassment like this. The lack of empathy evident in these people who played a part in all that happened to you guys is really chilling. I feel at a loss for words.

    🙁 So very sorry. ((( )))

    I signed the petition. I hope every step and every day brings you closer to justice.

    And to any of you reading who had ANY part in this whole unfortunate situation against the Ingrams: You guys really suck. I don’t know how else to put it. Yes, even you, whoever you are, who is displayed on camera on this blog entry. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself. I hope you are suffering inside every day for what you did, no matter how “small” a hand you think you played in this ordeal.

      • Hey there, I just wanted to make one credible point from a psychics point of view, I just finished watching the Dr Phil show, and I have to point out something that I believe is very valid, when Dr Phil asked the neighbor “K’s ex girlfriend” B.H. right in the eyes, DID YOU KILL OR HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH MORGAN’S DEATH? she said no, and as she was finishing up her last words, she put her hair down and her demeanor changed, but I felt something from her body language, I have a very strong feeling that she had everything to with Morgans death, I know it, I feel it, and I think you are close to having justice, please don’t give up, you are very right about this, never give up!!! Team JUSTICE!!!

  8. That is a female without question. I feel as though I am watching a game unfold. As if maybe this female was antagonizing the males involved as if to say, ‘you guys are chicken watch me’. I am convinced this stalking was started by a female who found out her weak minded “boyfriend” thought Morgan was cute and as retribution for his misstep she and he recruited some less than emotionally stable boys to play into her wishes of terrorizing the one person she wished she could be, Morgan. I believe that it was a group of people involved and as with every game you have the planner, the players, and the one/ones who will do anything it takes to win. I truly believe in my heart that somewhere in the group you have at least one player who “didn’t realize that this was going to get so serious” and probably backed out of the situation or was alienated for being the chicken s***. I also believe there is a possibility that you have one adult male neighbor who was the “mole”, providing tips possibly directly about certain information i.e cameras, police convo, information harvested from your family and other neighbors…it just doesn’t sit well with me some of the instances you have mentioned such as him telling you he was walking the dog so don’t think he is the stalker. THAT, to me is a ridiculous behavior.

    I have been reading your blog and at first I was so very sad at the horror your family endured and the heartbreak you are suffering for the loss of your child . However, my sadness has been replace by the protective anger of a mother lion, not only for Morgan, but for my 16 year old daughter (anyone’s daughter could be a victim), and for anyone who has endured the TORTURE of terror that is stalking. I am disturbed and angered by the lack of interest that LE showed your case and somehow feel that there was also some manipulation going on there…it seems as though any time you had a listening ear of interest in LE, they were called off or redirected.

    Keep the blog and the pressure on, I truly believe that the chickens*** I wrote of earlier will feel the heat unbearable and crack…if only to save their own ass.

    I pray that you get resolution, I pray that you get answers, I pray that you win the fight for all of those who cannot fight alone, and I pray there is justice for Morgan.

    sorry so long winded…I just couldn’t keep quiet any longer

      • I totally agree too! well said Lil!
        Exactly what it seems to me.
        Why eles would said “mole” have disappeared overnight?

    • I have thought the same thing for a long time now…that a female was originally the instigator of this whole thing. It doesn’t feel like the case of a man who is obsessed with a woman (although that may be the case). It feels more like one person or a group of people who is out to get someone they don’t like, bullying and harassing them. Maybe it goes back to your comment a long time ago, from ?, saying that Morgan was “gonna get it.” But I’ve felt for a while that maybe someone put K up to this. I also noticed in the police reports, there are people interviewed who said “well, if so and so did it, it was just a game.” And while it certainly isn’t “just a game,” or funny in any way, it does kind of feel like a group pushing the envelope, seeing how much they can get away with.

  9. So the “trail” didn’t go anywhere? Not to a house or at least a driveway? Did it stop or were you not able to tell if it went any further as it was starting to melt? Odd. Why would they walk through the snow to get into a car on the street? (It’s obvious why, but I guess I’m trying not to think about the obvious)

  10. @ Dotty, I get the opposite feeling, like they are only walking to be seen as if they had no destination, beyond being seen I was under the impression that the prints kind of double backed on themselves, and really went no where at all, onto the property, from the back, throgh the yard and around the front, then into the street. I may be incorrect, but that was my impression.

  11. Definitely just walking to be caught on camera – no other reason, except why did she want to get caught on camera?

  12. Toni, you realize that the date matches up to when HH moved in with ? right? I saw a girl too and new it wasn’t > for the stride was shorter which told me the female wasn’t as tall as ?. That left bad ole HH. She has ZERO respect for authority, she is a one hit wonder and only cares for her next fattie as she calls it.

    • I wanted to add that I do think like you Toni that HH walked around to draw the heat off of ? and K. For any naysayers thinking it might be someone innocently walking at night cutting through yards. Think of this; You’re walking along and a big bright light is coming off a house, yet you never look towards that light, which would be a normal instinct to do. Yet they didn’t. HH, ?, and K if your reading “FAIL” lol

  13. That’s right TG and there is even more to it then that but I can’t let the other evidence out right now – that I have to hold back…sorry. You all got the main stuff though.

  14. I totally understand, they thought they covered their tracks no pun intended but they didn’t. Justice will get them, and before then I get satisfaction knowing that they are going to get a taste of what they did to your family in that, they will never know when and will have to constantly live with that fact. Jail Time again for them.

    • I meant they will be looking constantly over their shoulder never knowing when but if they are reading. IT WILL HAPPEN.

  15. How terrible for you to lose your daughter, especially in these circumstances.

    I must admit that I was pretty skeptical when I stumbled across your blog. I read from the start, and when it was ‘pebbles’ on the window I wasn’t really sure how you could base a stalking on that, or even the footprints under the window really. The moment of change came for me when you have the pictures of the man standing in the driveway as the deputy’s were leaving. I gasped when I saw him! He/they were real for you all along, but even me, who didn’t really believe it before then, couldn’t explain away that.

    And of course, the drugs in Morgan’s system. Even just the date rape cocktail alone should set off huge alarm bells! If Morgan had decided suicide was an option, those drugs do not make sense. The fact you believed Morgan had a stalker, and that she died should have been enough for a thorough investigation.

    It’s incredible to think that this just kept happening over such an extended period of time. There are no excuses for it. At any point have they questioned K? Surely even just talking to him early on could have given him a scare that he ‘might’ get caught… all this fluffing around must have been doing wonders for his ego (They have camera’s, lights, and the authorities involved and still can’t catch me! What shall I do next?)

    I just wanted to say, if there’s enough proof that ‘something’ was going on for a skeptic, there should be enough proof for someone in law enforcement who is paid to investigate things like that. Of course, I can’t comment on what happens after this point, but it’s blatantly obvious that there is some foul play up until this point.

    • Kirstin – the detective did interview K quite a few times and what you don’t understand (and I didn’t back then either) that all involved had already been through the system so many times that they had no fear of law enforcement and just like Detective R. said if someone wants to lie to them there is nothing they can do about it – it’s not like if you lie to the F.B.I. – now that’s a federal crime and you could go to jail for that.

  16. I know the weather has been discussed A LOT lately, namely cold, snow, and rain(“did it snow/did it not snow?” and “why would you not wear a jacket if it was pouring and pretty cold outside?”). There are also appearances by various members of the group caught on video on these nights with inclement weather, so compelling that they end up getting posted on the blog. I know that we aren’t getting the best quality version, it makes the falling precipitation blur and distort what we are able to view a little bit. Could these seemingly random spottings have been coordinated with stormy nights to obscure the identity of the individuals? As a sort of insurance that they would not be able to be identified?
    Toni, you said that the originals are much clearer but does the precipitation affect the images you are able to see somewhat like it does for us the readers? Possibly yet another calculated use of randomness, kind of like some of the behaviors defined in the overall picture that is gang stalking.

    • Maybe, but i think this was a surprise storm that just blew in for 2 hours, and they already had a plan this night that they could not veer off from – even though there weather turned on them

  17. In your blog you write “When the Deputy arrived Steve walked him around the trail, ten feet off to the side, pointing out the starting points, and it was then that saw another trial with an obvious section of backtracking. Trying to walk in the same set of footprints twice, but not quite being able to do it.” Where is the video of the person doing this?

  18. It wasn’t caught on video, there were footprints that went in front of the cameras and footprints that lead from the same trail that were not caught on camera.

  19. Dear Toni
    I’ve posted before and no matter what you’ve got little ‘ol me (the ballerina 🙂 ) firmly on Team Morgan!! The video captures are astonishing and my heart just aches for you guys. ((God bless you all!)).
    For what it’s worth: For those readers unaccustomed to Colorado weather—I used to live in Evergreen, CO. and NO ONE just takes a “stroll” in the very low temps in the winter in the middle of the night in Colorado mountain country!!! They would have to be out of their minds…..OR be out there for perhaps nefarious reasons, like “casing a home” or STALKING.
    Love to you and Steve,

    • Thanks so much Sara – I think if all the things that happened to Morgan and Steve and I, up to this point when the video happens, if this happened to them they would have would have been so upset with the ways things were being handled. Our detective, and most of the Sheriff’s Officers were taking it this very seriously, but they were either told not to do things that would have caught the stalker(s), or were told to continue to do things that had never worked in the past for anyone and would not work in the future for anyone so what does that mean? Does the general public need to come up with ways to protect themselves? Don’t think so because there are laws against that. That is another reason for this blog is to get people thinking and to get people to really get behind changing the way law enforcement treats these type of situations and to change victims protection laws so they actually have some meat to them. We did everything we could think of to protect Morgan but if law enforcement doesn’t help you what are you supposed to do? Should you move away? A lot of stalking victims do move away, sometimes it helps, sometimes they are followed. Do you confront your stalker? No, you are told never to do that. Well I wish I had thought of this blog before Morgan was killed, I wish I had gone door to door in all the neighborhoods around us and talked to all the people myself to warn them and have them help us. The Sheriff’s department not only did not do that but asked us to keep it quiet. BIG MISTAKE! You need citizen cooperation. I still believe there are more good people in our world than bad people and we just have to reach out to them. In this case there are some people that know what happened to Morgan and have not come forward – I feel so sorry for them because if they do not come forward this will continue to eat away at them for the rest of their lives no matter how much they try to drink it away or dull the pain with drugs…it will always be there so I say to them, “Please come forward, do the right thing, make Morgan proud, hold your head up high and don’t let anyone scare you.”

  20. I also saw on the police reports that K’s was in Texas right from work on Nov 1 till Nov 7, so it was definitly done to supply an alibi, also I read where Morgans friend N was friends with ?, not saying he was involved but maybe ? wanted to be involved with him and he was seeing Morgan?
    Also maybe he gave info to the stalkers, not saying on purpose, but just because they were friendly?
    Just throwing my thoughts out there as I am totally engrossed in this murder and really want justice!

  21. I also want to say after reading about Morgan being such a talented involved young women I can see how these losers that actually talk about being potheads on fb openly, were just soo jealous! Could one of them be a police informant since it actually says on HH fb that she sold pills and ripped off someone?..what a piece of work!

  22. Thanks P – I would hate to think that N gave them any information that they could have used, but I know he was upset with Morgan at the time because she didn’t want to get back together with him now that he was back from Australia, so he may have said something to someone about her having just come by, and she was on her way home. And yes, we did find out later that K had just left for Texas that morning – perfect timing don’t you think?

  23. my first thoughtis this person is testing out where the cameras views are…like they walked all around on purpose to see where they could get caught, and seemingly as its not K,and could easily make some bullsh*t story up as to why they were on your property if you were able to identify this person anyways.

  24. I find it kinda funny how a bunch of youngster’s were able to ,so easily, get one over on this Police department. As I have said before, it seems like someone in the Department has told everyone to disregard the Stalking for unknown reasons. They come over and Pretend to be interested and then do nothing. I too can see the Pom Pom and yes it’s a girl. Ask yourself, What girl would walk around in the dark and freezing weather at that time in the morning alone? answer: NO ONE if the Police can’t see the obvious they should all loose their jobs right now. At the very least they could have questioned the before mentioned suspects. Just because K had an alibi, even they can see it’s a girl.

  25. It is amazing to me that they won’t investigate this. It is infuriating!! Why would somebody be out walking around your house at this hour in this weather? The sheriffs department has serious issues to not see that something is wrong.
    I’m so sorry for your loss and I wish there was something I could do to help.
    I will continue to pray for you and your family and also for closure.

  26. Toni and Steve,
    I have never posted to your blog before, never to any blog for that matter, but I couldn’t help but do so today. What you have been through as a family is deplorable, heart-wrenching, sad, maddening, frustrating, and so very incomprehensible. What happened to Morgan is so horrible, and what law enforcement has done and NOT done to protect her and your family is criminally negligent in my opinion. We rely upon and pay taxes for our police department and sheriff’s departments to protect us, and they clearly failed in their efforts and lack of efforts to protect Morgan, who by all accounts was such a beautiful and amazing light on this planet.

    As a mother, my heart breaks every time I read an installment in your blog, which was shared with me originally by a colleague at work. I have since posted the link to my Facebook page, to at least get the word out to my friends and colleagues and anyone I know. The time that you have taken to educate others about stalking and how to protect ourselves is something that I have taken to heart, and have begun to assess the security in my own home and place of business. The law enforcement in our area is terribly incompetent (that is not to say I am critical of all law enforcement, they are just lacking training in these kinds of situations in our area, and the laws do not protect the victims).

    I believe very strongly that while Law Enforcement may not be doing their best to watch and to act, the Good Lord is, and that these criminals/murderers/stalkers/accessories to murder and stalking will be brought to justice through your efforts and the support of the people who are reading your blog and standing with you as your neighbors, even if in this virtual community. I pray for your peace, strength, determination, and perserverance in the face of such adversity and such loss.

    • That was so very kind of you to say and I believe, as you that their will be justice, if not in this world, definitely in the next. Take care!

  27. I went thru HH’s FB today, and noticed what her post was on Dec.1, the night Morgan died. ” Some people are like slinky’s, useless, intil you push them down the stairs” Her entire page is disgusting….and someone did make a good point….what girl or woman would be out walking by her self? Also there is NO reason anyone should have been by your house!

    • I have tried looking at posts on ?, K and HH’s pages. The only one that is still open to public viewing is HH as far as I can tell. How are you able to view all of their posts. I feel a little nervous every time I look at any of their pages as well. They are horrible people!

  28. I’ve been following this Blog for quite a while now and I am beyond flustered. I honestly believe that the people Morgan hung out with have a big part in all of this. It seems funny how things would happen right when she would come home. It’s almost like they all communicated with each other. Kind of like… “Morgan just left my house so she should be home in about 20 minutes.” Catch my drift? Something seems fishy. I keep looking at the picture of Morgan with ? and a few others in it, (the one where she seems a little uneasy) and I really feel that the people I’m the pic aren’t to be trusted. The fact they hang out with ? bothers me. Something’s not right. I hope you guys are looking into the group of friends she hung out with as I feel they played a major role.

    • We are and I think I know the picture you are referring to that ? put on her FB? You are absolutely right about Morgan’s body language. She was home with me and about to give N a ride to Aspen to the airport to fly to Australia and at the last minute N asked if his friends could go – Morgan found out ? had invited herself and Morgan told me she didn’t want to drive if she would be in the car. I told her to just tell him that but it was too late they all came over and Morgan never wanting any drama just drove them all to Aspen. After that picture was taken in Aspen ? took off and didn’t drive back with them…Morgan was not happy in that picture and really didn’t want to be there.

  29. What frightens me, to my core, is that law enforcement had such a disregard for a case with SO MUCH damning evidence. What about those cases with very little? They are just completely on their own.

    First time ‘commenter’ and I pray you feel the love and hope we all have for your family. As a mother, I couldn’t imagine going through this ordeal and my heart is so broken for you. I’m praying that whoever is behind this is brought to justice. If not in this world, at least we can rest in knowing they will answer for their sins.

    • J. I do think about all the people I have spoken with that don’t have this kind of evidence and they think LE doesn’t care and they are really scared – something has to be done to protect them. Steve and I are staring a non profit and that is what we will focus on, LE protocol, changing laws, community awareness, apps for victims, safe houses for them and their children and pets, and more and more.

  30. Just wondering, but in the first video, in the first 5 seconds or so, there’s a light on that goes off. Maybe a flashlight? Had you noticed it? It comes from where the walker comes from, so odd to me.

      • Yeah, I noticed it the first time I watched, then went back about 3 times to watch again. Way creepy watching this alone, and I scare easily. I hope you find who did this, btw.

  31. I watched it and its definately a girl i am so creeped out im sleeping with the light on. I am sooo sorry for Morgan and if I was a cop Id stake out there at night and do footprints regardless anything to protect and serve which none of the sort was given to your family. I wonder how they sleep at night knowing an innocent young bright life loving girl myteriously ends up dead due to thier inabilty to perform thier jobs.

  32. I have read thru the police reports and LE did question and follow up quite a bit. The problem is they did not know how to handle this case, probably due to lack of experience. They always got there after the fact, they only had a stake out a few times, instead of a concentrated effort for a period of time, maybe due to time/budget. In the one video, they are not even off the street and he pops up!

    And in the walking video, it does appear before she is on camera she is walking in the background and is using a cellphone, you can see the light.

  33. Personally over the years I have had to make some hard decisions when it came to my employment, and I have found that when you make the right decision, using your heart, in order to do the right thing, it always works out for the best, and I always ended up in a much better employment situation. My next employer deeply appreciating my commitment to honesty and integrity.

    And I feel like there are some Officers out there that know things about this case, and maybe they will be brave enough to come forward, even at the possibility of the loss of their job…but most people’s lives are run on fear, so they never get to realize that when you do the right thing (the thing your heart keeps tugging at you to do) it puts you in a much better place in this world.

  34. Glad to see that I’m not the only one who thought this was a female. Dead give away with stride and swing of arms in video 2.

  35. It looks to me like this person is carrying a bag, maybe a purse or backpack on the side facing away from the camera. It looks really obvious in the 2nd video. Her arm on the camera side is extended but the other is not. Anyone else see that?

    • I noticed that too. It’s more clear when you first see them walking (in video 2) and it slowly fades. It’s hard to tell if it’s just the video, or perhaps them moving/adjusting the bag. As everyone has already said, it’s definitely a girl. Looking at the boots, they appear to be smaller than those a guy would wear. UGGs perhaps? I also notice the Pom Pom atop the beanie.

  36. If you follow the light that starts at the top left in the beginning of the video and then starts heading downward you can actually see har making a trail towards the camera where she pops up at. I believe she was on the phone probablt getting directions as she was walking, jmho

  37. I’m thinking that maybe its not HH, just from looking at her FB, she seems a little shorter and rounder. Someone with a longer and leaner frame, maybe K’s sister N? Also, someone mentioned it earlier but it looks like there are definitely some weird attachments to the boots, really noticeable in the 2nd video… not sure what those are. Lots of love—

  38. Creating an alibi for what? My first thought is (besides it being a woman) is that they are trying to get caught on tape because they want to call into question your account of what is happening, eg, your veracity, understanding of having a stalker. Maybe you don’t have one, after all. Why would they do that, unless they were planning a defense in court? Reasonable doubt. But the police were not moving to prosecute, nothing was being done, nothing was going to be done at that point, and if they weren’t planning on stalking anymore (out of fear of being caught) why bother? So whoever this is must have known in advance where he was taking this, and you’d think now someone would talk.

  39. Its totally HH. And K is in some of her photos on FB right after the murder. I can’t wait for them to pay for what they have done to you, Morgan, and your family. Praying for you…

  40. I actually was thinking maybe bc of the snow they were trying to figure how to get close to the house without giving away the roof spot. maybe she was doing this for K. but chickened out of actually tapping maybe afraid of being the one to get caught in the act.

    • That letter to the editor came from Darcy (if you read right below the letter) and she forwarded the email with letter that she sent to the editor along with the response so I have no idea how they can say now that they never received it – I will ask Darcy if I have permission to send it to the Post Independent again. Thanks for letting me know.

        • Holly it was a letter from Darcy on a subject she has been researching in our valley. I made a post out of the letter with this title and it was published on 9/2.
          Please read the following that was sent to the reporter that wrote the Post Independent article – your opinions are welcome, but I must say this expresses everything I wish I could have said:

          Here’s a link if it does not work or you can’t find it let me know

  41. Looks like a girls figure, with longer hair in the video, skinny jeans, boots, down jacket and knitted hat.

  42. From what I have read so far, I have a feeling it’s that K guy and his girlfriend… should zoom in on her. Look at her past relationships talk to her friends, figure out what kind of person is she, how her relationship with Morgan was, did she have any conflicts with her. From what I know about stalkers, they will try to make you belong to them and no one else, and if they fail then the rule “if I can’t have then no one else will” applies. in this case, it doesn’t seem to me that the guy was upsest with Morgan, it seems to me that he was upsest with his girlfriend who might of hated or been jealous of Morgan for whatever reason and wanted to get rid of her which her loving boyfriend unfortunatelly did…..But this is just my theory from what I have seen so far.

  43. I know this reply is a little late but I just recently found your blog. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope your family gets the justice you all deserve. I spend a lot of time reviewing DVR footage and looking for the small things most people dont notice in my profession. I viewed your DVR footage and I saw a few things that stuck out to me. It keeps sticking in my head so I thought I’d post it just in case. I agree with the others that the subject is a female. However I don’t think she’s there to harass your family. It looks to me like she’s actually looking for someone who is. It explains why she never went to Morgan’s side of the house, why she was wearing clothes that really didn’t hide her appearance, and why she didn’t hide from the camera’s. You wondered why she so blatantly walked within view of your camera’s, it’s because she didn’t know they were there. All the footprints she left… she didn’t even think about leaving any. Her purpose wasn’t to hide but to look for the person who was hiding. When she couldn’t find that person she got in her car and left. If she did find who she was looking for, I’m pretty sure that person was angry at her carelessness, then she walked right out the front, as if to snub the other person, got in a car and left. So there’s my thoughts on the footage. I don’t know if it’ll help or not but like you’ve said before, a fresh set of eyes never hurts.

    • My thoughts were it was a purposeful march around the house in order to get caught on the cameras and create an alibi for someone – what she didn’t count on was that was the only night the snow blew in like that and since it was the only night the alibi would help she had to do it anyway. But you never know.

  44. I have watched video 3 over and over and over and it seems like there are 2 people, not just one. Am I the only one that see’s this? They appear to be walking side by side.

    • No definitely only one person because we could see the footprints in the snow the next day before they melted as well as the Patrol Officer who saw it too.

      • Okay that makes sense, jut hard to see on the video. Probably just the shadow I was seeing.

  45. I think the reason her boots look funny (almost like she’s wearing flip flops) is because she’s wearing a larger set of shoes over her boots to throw law enforcement off. She could have sandals (like those ones that velcro over the top of the foot) over her boots. The back seems to noticeably jut out from her foot, so I definitely think it’s larger (plus that means if the police questioned her, she could argue the shoe prints were too big to be hers). Maybe they were even the same size as the main stalker’s shoe, so it would seem like the same person (throwing the scent off of K, or whoever, because it could then be argued the stalker is a large footed woman). This might also explain why she’s walking funny (sort of dragging her feet at one point). Walking through snow with oversized sandals strapped to your feet would be challenging — especially if they started collecting snow in them, or felt like they were going to fall off at some point.

    Makes me wonder too if it wasn’t deliberate that this was done while it snowed. Maybe it was just a coincidence that K was out of town, and such a plan was going to be done whenever the first snow hit. Or maybe it was a last minute, opportunistic plan that was hatched, given all the circumstances (K could have been talking on the phone or texting with this woman, when they “got an idea”).

    • The incident where the car came up our driveway and blocked in Morgan’s car and then the suspect came up the driveway towards our front door was definitely the same make, model and year as Keenan’s, you can tell because the camera caught details in the grill of the car – they were a match to that car specifically and no other.

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