Policy Alert – this is VERY important for Colorado. Here is something you can do to help solve cases that have gone cold. Please email these Senators and tell them how you feel about this very important issue. For instance in our daughter Morgan’s case – both of her stalkers/murderers had criminal histories, if they had had their DNA collected at the time of their arrests then their DNA would be in the database. The DNA database will help solve so many cold cases and get repeat offenders off our streets and locked away, where they can no longer hurt other innocent victims. Please use your voice on this very important issue. Thanks!
Public Policy Action Alert
Support SB16-075
Collection of a DNA Sample from Offenders Convicted of
Certain Misdemeanors Against Vulnerable Persons
DNA is currently taken upon conviction of misdemeanor crimes that are sexual. This bill extends the list to include certain misdemeanor crimes, especially those committed against women and children. Collection would still only occur upon conviction of the crime, meaning that no person’s DNA sample would be taken until they were found to be guilty.
There are currently over 6,100 unmatched forensic samples in the Colorado DNA database. These crimes include murders and rapes, the majority of which are committed against women and children. Expanding the DNA database allows for law enforcement to be able to find criminals responsible for those crimes.
What we need from you
The bill is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, March 2 at 1:30 p.m.
If you support the intentions of this bill, there are several members of the Senate Judiciary that need to hear from you before then!
Senator Irene Aguilar (D-Denver)
Senator Mike Merrifield (D-Colorado Springs)
Senator Kevin Lundberg (R-Berthoud)
Please consider calling or emailing these Colorado Senators and telling them why you support SB16-075 and why you’d like them to vote in favor of this important legislation!
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