In this world there is much more good than bad…

People wonder how I can still believe there is much more good in this world than bad.  Sometimes I wonder that myself.  There have been days that the pain and grief from losing Morgan is just too much, and I feel like I can’t go on another day, then I realize giving up is something that isn’t in my blood – I can’t and won’t ever give up. Is it because a mother’s love is so strong that it transcends death?

So many times I want to scream and lash out, but my heart reminds me that that won’t change anything – only the discovery and illumination of FACTS will lead to justice for Morgan. So no matter how depilating the pain is that I feel I need to push through it and continue on. I know this world can be very cruel at times, but no matter what has happened in the past, I keep running into amazing, caring people who want to help – so many people in all walks of life; in law enforcement, the judicial system, forensic experts & criminologists, private investigators, other co-victims who have lost a loved one, writers, people in the media, parents I have never met, young adults who I have never met, other victims of stalking, folks in the military, Morgan’s friends, my friends, relatives, #TeamMorgan, and all those reading this blog (over 7 million to-date), and strangers I run in to on a weekly basis…people are upset and saddened about what happened to Morgan and they all want to see justice.

All those people are the reason I can still get up in the morning to fight another day…my gratitude for all these wonderful people can never be put into words – if you are one of these people please know you are all in my heart, and I will never forget that you all are the force behind the push for #JusticeForMorgan – our family could never do it without your support.

And that is why I believe there is more good in this world than bad…because of all of you!


Her name is Morgan – please don’t forget her…

Morgan was always finding beautiful and happy things to photograph, wherever she was…she loved life and we all miss her terribly!

Identifying the Suspect in Morgan’s Stalking Case – see the prime example of a stalking incident in the diagram below

Following the events of the night of August 29, 2011, and into the early morning hours of August 30th, the Garfield County Sheriff’s office had a wide array of charges to pursue against the male stalker for his actions against his female victim and her parents, but they did not pursue those charges.

Morgan had been stalked and terrorized for nearly a month at this time. The stalker had been seen in the yard, left clear shoe impressions outside Morgan’s bedroom windows and a bathroom window on the other side of the house that she was using to shower in. And now the stalker was photographed. His face blurred, but his body clearly captured. Crime labs available to the Garfield Sheriff’s office, such as the FBI crime lab, have the capability to identify individuals based on body parts, in addition to facial recognition. This was never done.

The deputies claimed to have access to tracking hounds that could follow the scent trail that was certainly there, but no dogs were called in, not this night nor any other night during the four month stalking of Morgan. This incident clearly indicates not only the mindset, capabilities and bravado of the stalker, but the indifference of the Garfield Sheriff’s office. The officers knew the camera had been broken by the stalker in his attempt to dislodge it, but never even mentioned it in their reports. None of the three deputies would return to assist Morgan in investigating the stalking as required by state law for law enforcement to do. It was Morgan that further investigated and sent an email to one of the deputies exposing Keenan Vanginkel’s mocking attitude toward law enforcement. And then that email, naming Keenan as the suspect by Morgan, resulted in no further investigation or intervention by the sheriffs. Discovered later, was the fact that 5 days before this incident (on August 25, 2011) Keenan was already named as the suspect, by the Garfield County Sheriffs, in Morgan’s stalking case – it is on his Global Subject Activity Report.

After this entire series of events, Morgan vacillated between believing that the Sheriffs did not care that she was being stalked, to then hoping they were getting close to making an arrest. This is what stalking victims do – they want to believe and trust, but when they see that law enforcement is not doing anything to stop the criminal they are frightened and lose hope. At times she felt she would have to wait for her stalker to lose interest and go away and yet she was afraid that something horrible would happen to her before the sheriffs intervened. Morgan continued to be startled, frightened and terrorized on a regular basis, until she was killed.

The Sheriff’s department confirmed Morgan’s fears, because after her murder the detective did a 180 degree about-face and claimed there had never been a suspect, even though only a few days earlier he had said he believed the stalker was going to ESCALATE!!!

Sheriff Lou Vallario would go even further, claiming that in over 50 trips to the Ingram’s house his officers never saw a stalker, when, as evidenced by this series of photos, they had all certainly seen him in a picture, as well as in video footage caught later on. In the four months of Morgan’s stalking the Ingram’s themselves only caught glimpses of the stalker at their house. The sheriff’s would have had to surveil the house ‘without’ glow-in-the-dark reflective tape on their uniforms, and stay off their cell phones, in order to catch the stalker. This never happened. Effective intervention before more serious consequences, as per the Colorado legislative decree, was not in the protocol for the Garfield Sheriffs department, as no crimes were ever charged to Morgan’s tormentor.

Instead it was explained to Morgan’s parents after her death that the sheriffs had “so thoroughly botched the investigation,” that the new District Attorney, Sherry Caloia, did not believe she could ever get a conviction.  And that is how the Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario deals with stalking cases – by NOT dealing with them.


Read below and tell me if you think the following is a prime example of a stalking incident, as this happened during an active felony stalking investigation…

What was done to Morgan by her stalker(s) was horrific, and what was done to Morgan and our family by the orders of Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario was outrageous!  The Sheriffs knew who the suspect(s) were, they said to us that they always needed more and more evidence, and then just days before her murder, the detective tells the “suspects” he is getting close to making an arrest and Morgan will be giving her on-camera testimony the following week at the same time he will be collecting the other “suspect’s” hours – he also tells us that he expects the stalking to “escalate” so then what happens?  The perps get rid of the main witness – Morgan, and then what?  The Sheriffs, that very same morning, told us, “Don’t worry the stalker had nothing to do with Morgan’s death – it’s just a mystery for now.”  I thought, “Are they serious?”  There are no words for the pain and suffering the Garfield County Sheriffs have caused our family – we trusted law enforcement, we were brutally honest with them always, and 5 months after Morgan’s murder Garfield County Sheriff Detective Glassmire told us, “If a suspect decides to lie to us there is nothing we can do.”  If this is what we pay the Garfield County Sheriffs to do – give up and look the other way if a suspect won’t admit they stalked and murdered someone, then the citizens of Garfield County are in grave danger.

Let Freedom Ring…love, truth, peace, freedom & justice for all!

No more giving in…it’s time to win.  As we celebrate the Fourth of July here in America, I want to give thanks to all those who came before us to fight for our freedom.  Freedom for all of us, no matter what color, gender, religion or political views we may have, is something we should all be able to enjoy.

When I listen to the stories of other co-victims, like our own family, and hear how their loved ones had their freedom and their lives taken away by some sick, cowardly murderer, that is when I realize we all still have to continue the fight for freedom…every single one of us, every day.  Murder touches everyone, no matter what color your skin is, whether you are male or female, age doesn’t matter either – anyone can become a victim.

We can’t sit back and just hope that our freedoms, or our lives, won’t be taken from us, because, like the song says, in a New York minute everything can change, and has for many of us.  I am proud to stand up for freedom and justice, and I promise you I will never give up on the fight for those freedoms and justice for all!

By a civil rights activist named Martin Luther King Jr.

“Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring. And when this happens, when we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old ***** spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”

BREAKING NEWS – Has Morgan’s murderer killed before?

Has Morgan’s murderer killed before?  WE NOW HAVE REASON TO BELIEVE HE HAS…

So many things have come to our attention in the last couple of months.  All of them have been shocking revelations –  here is one that I have decided to share with you at this time, and it is HUGE!

I can’t give you all the details, because it is part of an ongoing active investigation. I am not at liberty to divulge the information that I know, just as the law enforcement agency doing the investigation will not allow me to know all the details they have about the ongoing investigation – until it is complete.

First a little background information…

Back in 2012, a women whom I had never met before, a retired sheriff out of Northern California, wrote to me, after reading this blog. She was working on a theory that one of the “suspects” in Morgan’s stalking was what criminalists call an “organized murderer,” who had most likely killed before. This woman started looking into other murders that had the same MO, in places where this “suspect” had lived before. One murder in-particular jumped out at her and she started to investigate it on her own. She contacted me with the information she had found, but in 2012, only a year after Morgan’s murder, I just couldn’t emotionally wrap my mind around that concept, so I did nothing with the information. Sadly, this amazing retired sheriff then succumbed to cancer, and the connection she had uncovered was never followed up by me…until recently.

Ressler et al. (1986) claimed that “. . . facets of the criminal’s personality are evident in his offense. Like a fingerprint, the crime scene can be used to aid in identifying the murderer.” This “fingerprint” is proposed to take one of two distinct forms, either organized or disorganized. Evidence in Morgan’s murder has a distinct and unusual “fingerprint” that is not normally found in most murders.  This same “fingerprint” of evidence exists in the other murder that the retired sheriff investigated.

When a close friend of Morgan’s suggested we go speak with a lawyer he knew about Morgan’s case, thinking that maybe this lawyer could give us his opinion about why law enforcement was fighting so hard to pretend Morgan wasn’t murdered, we decided to do just that.  We met with this lawyer, and showed him some of the evidence and information we had about Morgan’s case.  After reviewing what we showed him, he looked Steve and I in the eye, and solemnly stated, “I believe Morgan’s killer will kill again, and then, at that time, law enforcement will come knocking on your door requesting all the information you have, all the information that they previously never wanted.”  This was an extremely upsetting statement to hear.

I would never want another girl to go through what Morgan went through…in my mind that would mean I didn’t fight hard enough to get her killer off the streets.  The lawyer told us he understood how upsetting it sounded, but he reiterated that it was not our fault, it was the fault and responsibility of law enforcement, not us.  Anyway, remembering what the lawyer had said, along with re-reading the old emails from the retired sheriff about this other cold case, I decided to Google the other victim’s name.  I then reached out to the investigating agency with the information I had received from this retired sheriff back in 2012.  The lead investigator on the other 20-year-old victim’s case contacted me, asked a bunch of specific questions about Morgan’s case, and then asked to see the crime scene photos.  The investigator felt there were some very compelling reasons that the two cases could possibly be connected.  After I had complied with all their requests, I was told this is an open investigation and they can no longer talk about it to me until their investigation is completed…

Now we sit and wait.  There is a very strong possibility that these two cases are connected, and I guess in time we will know. I’m sure you can imagine how upset and sick I am over all of this.  The battle, over all these 6 + years to get Garfield County Sheriff Lou Vallario to do the right thing and investigate Morgan’s murder, has been exhausting and unimaginable.  Why would a sheriff, whose job it is to protect people from crime, want to allow a murderer to go free?  Why would Vallario push so hard to keep Morgan’s case from being a case?  Why did he fight so hard to try to keep Crime Stoppers from posting a reward for information on Morgan’s case?  Why all the cover-up?  The amount of blowback he has put forth in Morgan’s case is inexcusable!

Maybe when the last of all these pieces come together, the answer to those questions will become apparent.  I want Sheriff Vallario to know this is never going away – we will keep pushing for justice for Morgan and all other victims who no longer have a voice.  We will not be silenced.  I wonder what he will say when this other victim’s investigation is completed, if in fact it is found that it is connected to the same “suspect” in Morgan’s stalking and murder?

Sheriff Vallario knows Morgan was stalked and murdered – of that I have no doubt.  He has seen all the evidence that supports it.  He claims he stands behind the Coroner’s findings in Morgan’s case, but what he fails to share is that the Coroner got all his information exclusively from the Sheriff’s own detective, and the Coroner was not allowed to make any changes without the detective’s permission.  The Sheriff also maintained absolute authority over any evidence the pathologist was allowed to view or not view, as well as any tests he was allowed to run or not run during the autopsy…the pathologist told us he was not allowed to test under Morgan’s nails for DNA, nor was he allowed to test for rape or chloroform, because the detective did not direct him to do so.  This is shocking because if you actually read Colorado law this is not what the law states is supposed to happen – but it did happen.  If you read Colorado law – it clearly gives absolute authority to the Coroner, but why this authority was then passed on to the Sheriff, and then he pretends to have no involvement in the manner of death, is just another one of the unanswered questions in Morgan’s death.  So again…when Sheriff Vallario says he stands behind the ruling of the Coroner he is being deceptive.

Sheriff Vallario is trying to re-write history now by stripping out much of the wording his officer’s reports and getting rid of evidence.  He also knows quite well that all the false information given to the Coroner came from his own office and not from any investigation that the Coroner did…but he likes to act like he had no part in keeping Morgan’s capital murder from being investigated.  Isn’t that obstruction of justice?

I believe Sheriff Vallario is going to eventually have a problem, because there are others in law enforcement who really do care about the truth, and the truth is never going away.  Tick tock, tick tock, the truth is pushing it’s way to the top.

On an aside…I wonder if others may be having a conscience and will decide to come forward to do the right thing, even though Vallario hasn’t?  I guess we will see…if it is discovered that others in his department knew what was going on, and still decided to maintain their silence, they will be held responsible as well for being part of a conspiracy to obstruct justice…I wonder if they realize that?
