Crime & Victimization in the United States



Crime and Victimization in the United States by the Office for Victims of Crime

The Office for Victims of Crime is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.


The information presented in the following statistical overviews reflects the findings in the reports and other sources cited for each topic. The data are based on the best available information as of August 2014. Since then, updated data have become available. The latest Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) study, Criminal Victimization, 2012, is available online at The latest FBI statistics, Crime in the United States, 2012, and additional statistical tables are available online at The information included in the Resource Guide relies primarily on reports published by BJS and the FBI, as well as statistics calculated using online data tools available from both BJS and the FBI. These data tools are freely available and can be ac-cessed online at (for the NCVS data tool) and (for the UCR data tool). These tools are user-friendly resources that permit interested readers to generate additional statistical tables that suit their particular interests.

Each statistical overview includes both text and graphics. Graphics are included in this year’s Resource Guide to provide a visual repre- sentation of the data. Please note that, on the charts and graphs that accompany the statistics, the percentages do not always add up to 100 because the numbers have been rounded.

Crime and Victimization – When considering crime and victimization statistics, we can only analyze or report on crimes that are measured or counted in some way. The United States has long-standing national data collections for serious violent crimes, such as homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault, as well as property crimes such as burglary.  Crime in the United States has declined measurably for decades. Between 1993 and 2012, the violent crime rate declined 67.3 percent from 79.8 to 26.1 per 1,000 persons age 12 or older. During that same time period, the total property crime rate declined 55.7 percent from 351.8 to 155.8 per 1,000 households. Although the decrease in crime has been steady and remarkably consistent, criminologists have reached no widely held conclusions about the reasons for these patterns.

There are however some general patterns. Males disproportionately commit criminal offenses, particularly violent crime (see “Homicide”), and certain crimes are predominately committed by men against women (see “Stalking,” “Intimate Partner Violence,” and “Sexual Violence”). Young people (age 16−24) experience the most crime both in terms of victimization and offending as compared to other age groups (see “Child, Youth, and Teen Victimization”).

Our national crime statistics provide an important resource for our understanding about crime and victimization, but these statistics do not cover all crimes, or all victims. While the scope of crimes included in national collection efforts continues to grow, gaps in our knowledge still exist, particularly for emerging crimes, including elder victimization, human trafficking, financial crimes (especially Internet-based frauds), stalking, and mass casualty crimes. An additional issue concerns our understanding of the broader effects of crime, especially measuring the direct and indirect harm to victims caused by crime and identifying the impact of exposure to violence, particularly for children. The limitations in our knowledge of these areas should not be interpreted as diminishing the importance of these crimes or the harm experienced by these victims but rather should signal the need for continued work by researchers.

Uniform Crime Report – The Uniform Crime Report (UCR), launched in 1929, collects information reported to law enforcement agencies on the following crimes: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. Law enforcement agencies also report arrest data for 21 additional crime categories (e.g., forgery and counterfeiting, drug abuse violations, disorderly conduct, vagrancy). Each year, the FBI issues a report on the main UCR findings, titled Crime in the United States, as well as several other reports (e.g., Hate Crimes 2012 and Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2012).1 The UCR presents crime counts for the entire nation, as well as for regions, states, counties, cities, towns, tribal law enforcement, and colleges and universities. Its primary purpose is to provide reliable criminal justice statistics for law enforcement administration and management.

National Crime Victimization Survey – The methodology for the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), which began in 1973, differs from that of the UCR. The NCVS is based on interviews with a nationally representative sample of U.S. households and is conducted by U.S. Census Bureau personnel at six-month intervals for three years. All household members age 12 and older are interviewed. The NCVS collects information on the frequency and nature of the crimes of rape, sexual assault, personal robbery, aggravated and simple assault, household burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft; it does not, however, measure homicide or commercial crimes.

Note from Toni: “All the statistics rely on local law enforcement to collect and report those crimes, but if local law enforcement does not honestly report those crimes then the statistics will not reflect the correct picture of those crimes, and there is no national database at this time for cold cases – this needs to be addressed.”

The survey gathers information on crimes both reported and not reported to the police, estimates the proportion of each crime reported to law enforcement, and describes the reasons victims gave for reporting or not reporting. The NCVS also includes questions about victims’ experiences with the criminal justice system, possible substance abuse by offenders, and how victims sought to protect themselves.

The NCVS collects periodic age and demographic information about both victims and offenders (e.g., age, sex, race, ethnicity, marital status, income, and educational level, as well as offenders’ relationships to their victims), and includes information about the crimes (time and place of occurrence, use of weapons, nature of injury, and economic impact).3 The NCVS also publishes supplements on specific crime issues such as stalking or school crime.

Differences between the UCR and NCVS – Although the categories of crime covered by the UCR and NCVS overlap, their methodologies differ, and the studies serve different purposes. The UCR covers all victims of reported crime (including non-persons such as businesses as well as persons of all ages), but the NCVS gathers data on crimes against people age 12 and older. The UCR covers homicide, arson, and commercial crimes, which the NCVS does not measure. The studies use somewhat different definitions of some crimes, and they report crime using different bases, e.g., per capita—crimes per 100,000 persons (UCR) versus crimes per 1,000 households (NCVS). The UCR measures crimes actually reported to law enforcement nationwide, and the NCVS addresses crimes not reported to law enforcement.

 Crime Trends – Trends in criminal victimization over time can provide use- ful insights by situating annual data into a broader context. To estimate these trends, criminologists rely on the two na- tional sources of crime data: the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). These two measures vary in the way they collect crime data with the most significant difference be- ing the source upon which each relies. The UCR measures crimes known to local and state law enforcement and in- cludes victims of all ages as well as non-individual victims (such as commercial entities). The NCVS relies on victim reports and is based on a large, nationally representative household-based sample that gathers victimization informa- tion from individuals age 12 and older. The NCVS provides a complementary measure to the UCR and offers important insights into what criminologists call the “dark figure of crime,” or crimes that go unreported. As both the UCR and NCVS have been collected for years, these two sources pro- vide the necessary data to better understand crime trends in the United States. Trend data from both sources indicate that crime has decreased substantially, particularly in com- parison to crime rates from the 1970s and 80s. UCR and NCVS data from the 2000s also continue to demonstrate a downward trend, although occasional fluctuations occur for some crimes, including a recent uptick in violent crime beginning in 2011 and continuing into 2012.

 This will be continued on tomorrow’s post…thanks for reading.



Morgan I’ll Miss You Until We Meet Again…

Morgan camera Screen Shot 2015-04-25 at 8.44.29 AM

Exactly 3 years ago I shared this picture of Morgan. One of Morgan’s friends (Gabi) superimposed the saying over Morgan’s picture and I wanted to share it again today with all of you.  It’s so Morgan, always with her camera.

Morgan loved life and lived it to it’s fullest.  She never wanted to leave – she had so many wonderful plans for her future, until a horrible, sick stalker took them all away.  Every single day, since her death, I still experience the feeling of a deep, guttural, and primal scream, a scream that I repress, but one that still wants to come out of my body. I experience this every time I think about how Morgan should not have been taken from us.

But then when that horrible pain bubbles up from the depths of my soul a strange thing always happens, I feel a warm “blast” hit me in my right shoulder & upper back. This “blast” soothes away the pain and allows just the tears to flow from my eyes. I know this warm “blast” is a blast of love from Morgan – she is not gone, she is just no longer on this same plane, and I know I will see her again some day.  Morgan encourages me to fight on for justice.  Justice for Morgan, justice for other victims of stalking, missing persons, and cold cases.  All cases that have loved ones, just like our family, that want, and deserve justice.

With love and gratitude for my loving youngest child Morgan.

Toni  (Always Morgan’s Mom)

April 21, 2015 – National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Event in Denver, CO

Tuesday, April 21st: 
National Crime Victims’ Rights Week Event

Location: Denver Wellington Webb Building, Atrium

201 W. Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80202

Time: 12:00


Guest Speakers: 

Cynthia Coffman, Colorado Attorney General 

Tammy Anckner, Author & Accidental Advocate 

Matt Anckner, Survivor & one of the faces of Denver’s ‘Start by Believing’ Campaign 

Karen Klein, Colorado Area Coordinator, HOPE Animal-Assisted Crisis Response 

HOPE AACR “Comfort Canine” Teams will be present during the event

“For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people’s love and concern for each other.” ~ Millard Fuller

Since 1981, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) has challenged the nation to confront and remove barriers to full justice for all victims of crime. Each year, communities across the country revisit the history of the victims’ rights movement and recommit themselves to advancing the progress already achieved. This year’s theme—Engaging Communities. Empowering Victims.—focuses on the role communities play providing victims with the support they need to pursue justice and recovery.

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week – April 19 – 25, 2015

Yesterday was the first day of this year’s National Crime Victims’ Rights Week April 19-25

Every April, the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) helps lead communities throughout the country in their annual observances of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) by promoting victims’ rights and honoring crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf. This year’s NCVRW will be held April 19-25 and the theme Engaging Communities. Empowering Victims. presents the opportunity to highlight the diversity of our communities, expand partnerships to serve victims of crime, enhance efforts to meet victims where they are, and empower crime victims as they pursue justice and recovery.

The U.S. Department of Justice will kick off the week with OVC’s annual National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony in Washington, DC to honor outstanding individuals and programs that serve victims of crime.

NCVRW honors and celebrates the achievements of the past thirty years in securing rights, protections, and services for victims. The bipartisan Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), passed by Congress in 1984, created a national fund to ease victims’ suffering. Financed by fines and penalties paid by offenders, the Crime Victims Fund supports victim assistance and services, such as rape crisis and domestic violence programs [customize to include local services] and victim compensation programs that pay victims’ out-of-pocket expenses such as counseling, funeral expenses, and lost wages. VOCA has also pioneered support efforts for victims of once-hidden crimes such as domestic and sexual violence. Outreach is increasingly focused on previously underserved victim populations, including victims of color, religious and ethnic minorities, LGBTQ victims, and immigrant populations to name a few. Efforts are being made to ensure that all victims, regardless of their background or the crime committed against them, receive the support they deserve.

“Victim empowerment is a central tenant of our work,” said Joye E. Frost, Director, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC), U.S. Department of Justice. “By engaging the entire community, we are able to maximize and leverage existing resources to better serve all victims of crime and provide the necessary support through their journey to healing. This year’s NCVRW theme emphasizes that we all have a role to play.”

OVC encourages widespread participation in the week’s events and in other victim-related observances throughout the year. For additional information about the 2015 National Crime Victims’ Rights Week or additional ideas on how to support victims of crime, visit the Office for Victims of Crime website,


Revenge Stalking…

youshouldknowAnother current victim of stalking recently posted on Morgan’s Stalking Facebook page.  She has been experiencing a horrific revenge stalking.  She said she is working with the authorities and task force, but doesn’t really know whether they completely get it.  It is hard for even the professionals to understand the different kinds of stalking, and even harder to know what to do about it.  I believe there needs to be more training and education for law enforcement because stalking is a very dangerous crime that happens everywhere, and seems to be getting worse every year.
I also believe that awareness of all the different stalking situations, and knowing what others have endured is a really good thing to understand.  The more you know the better you can protect yourself, and your loved ones.  From the bottom of my heart I wish I had known more about stalking, and the different typologies of stalkers, in order to save Morgan.  If I had known then what I know now I still may not have been able to save her, but I think I would have had a much better chance.
On another note I want to address the fact that there are still so many ignorant people on the internet – people that did not know Morgan, or me, or any of the actual facts of her case, but proclaim to know everything.  They write that they think I was overbearing, and that Morgan wasn’t stalked, she was only depressed, and killed herself.  When I hear this, not only do I think this type of ignorance is exactly like those people in the past that used to say victims of rape had it coming, because they wore too short a skirt, or they had on too much make-up, but I also wonder if these type of people are the ones that secretly condone violence against women?  I couldn’t understand back then how people could be so cruel or ignorant, and now years later when I hear or read these words, I now understand that those type of people do still exist…and I feel very sorry for them.  They are so very wrong.  They do a disservice to rape victims, stalking victims, and all victims – victims that did nothing wrong – it is the criminal, the perpetrator that has done the wrong thing, not the victim.
What these people say is not only wrong, but rediculous.  It is completely the opposite of Morgan’s situation.  Morgan was a free spirit – all her friends that really knew her would tell you so.  She always came and went as she wanted.  She always did things because it made her happy – never to make someone else happy.  Morgan understood that in life if you are happy then you can help others be happy – just with a smile. 🙂
Every human being on this earth is different, and when you are blessed with a child like Morgan you can never become overbearing, you do not argue loudly, or fight with them – not only would it break your heart to treat someone like Morgan in that manner, but a free spirit that knows right from wrong, and has a strong sense of herself, would never put up with that type of treatment.  I will agree all day long that after I found out that Morgan was being stalked I thought I was being overprotective, and now I will tell you that I wasn’t protective enough…my daughter was murdered and I couldn’t save her.
Unlike Morgan’s older siblings, cousin and various hockey boys that lived with us over the years, Morgan was not into the normal teenage drama, or materialistic trappings, Morgan was just Morgan.  Kind, sweet, sensitive, and adored by everyone, especially by her father and I.  More than most people she understood how important it was to show people kindness, and love on a daily basis.  I was extremely blessed to have her as my daughter.  She would randomly tell me that she loved me.  It was so sweet to go on errands with Morgan, listen to her explain to me about a letter she was composing to an ex-boyfriend, and then just look at me and say, “I love you mom.”  Even though she was 20 years old she would still just grab my hand and squeeze it, without looking at me, just like when she was a little girl…it was our way to say, “I love you” without saying it out loud in front of other people.  I know it’s hard to understand, but even now, 3 + years after she was stolen from our lives, I will drive around doing errands and when I park my car I look over into the passenger seat, and feel that she is still there – I hold out my hand, and wish I could feel her squeeze it.  The tears start to roll down my checks, and I brush them away, and look out the car window wondering if everyone is looking at the tears rolling down my face.
Morgan was my best friend.  She asked to go on vacations, and road trips with her father and I even though she was over 18, and had no reason to do so.  She said it was because she always had so much fun with us, we would sing and crack jokes in the car on long road trips, always with a new place and a new adventure to look forward to.  Morgan even brought friends along on many trips and her friends had a blast with us as well.  But it was a mutual feeling – Steve and I loved having Morgan with us, along with her friends.  For some reason it always gave us ideas for even more exciting first-time places to go visit with different things to see.  Her friends are still such a wonderful part of our lives – they are great people, they miss Morgan, and always keep in touch, just to let Steve and I know about the important moments they are experiencing in their lives.  I really appreciate this as it helps me feel like Morgan is still involved in moving forward with all her friends.
Morgan was not depressed – Morgan was a victim of stalking.  Morgan did not commit suicide.  And I am not an overly grieving mother that can not accept that my daughter committed suicide.  I am a mother that lived through the horrific events of my youngest daughter’s stalking, and got to see it up close and personal.  Morgan was a victim of felony stalking and she was murdered by her stalker.  This was only days before she was scheduled to be interviewed, on camera to give her statement about her stalker, after 4 months of being terrified.  The doors were closing in on her stalker, and he decided to end her life. The really scary part that others need to realize is if your stalker can kill you in order to shut you up, and the people entrusted with stopping the criminal can just sweep your murder under the rug, and refuse to investigate, then we are all in danger…if criminals can just kill off their victim so they can never testify against them then these murderers remain free to continue their reign of terror!
In Morgan’s case the evidence ALL points to foul play – it all points to who killed her, and the truth will come out.  Crucial and critical evidence has been seen, and Morgan is not the only case that is really a murder that has been written off as a suicide.  Obviously these people on the internet that try to paint Morgan as something she was not have their own agenda and don’t understand (or don’t want to understand) what it is like to be a victim of stalking.  That is one of the big reasons for this blog.  I have been trying to raise awareness about stalking and what a life-changing and devastating ordeal it is to be, or have been, stalked.
So please take the time to really and truly be informed about the truths of stalking.  It may save your life, or someone’s life that you love.
The woman that I started out writing about on this post also wrote the following to me:

Please know I am so, so sorry about Morgan. I’ve read your entire blog. I weep with you in your loss of such a remarkable woman. I feel as if I know you and your family, and her, too. (((HUGS))) God bless you. Thank you for reaching out and sharing her – and your – story. Her story does help all of us stalking survivors be more aware of how terribly destructive stalking is and can be.

It seems that these predators are hellbent on preying on kind, giving women. Mine is an obvious psychopath/sadist, and has a group of people that help him in his “cause”. No one expects that anything so horrific can happen… Unfortunately, this is the 2nd time I’ve been stalked. This time it is far, far worse. The stalking laws are just not harsh enough…