New Book: The Dark Town 1: When You’re Gone

Wanted to share a link to this great book, written by a screen writer I know – check it out to see if you’d like to purchase it. If you do purchase it please write your opinion of the book in the Amazon comment section. Thanks everyone!

This is the link to the US version: Kindle or paperback…/dp/B075JZK7W7/ref=sr_1_1…

The first book from ‘This Dark Town’ mystery thriller trilogy.

Eighteen-year-old Lydia Stone wakes up one morning in the north London gothic mansion she shares with her family, to find that her twin sister Kate has disappeared off the face of the earth.

CCTV footage shows Kate entering a night club in south London on the night she went missing, but there is no evidence that she ever came out of the club, and police are considering the idea that she was sex-trafficked.

In the days and weeks that follow, Lydia takes a closer look at her twin sister’s life; her modelling career, penchant for fetish clubs, and interesting array of older friends. It seems like Kate was definitely hiding something.

But she isn’t the only one…

Here is the link to the UK version:

No sign of forcible entry…does that mean a crime couldn’t have been committed?

Two nights before Morgan’s murder, there was a burglary next door to our house, (with a report by the Garfield County Sheriffs, and an investigation done) – with no sign of forced entry.  I would not have even known about it except for the fact that 45 minutes after the sheriffs had left our neighbor’s house, we called to report another stalking incident, and they told us it would take them awhile to return, as they had just arrived in Rifle, after being in our neighborhood because of a report of a robbery, and now they had to drive all the way back to our house.  The next morning we reviewed our cameras – the cameras had recorded the sheriffs, with their flashlights, looking all around on the ground outside our neighbors house, and then leaving.  Then our cameras caught one officer, that came back to our neighborhood after we called, looking on the ground outside Morgan’s bedroom window – then shining it up towards their wildlife camera (the one the sheriffs had mounted right in-between her 2 bedroom windows) and then he pointed his flashlight, momentarily, onto the roof…he then left.  Again, there was no police report about this stalking incident or patrol officer investigating it – why?

The house that had been robbed that night was the same house where the back door was found unlocked months earlier during Morgan’s stalking – our next door neighbor’s house. At that time the sheriff deputy, investigating yet another stalking incident at our house, decided to call out a warning, and then enter the next door neighbor’s house with his gun drawn. No one was in the house when he entered.  Our neighbor’s house was never left unlocked, so how was it now unlocked? How was someone getting in without any sign of forced entry?  Other empty houses in our cul-de-sac had doors locked, then unlocked during Morgan’s stalking – this was frustrating to the officers…no one knew who was doing this. This is true – this did happen, and this SHOULD be obvious to anyone that there was someone living in our neighborhood that could get into people’s homes without any sign of forced entry.

There were many attempted break-ins into our home during Morgan’s stalking and yes, I do believe her stalker(s) did eventually gain access into our home before her murder.  Even with all the security that celebrities have, their stalkers have gained access (without any signs of forced entry) into their yards, roofs, and homes.

If you do a search over the Internet for murder cases that have had no evidence of forced entry, you will find many cases.  There are also many, many cases of home thefts, with no sign of forced entry.  So ask yourself this…if a victim of an active felony stalking case (Morgan) is found dead, under suspicious circumstances, so an autopsy is ordered, BUT the sheriffs say they did not see any evidence of forced entry, even after many attempts that had been made to unlock our key-coded front door – does that mean it is impossible that Morgan was murdered?  No!  What a crock…

Here is another horrific murder that happened years ago in Colorado.  It is still unsolved.  There was no forcible entry into their home either, as well as a few other cases that law enforcement believe are connected to this same case.  They believe it was a possible serial murderer.

Here is another story…Ex-boyfriend hiding in the attic stalking his victim in her South Carolina home. She “felt” someone was there, but her children thought she was delusional. She wasn’t – her intuition was notifying her loud and clear. Her stalker had been living in her attic for approximately 2 weeks.…/woman-finds-ex-boyfriend-li…

And another story…stalker hiding under the bed…A 32-year-old valet became obsessed and started stalking his victim. At some point, she left her keys unattended, and he swiped them and made copies. He then returned the keys without her noticing. So much for no sign of breaking and entering! Anyway, here is one news report about the arrest…/…/12/01/AR2005120101592.html

Another stalker hiding in the attic in Modesto, CA. His victim had a restraining order against him, but that did not stop him.…/sheriff-man-arrested-afte…/

So frightening – intruders living in someone’s home without being detected. Stalking victims are always afraid when they leave their homes, they fear that when they return their stalker may be there – and they have every right to worry. Here is a story from 2013 about J. Lo’s (Jennifer Lopez’s) stalker acting like a house guest. Ms. Lopez even had security guards at her home during the time her stalker slept on the coach in her pool house, did yard work and even posted on Facebook with pictures. Beyond frightening…if this can happen to a stalking victim that has security guards then people have to understand why stalking is extremely serious and this is why victims of stalking become hyper-vigilant.…/alleged-stalker-john-dubis-found-li…

There were many ways someone could have gotten into our home, even with the 6 cameras we had outside – there were many holes in the coverage, and that happens.  We did not have any cameras pointing at our doors, because at that time we were trying to get a picture of someone approaching the house to get a clear picture of their face for a conviction.  If the cameras had been pointed at our doors then we would have had a picture of their backs entering our home – and in retrospect that would have been great, although it would not have saved Morgan.

The night of Morgan’s murder we did not have a picture of someone entering our home, but we do have a video of the person running from Morgan’s side of the house and ducking behind our neighbor’s truck.  I wish with all my heart we had just had an alarm system installed in our home at that time…most likely that would have saved her that night, but with stalkers you never know where or when they will strike so you always have to be one step ahead and hyper-vigilant.  It is not a sustainable way to live – that is why the law reads:

A Voice For the Voiceless…


Just as we should all protect and understand the delicate symbiotic relationship between humans and animals, we should also protect and understand the silent truth of human victims of crime, who no longer have a voice of their own.  We need to listen to their silent truth.  Whenever and wherever we can we should stand up for what is right,

Together we will be Morgan’s voice…we will never stop speaking Morgan’s truth.  We will never stop moving forward towards #Justice4Morgan!

Thank you all so much for helping in our fight for #Justice4Morgan by sharing the following reward poster wherever you can.  Email it to your friends, relatives, local newspapers, organizations, Colorado Representatives…whomever you can think of.  Tips are coming in and we hope it won’t be long before Morgan will have justice.

Be One of the Good Guys

SHARE – SHARE – SHARE this poster everywhere!  People are now finally stepping up…let’s keep the momentum going.  Morgan will get justice!

Please note the image in the photo depicts a left handed suspect – please call in any and all tips…You can stay anonymous.

The time is close for Justice for Morgan!