My Feelings Today…November 29, 2017

I haven’t posted anything for a while…the holidays are hard for anyone who has lost a loved one, and our family is no exception.  My heart has been breaking more and more every day, as the days grow closer to this coming Saturday, December 2nd.  Saturday will be the horrible reminder that 6 years have passed since Morgan was taken from us.  It is a hurt that I can never explain – it goes down deep into my very soul.

Being together, and close on Thanksgiving, was nice, and as usual, very hard – all at the same time.  Putting on a happy face, while hurting so badly inside is never easy, but I do it, as do others.  See, you never “get over” the loss of a child.  We set an extra place at the table for Morgan, and then we realized someone else at the table had just lost her husband, about a year ago, as well as her 19-year-old daughter before that, so I told her the empty seat and place setting was for all of them…none are forgotten – as long as they are still in our hearts and minds.  She started to cry, and was so happy to have an opportunity to talk about the husband and daughter she had lost.

I really wish that others could understand our pain, but at the same time I would never want them to experience the same loss that we have had in order to understand.  No one could ever understand that pain, unless they had experienced that ultimate loss – the loss of their child.   I would never wish that upon any other parent!

So many people tell me that I am such a strong person, but in reality I wasn’t given a choice.  Losing Morgan was the worst thing that has ever happened to me…a part of me died with her on December 2, 2011.  And yet the sun still comes up every morning, and the world continues to turn.  So just like other parents who have had a child taken from them, I take a deep breath every morning, and try to put on a smile.  I tell myself I am grateful that I have been given the gift of another day, a gift Morgan had stolen from her, a new day in which I can choose to do something good for someone else, in honor of Morgan.

Saturday will be an exceptionally hard day for all of us, and then the fight for justice will continue…because Morgan deserves justice.


Be Informed…Not Just Opinionated

When I saw this quote, with the chess pieces, I just had to share it, “Try being informed instead of just opinionated”….it really does feel much better when you know what you say is really taken from facts, and not just from listening to some over-blown person on the web, that has no real knowledge of the crime, and there are many of them.

And here I go talking about Morgan’s stalking and murder case again.  Why?  Because I am her mother, a mother who lost her precious youngest child to someone’s sick obsessions, jealousy, and sexual fantasies – it’s not right, it needs to be stopped – all of our daughter’s should be safe, and allowed to live their life to the fullest, not cut short by some pathetic criminal, who remains free, because no one wants to use the money or manpower to investigate.

When a person is stalked it can be lethal, as it was in our daughter Morgan’s case.  Don’t take my word for it – read and investigate what the “experts” say.  

Laura Richards, BSc, MSc, Asc. IA-IP, MBPsS, is someone who is trying to make a difference for victims of stalking.  Laura is the Founder and Director of Paladin, the world’s first National Stalking Advocacy Service.  She also the co-creator and host of Real Crime Profile podcast with Jim Clemente, retired FBI Profiler and Lisa Zambetti, Director of Casting for CBS’s ‘Criminal

Laura is a renowned international expert on domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence and risk assessment.  Quote from Laura, “If stalking is not a priority in your local policing plan or counted – police will continue to fail to record it or be trained to understand it.”

I want #Justice4Morgan, and I will absolutely not stop working towards justice for her until justice is served.

Crime Watch Daily 4-Part Video about Morgan’s Case…


To see the 4-part series that Crime Watch Daily did about our daughter, Morgan Ingram, please go to: Crime Watch website


Morgan on her last Halloween in 2011 – she always had hearts everywhere…:)

The picture above is the screensaver on my phone.  It is a picture of Morgan on Halloween many, many years ago.  When I looked down at my phone and saw the time, 1:11 on October 19th I knew I had to take a screen shot of it…Morgan sending me angel numbers.

An Attempt To Cover-Up?

The Truth Never Changes – I have said this from the very beginning of this Blog. And in view of the Crime Watch Daily series that just aired about Morgan’s case, we need look no further than the statement credited to the Sheriff himself for a very revealing truth.

It’s typed on the screen starting at 5:39 of part 4 on the Crime Watch Daily 4-part series, here is the link to watch it on Crime Watch Daily, scroll down to part 4, and fast forward to 5:39 to see it yourself – Crime Watch Daily 4 Part Series – or trust that I transcribed it correctly and read on.

Nerissa Knight is speaking, “We reached out to the Garfield County Sheriff’s Department for an interview. They responded in part: The Garfield County Sheriff’s Office will not engage in further conversations regarding the Morgan Ingram case. That case is closed, pending any new credible evidence being brought forward…”

This is what the Garfield County Sheriff told Crime Watch Daily. Does anyone else see the conditionally impossible statement being made here? If you will not, “engage in further conversations…” then it is impossible to ever have, “new credible evidence being brought forward…” This is yet just another obvious example of what the sheriff, from the beginning of Morgan’s stalking and right through her murder, did.  Her suspicious death investigation, which lasted all of 4 hours the morning we found her body, was riddled with gross negligence, and this continues to keep any hope of justice for Morgan covered up tightly. And I ask why?

Steve and I already knew this was the defensive posture the sheriff’s department had adopted.  All of our certified letters and legal notifications to the Sheriff about credible evidence was completely ignored and never answered.  We were also contacted by people over the years since Morgan’s murder who have shared their stories of shocking frustration. They said they had called the Garfield County Sheriff’s office, with potential new information and leads about Morgan’s case, only to be told the “the Morgan Ingram case is closed” and then they were hung up on every time. The sheriffs would not listen to any new credible evidence in Morgan’s case, click…

Would that sound like an attempt to cover up our daughter Morgan’s case? Because that is how I see it… look at what they say now, on national TV – that they “will not engage in further conversations regarding the Morgan Ingram case.”  Ok, they won’t listen to anything, just as we were told years ago, back then they followed with terse comments and then a hang up. Oh, and now to sound credible the Sheriff adds, “That case is closed, pending any new credible evidence being brought forward.”

Once again, am I missing something? Or is it just as obvious to you that if you “will not engage in further conversations,” there is absolutely no chance you will ever have, “new credible evidence.” The first statement precludes the second from ever happening.

Now the Sheriff goes an unbelievable step further and adds, ”There was no credible evidence of ‘stalking’ and the case was ruled a suicide by the Garfield County Coroner’s Office.”

No credible evidence of stalking – is he serious? Has he not seen the picture of the stalker watching his deputies drive away? Because when his deputies came back to see that picture, their response was instant and they were filled with anger. They cursed the stalker and his blatant disregard for law enforcement.  They drove away, angered at how he was, “thumbing his nose at them.”  Mark Wynn, an expert on matters of stalkers, and stalking, has stated his assessment about this type of behavior, he says it indicates a dangerous stalker, one to be taken very seriously.  The Deputies got angry the stalker was cavalier to their presence and left, Morgan was killed three months later.  I believe Mark Wynn was correct.

Steve and I were there at 62 Coral Drive through the stalking, every day. We lived the stalking and were both added to the list of victims in this FELONY STALKING case. It was pervasive, frightening, and practically debilitating for us – BUT far, far, worse for our daughter. Morgan had her life turned upside down by the stalking, and with all her determination she fought so hard to maintain her life and press forward. Until she was brutally murdered, just days after the detective predicted the stalking would escalate, and said patrols of our home would be increased… and days before Morgan was scheduled to give video testimony about her stalking, and the detective would collect the prime suspect’s work records. Those records show Keenan Vanginkel clocked into work at exactly 2:00 am on 12/2/2011… The Coroner, Deputy Coroner and Forensic Pathologist made no attempt to establish time of death. Our experts estimate Morgan died between midnight and 1 am, leaving Keenan ample time to have killed her – so how is that an alibi?  Our house was just a 5 minute, or less drive to his job, and at 2 in the morning I guarantee there wasn’t much traffic!

“The case was ruled a suicide by the Garfield County Coroner’s Office? An absolute half truth at the very best, because the sheriff fails to mention that Morgan’s death was ruled NATURAL CAUSES for the first nine months and then, after documented threats to change Morgan’s manner of death if we did not back off, additional testing discovered Sexual Assault drugs in her stomach, and the pathologist then chooses to ignore the scientific fact that it was put there after she was dead, and he fulfills his threat to change his mind to suicide. Medical certainty? Not even close. Scientific fact? Impossible for Morgan to have put a date rape cocktail of five drugs, she did not have, into her stomach after she was dead. Absolutely shocking to how low they will go to justify the wild speculation and gross negligence that has, and obviously now continues to take the place of the facts in Morgan’s case, first as she was victim of felony stalking (read the police reports), and then she was murdered.

The truth that has never changed is that the Sheriff would not accept evidence then, and will not accept any new evidence now, in Morgan’s case. And I know this for many reasons, but to be fair I have never spoken to the Sheriff or met with him in person, just as I have never met with the coroner or spoken with him. Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, and Coroners, in other counties in Colorado, and across the country, have however taken the time to speak with me, in some cases even met with me in person, to offer advice. But in Garfield County there has never been such a simple courtesy.

What I do know is that the Sheriff is always responsible for the actions of each and every deputy and detective he has.  And as for the whole cover-up idea, well wouldn’t not accepting any new evidence on one hand, while you claim to be waiting for new evidence on the other hand, be the first requirement of an ongoing cover-up? Keep the wild speculation, half truths and no truth, front and center, and quash any possibility of new evidence? Because isn’t that exactly what is going on here? By their own admission? I welcome your thoughts.