Love to my angel on Valentine’s Day…

if tears could build a stairway

I woke up this morning with an ache in my heart.  I cried and I sobbed because I miss you so much Morgan.  And then I heard the birds singing and felt the cool breeze in the air…I know you are still here.  I feel your love all around me and I am so grateful for that.

Happy Valentine’s Day my beautiful angel – Daddy & I miss you so very much.


If only I could climb a stairway to Heaven – I wouldn’t care how many steps there were – I would keep going up forever.  But since I can’t then I promise you Morgan that I will keep working hard every day of my life here on earth to be the voice for so many others like you that no longer have a voice until I see you again…your Motina sends love from earth, every moment of every day – to the moon and back Morgan.

to the moon and back


No one is above the law…not even the sheriff

There needs to be communication, confidence, and trust between citizens and law enforcement.  These things must be restored. It would be so nice to believe that everyone is always telling the truth, and that there is no ugliness in this world, but do any of us really believe that?  I know it would be nice to pretend that is how it is, but if we try to fool ourselves into believing a lie does that really mean it’s true?


Today’s news – FORMER LASD SHERIFF LEE BACA WILL PLEAD GUILTY (click on links below to read news articles)

Good officers need to be supported by good leadership, when there is corruption, not only do citizens pay, but so do all the good law enforcement officers…and their job is hard enough as it is.  So I applaud our federal agents for stepping in and putting together this case.  I also applaud the U.S. attorney’s office for proceeding with this case, as well as the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs for weighing in with their support.

“Former Sheriff Lee Baca deserves punishment for the charge he pled guilty to today,” said George Hofstetter, President of the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs. “The plea agreement sends a strong message that no one is above the law. There must be zero tolerance for this type of failed leadership.

Here is a link to the Los Angeles CBS article

Seven former LASD deputies, sergeants and lieutenants were convicted in 2014 for their roles in the operations.  Today it was announced that former Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca is to plead guilty in this federal investigation case in which Baca would now be the 18th former member of the department convicted in the case, according to U.S attorney’s spokesman Thom Mrozek.

“Baca’s guilty plea “demonstrates that the illegal behavior in the Sheriff’s Department went to the very top of this organization,” said Eileen Decker, U.S. attorney for the Central District of California, at a news conference Wednesday.. “More importantly, it illustrates that those who foster and then try to hide a corrupt culture will be held accountable.”



So for anyone that still wants to “pretend” that everything they read in the police reports “has to be true” and that nothing corrupt could ever be going on in law enforcement, I would like you to please know that it does happen, it is not right, and if you truly care about the good officers you will never stand by and pretend corruption does not exist – it does exist, it is illegal, and when it is discovered it must be prosecuted.

Support law enforcement by standing behind those who really do uphold the law in this country, and not behind those who abuse their power.  Because the good officers are the ones that deserve our support, not the power hungry, corrupt individuals, or the weak foot soldiers that follow in order to rise up in the ranks…let us all support truth and justice, not corruption and lies.




The Holly Moore Case…

holly moore

Below is a link to the Crime Watch Daily video report on the Holly Moore case, out of Castle Rock, CO.  19 year old Holly’s manner of death, yet another young woman like Morgan, was not properly investigated, nor was the evidence properly tested so her official manner of death has been deemed a suicide instead of a homicide.  I have posted about this case before.  This case reminds me so much of Morgan’s case.  Why do some coroner’s in Colorado, like in Morgan’s case, stand by the wrong manner of death in a case that has strong evidence that it was a capital crime? It makes no sense to me.  The coroner in Holly’s case, just as in Morgan’s case, is not a doctor, he had someone else do the autopsy.  Things that should have been tested were not.  Other strong experts brought in by the family proved there was evidence this was most likely a murder and yet the coroner would not change their ruling…this is so very wrong!!!

At least in Holly’s case the pressure brought by her family has finally resulted in the police chief turning the case over to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.  Please watch this updated information about the Holly Moore case.

Was it Suicide? Or Murder? The Mysterious Death of a Colorado Teen – Crime Watch Daily



Today is Colorado Missing Person’s Day!!!

Colorado Missing Person’s Day,
Thursday, February 4, at the State Capitol.

All families of the missing in attendance will be recognized by the House and Senate. Please encourage anyone you know who has a missing family member to attend. There is strength in numbers. We need to make an impact on lawmakers. The public is welcome to attend as well. Come show your support for the missing and their families at this very important event.

missing persons

Tomorrow, 2/4/2016, Colorado has declared as Missing Person’s Day

Feb. 4 DenverDenver Colorado’s General Assembly will recognize February 4th as “Missing Person’s Day,” through passage of a joint resolution. and then @ 11:45 am, on the East steps of the capitol, there will be a prayer vigil, followed by a balloon launch honoring and remembering the over 300 still listed as missing in Colorado.

Kelsie collage

February 4, 2016, will mark three years that Kelsie Schelling has been missing. This day will be declared Missing Persons Day in Colorado. The State of Colorado is taking a big first step in honoring and remembering the missing in their state. Hopefully this is the first of many steps. Please keep those in attendance, and all families and friends of the missing in your prayers. Thank you.

If you live in Colorado and know anyone that has a missing family member or friend from Colorado please plan on attending this event.  There will be many other families there as well as people that will listen.