Stalkers Never Stop…


I recently read this article that was emailed to me.  It caught my eye for obvious reasons…it was about a speech given by Rhonda Saunders, from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office Stalking & Threat Assessment Team & Los Angeles Stalking Task Force.

She warned the CLU audience, “One thing I know about stalkers is they never stop.”

As part of the educational process, as well as raising awareness about the seriousness and dangers of stalking, I wanted to share this article with you.  I agree with Saunders 100% – she said:

“What these stalkers do is destroy any sense of security,” she said.

“It’s a crime of mental terrorism.”

Unless you have been a victim of stalking you would have a hard time understanding the damage that occurs.  I hope you never are a victim of stalking, but I know many of you that are reading this have been, or currently are victims of stalking, and if so you know exactly what she means. You are always looking over your shoulder, you don’t know where to turn, you wonder when the moment will arrive when something terrible will happen and you may not see it coming…it is mental terrorism!

Stalking is the most under reported crime in the US at this time.

60 percent don’t report it.

“Either they feel embarrassed or they feel like, ‘I can handle this,’ ” Saunders said.

Here is the link to the article