Monthly Archives: February 2016
Watch Crime Watch Daily Tomorrow Night – Friday, Feb. 26th
Watch this if you can, and please share this to help keep Lea Porter’s name and story fresh in people’s minds.
Lea’s mother Rene Jackson said, “I believe it airs in the Denver and Grand Junction areas in the afternoon, but a link will be up to view it on-line.” So wherever you are check your local listing to see when Crime Watch Daily airs tomorrow on Friday, Feb. 26th.
Let us all keep hope alive and help Lea’s family locate her body. Don’t forget, Lea is out there somewhere and we won’t stop until every stone is unturned!
Lea’s story tomorrow on Crime Watch Daily – check local listings at
Policy Alert From the Office of Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance (COVA)
Policy Alert – this is VERY important for Colorado. Here is something you can do to help solve cases that have gone cold. Please email these Senators and tell them how you feel about this very important issue. For instance in our daughter Morgan’s case – both of her stalkers/murderers had criminal histories, if they had had their DNA collected at the time of their arrests then their DNA would be in the database. The DNA database will help solve so many cold cases and get repeat offenders off our streets and locked away, where they can no longer hurt other innocent victims. Please use your voice on this very important issue. Thanks!
A Truly Wonderful Organization – FOHVAMP
Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons (FOHVAMP) is a truly amazing organization – one that has continually helped us in our quest for justice for our daughter Morgan. They are a nonprofit out of Colorado, a tax-exempt organization under the Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service. Federal Tax I.D.# 84-1605076.
I know every dollar they receive is put to good use helping many, many families trying to find justice for their loved ones, just as we have been trying these past 4 years. Please consider going online to their website’s donation page and click to make a tax deductible donation – it would be extremely helpful to so many families trying to find justice for their loved ones. Even a $1 donation, when combined with others, adds up. Or if you like you can mail a check to:
FOHVAMP, P.O. Box 21602, Denver, CO 80221
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let Kelly know. Here is her contact information:
Kelly Fernandez-Kroyer, Director of Operations, Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons, Inc. [email protected]
Colorado has a backlog of over 1,800 unsolved murders dating back to 1970. The killers of these victims have never been prosecuted for these murders. They walk among us. They live in our neighborhoods. These murderers, who have escaped justice, pose a serious threat to the safety of every Colorado citizen. Since 2001 FOHVAMP has advocated for the families of cold case homicide victims and persons missing under suspicious circumstances in Colorado. By bringing together families and friends united by a common tragedy, FOHVAMP mentors these individuals seeking justice for their loved ones.
I strongly believe if you ask enough questions you will eventually get to the truth of the matter. There is not a case out there that can’t be solved – these families need resolution, and the public needs to make sure these cases are solved so these murderers no longer are allowed to reoffend.
We all love our families and want to protect them – solving murders, and stopping a killer will always make our world a little safer…and really who wouldn’t want that?
Thanking you in advance for making a difference.
Another milestone – Over 6 million views from around the world!
Just the other day this blog hit another milestone…the amount of views went over the 6 million mark. I would never have imagined this when I first started this blog.
I am so happy that over 6 million people in over 115 countries have read this blog. I have always wanted to share Morgan’s story in order to allow people to understand who she really is and to show exactly what happened to her. Bad things do happen to good people and it isn’t right, but unfortunately it happens…much too often.
I also felt that there was a huge need for people to understand what they are up against when dealing with a stalker. All stalkings are different and yet in many respects they are the same. You need to be educated about the laws on stalking, how to build a case, what to do to protect yourself, and much more, so this blog was also my attempt to raise awareness. To my surprise many thousands of people have read this website and blog and written in over the years to share their stories of terror. They have asked for help, suggestions, referrals, and much more having to do with their current ongoing stalking. My heart goes out to them all – I really wish people understood the gravity of the situation when it comes to stalking, and how very dangerous stalking is.
I have been asked if I think there is a solution – I do not believe you can ever stop a stalker from stalking – they never stop, but I believe there are solutions. Solutions that will save more victims, and put more criminals behind bars so they don’t keep reoffending. This can be done with stronger laws, more education for the general public, as well as law enforcement, and accountability when it comes to upholding the stalking laws that are already on the books. Communication is extremely important, as well as the information about organizations and programs that currently do exist that can help these victims.
Turning a blind eye to a problem in society does not make that problem go away – it only succeeds in allowing the problem to grow worse. So do I think there is a solution to stalking? Yes, if something is possible, and I do believe it is possible, then I believe we can succeed in making that possibility a reality. We can all do our part in raising awareness and insisting on these changes being made. Great changes for the good of all have been made over the years, not because people gave up or ignored the injustice, no, great changes have been made because people cared – so we now continue to push on in order to be a catalyst for change.
Just the other day a person wrote in to thank me for all the information that I have put out there for others to read. She said she keeps sharing it with others. My reply to her was, “Every little comment, every little thing people do causes a ripple effect, which in turn changes the course of history. Maybe it only changes things for the better for one person, or maybe it changes things for the better for many people, either way it helps and so you are doing something wonderful just being who you are. You are raising awareness and you are a truth seeker. Thank you for being you.” I would like all of you that have been reading and sharing this blog to know that YOU ARE ALL MAKING A POSITIVE CHANGE in this world, whether it is by raising awareness just for one person or many, or maybe by just understanding that you need to listen to and believe, a relative, friend, neighbor or co-worker when they confide in you that they are being stalked – I thank you all for reading, sharing and caring.
Again in the enlightened words of Benjamin Franklin…“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are”