Do parents cover for their children – even when they murder?

Are these messages below, September 1, 2012, really from Keenan’s mom & dad?  They say it’s them, but I have no way to confirm if it is true.  I do know that recently Keenan’s dad, Waide Vanginkel, has gone out publicly and stated that he wrote into my blog, but I did not allow his comment through…that is true, I do not let all the comments through, there are many reasons for me to not approve every comment.  Some are too vile to allow through, and this is my blog so I can decide.

What is stated in these messages below is absolutely not true…so is this another case of covering for the offender – covering for your child, no matter what they have done?

Keenan was considered a suspect by the GarCo sheriffs during the stalking, they knew it was him long before we even knew it was him.  It’s on his Global Jacket,

 Also, take a look at his work hours below…Keenan clocked into work at 2:00 am, with ample time to have committed the murder, and yet his parents, as well as Keenan, keep telling people he wasn’t even in the state when Morgan was murdered.  His work hours are in the police report, the sheriff detective collected them after Morgan’s murder because Keenan was the main suspect in her stalking – and again the night she was murdered he clocked into work (a 5 minute, or less drive from our house) at 2:00 am that night.

Sorry to repeat myself again but the person claiming he is Keenan’s dad is saying Keenan wasn’t even in the state at the time…seriously?  Why is he lying?  He knew where Keenan was, he worked at the same store.  If you have access to the police reports you will see Keenan’s work hours listed – he clocked into work (again, it is a 5 minute or less drive from our house) at 2:00 am on the morning of Morgan’s murder – he wasn’t out of state at the time!  

The person’s comment above states she is Keenan’s  mother.  She says that he went straight to the police and was cleared – no that is not true at all.  The sheriffs came to Brooke Harris’ house (where Keenan was living at the time, (3 houses down from us), they went there multiple times, trying to talk to him, with no success.  Keenan then suddenly moved out of the Harris’ house.  The detective said he did not know where Keenan was then living so he went to City Market looking for him, but did not find him.  This must have been worrisome for Keenan’s dad, as his dad and other relatives worked at the same City Market, so after they heard the detective had been there looking for Keenan, he and his dad showed up at sheriff’s headquarters wanting to find out if Keenan was a suspect, and they were told, yes, he was a suspect!  This is in the police reports as well. He was not cleared.  I honestly believe his mother knows what he did, and she will do anything to cover for him.  It is sick, but true.  Here are just a few examples of parents that cover up heinous crimes in order to protect their children (like Louise Bundy – Ted Bundy’s mom), they have no concern for the innocent victims of those crimes. Louise stated, “Ted Bundy does not go around killing women and little children! And I know this, too, that our never-ending faith in Ted – our faith that he is innocent – has never wavered. And it never will.”

In this blog I have stated all the “facts” that happened in our case.  After this blog first came out I received a message from Keenan’s mom stating he could not have killed Morgan as he was out of state that night…again I say, look at his work hours in the police report – he clocked into work (it is only a 5 minute or less drive from our house) at 2:00 am on the morning of Morgan’s murder…he would have had plenty of time to kill her before clocking in at work.  Keenan states that he used the biometric clock when he got to work…that is true, but after speaking with the head of security at City Market I also know that he can leave on breaks in the middle of the night without using that clock, they assume there is nowhere to go except hang outside and smoke – our house was a short distance to drive to so he could have even come back while clocked in at work and no one would know. So who is zooming who?

I asked for the City Market video camera footage that would have shown the parking lot where his car was, so we could see if he left anytime after clocking in at 2 am, the footage was saved for the detective, and the detective called me to say he would pick it up, but instead they closed the stalking case, never investigating her murder, Steve and I were threatened, and no one ever said anything else about what was on that tape!

I was there through it all, first trying to protect my daughter, then trying to get answers to facts that were being intentionally kept from me. A victim myself – Steve & I both were listed as victims of the same stalking in the police reports. But when your daughter is murdered it is hard to really think of yourself as a victim of the stalking…instead you realize you are now a co-victim, a parent of a murdered child, something no parent ever wants to be.

Other interesting things in the police report – the detective confronted Keenan and stated that he was told by Keenan that he had heard Morgan died of suicide (the detective told him no, she did not – she was listed as natural causes at that time).  Now knowing that it was “staged” to look like a suicide, Keenan’s statement is very telling.  Also, Keenan states during that interview that he is surprised to find out that the case is still active.  Why would he say that?  I’m sure most offenders feel like if they “dispose” of the victim there can never be a case – is that why he was surprised?  In the comment above from Keenan’s mother she says he hasn’t been considered a suspect since the day it was reported…then why do the police reports state that over 3 months after Morgan’s murder, in an interview with Keenan, the lead detective tells him he is still a viable suspect?  The stalking was reported the first week of August 2011 and Keenan is still listed as a viable suspect in March of 2012 – that is 8 months after the start of the stalking that she is referring to…that does not sound to me as though he was “cleared” right in the beginning.  Morgan id’d Keenan multiple times over the 4 months he stalked her and the sheriffs were 100% convinced it was him and they were building a case against him until she was killed.

These are all FACTS that can be proved easily, with black and white evidence.  Throughout this blog I have tried to share some (obviously not all) of the evidence about what happened to Morgan, while others out on the Internet try very hard to convince people that I am just accusing innocent people, with no basis in reality.  They are very, very sick people. Steve and I can barely function at times because of the gigantic hole in our hearts…our bodies vibrate from the grief we live with every day, sometimes it’s even hard to breathe.  It would be so much easier to stop our fight for justice, and not have to relive all of this, but we will never stop!  Justice for Morgan is what we want – all the lies and cover-ups that have weighed down upon us since the beginning are hard to deal with, but they are the challenges we have been given to expose.

I do not feel like it is my job to try to convince people of the truth – this blog was never meant to share all our evidence – I think that would be extremely irresponsible.  The blog was created to raise awareness of the seriousness of stalking, and to tell Morgan’s story on a day-to-day basis.  I feel like my job is to present the facts, so people can see the truth for themselves and come to their own logical conclusions.  I want people to understand what it is like to be a victim of stalking and murder, and have people try to cover it up!  It is beyond description – the only word that can come close is “devastating.”

If you can please help to be Morgan’s voice for justice alongside our family.  Thank you!  #Justice4Morgan


Found this image from Andrew Nolan and had to share…it is so very true!

To really find out the truth about something you need to ask questions…lots of questions, sometimes many times, you need to ask multiple people to get to the truth.  Because when it comes to a murder investigation, believe it or not, sometimes people that are involved in that murder don’t want to reveal the truth – why? Because they don’t want to be arrested, or sometimes they actually have information about the murder, but are frightened that someone that is capable of killing another, might come after them…fear is a big motivator!  It’s not right – it’s taking the side of evil, and it implicates those who know the truth about the murder (they now become accomplices), but out of fear many people stay quiet…and risk becoming involved when the lid is blown off at a later date…that is called, “free will.”

So if you really want to know the truth – ask questions, don’t just listen to a small group of people on the Internet that purport to be experts, because they are not – they are people that were never involved in Morgan’s case, have never seen any of the evidence, don’t know what they are talking about, and yet continually give false statements about a crime they have absolutely no knowledge of…I can guess what their real motivation is, and it is very possible that I have proof about their real connection to the criminals in Morgan’s case, but that is not something, at this time, that I am ready to share with anyone.

I do know that #Justice4Morgan is coming – and I have no time to hate…it would only distract me from my end goal, which is justice.  So I would like to thank everyone for their continual support and encouragement – it has been a long time fighting for justice, and I greatly appreciate your continued and sustained support!





“Dying Message”

In a a final effort to identify her killer, Morgan summoned up every last bit of strength she had in her small body, and clenched her hands together…one hand she had clearly made a “K” and on the other hand was clearly a “N.”

Everyone who knew Morgan knew she could sign.  Morgan was not deaf, but just like her classmates, she learned it in school, and continued to practice it with her friends.  She went to the Deaf Camp in Old Snowmass to “talk” to the kids there.  Morgan loved learning new things, and then she loved becoming really, really good at them.  Morgan was leaving a very LOUD message with her last dying breath..  This message can not be overlooked.

These 2 letters were frozen in the clenched shape of her hands.  Experts that have seen the pictures of those hands are quite shocked at how they could possibly be overlooked…it was impossible!  Morgan’s hand were sending a message to law enforcement – she wanted her killer(s) caught, and she tried her best to help get justice…Morgan’s body was a body of “proof!”  Please don’t allow people that want Morgan’s case to just “go away” to get away with it.  We need justice for Morgan, and all others that no longer have a voice, because their voice, along with their lives, were taken from them.  Share her story, demand transparency & truth, checks and balances (the principals our country was founded on) and let’s get Morgan’s investigation opened.

We want those involved in her gang stalking, and murder to know they can not hide from justice – it’s coming.  Remember – there is no statute of limitation on murder, boys and girls.  It is no joke – her murderer(s) stole a beautiful young soul from all the people that loved her.  They took her away from all her dreams.  And those involved in the perpetration of the crime, as well as the cover-up, deserve to be investigated, and then a tried and convicted for their crimes.  It may take 6 months, a year, 2 years, 5 years, 10 years, or 30 years, but be assured we will never give up, so it will come.  Now they can start worrying about the “when,” just like they made us worry about the when during the stalking – they lived off the fear, stress and exhaustion they caused us, and ever since they have lived off the pain they have caused since they took Morgan from us, but now they can live with the worry about “when” their actions will catch up with them, because THEY WILL.