November 25, 2011 – Day 116 of Morgan’s Stalking – Quiet? Maybe Not!

Yesterday we had a wonderful Thanksgiving day with Morgan.  The leftovers are always the best part for me, and the Maroon Creek Club knows this, we left with more than we ate there!  We almost had leftovers for breakfast.

Steve left early for work, he has deadlines and he is not one to shy away from that.  Nothing makes him happier than keeping up with what he has to do.  Morgan and I have a breakfast together, and talk about Steve. She is worried that he is so worried about her.  I tell her that is funny, because he is worried that she is so worried about him.  We laugh and talk about the place he wants us to move to.  About how he would have never told her, but it was about how great the defensive stance from there is.

Even though I have promised Steve to not say this, I talk about how we are both so worried about her and for the immediate future it is a good move.  Morgan does not want us to worry.  She echoes something Steve had said often, about how all of the security measures we have put in place have created an invisible 10 foot barrier around the house…I’m not completely convinced.

I remind Morgan that he also says that the 10 foot barrier is all we have, and we really need much more than that.  She pauses and is quite reflective, agreeing that maybe we should move. I never really thought she would agree with that, but suddenly she had.  It is nothing less than a breath of fresh air to me, I tell her I will tell her Daddy and he will be so happy to move.  That her safety is all he cares about.

Morgan gushes with surprise as she always does at moments like this.  Her Daddy is so important to her, just like he is to her big sister, she says it will be a big job, and are we sure we want to do it right before Christmas?  I assure her that the next couple of weeks we really have nothing to do, when in fact both of us are quite maxed out.

That afternoon we have “leftovers” again for lunch.  I ask Morgan if she wants to invite anyone over to share, but she say no, she wants to just be with me, and Daddy, if he has time.  I call Steve, but he is at his shop and has deadlines that need to get finished and he is afraid he will even be working late to get it all done.  His brother has lent him a worker, and he is doing his best, wishes he could be with us, but says to go ahead without him.

Her sister sends her a heart on a text.  Morgan talks to her friends on her cell phone who remind her that a good friend is going to be playing at the Carbondale guitar shop tonight and they want her to be there.  She says maybe to them and wants to know from me when Steve will be home.  I call Steve and he tells me he will leave now, that family has to come before what he is doing.  He will just get up earlier for work and all will be fine.

I tell Morgan he is leaving right now to come home and she is happy.  She wants to spend some time with us and then go see her friend play, to support her.  I agree with her and we busy ourselves in the kitchen, working away and sort of making up for Thanksgiving in a restaurant by having the leftovers at home together.  She was growing into such a sweet young woman, worried about helping those all around her, and I was so proud of her at that moment.

Morgan sends her friend Calder a message at 7:44 pm, “Hey what are you up to?” Calder writes back, “If you’re with Nate tell him we should chill tomorrow.”  Morgan responds, “I’m at home having dinner.  I’ll let him know.  What are your plans tonight?”  Calder says, “Looking for something to do.”  Morgan says, “Well are you still free?  JJ is playing at Steve’s Guitars.”

Morgan leaves after Steve and I have a dinner with her.  The night is stalker free, as far as we know, and Morgan comes home early from her friend’s performance at the guitar store.  She is calm, and I am happy deep down inside that the move in the works is the right thing to do.

Steve and I go to sleep, confident that we have made the right choice, and we will soon put all this nonsense of stalkers, and noises in the night behind us.  We were always having wishful thinking that this stalker will find another obsession and go away.

But you all know how wrong we were…

Click here to read about the 117th day of Morgan’s stalking

If you are helping Morgan’s case – You are helping the many victims of stalking and bullying!!!

Water stands for change – Morgan’s favorite place to meditate

Everyone, please remember the Dr. Phil show tomorrow.  I can’t say I know what it will really focus on, but I know that Morgan Ingram was a big part of it and that warms my heart more than I can ever express.  She was an amazing young woman and I will be honored to meet her again someday.  Please share this with all of your friends. Stalking is serious and can be lethal.  Dr. Phil is reaching out to help the victims of stalking, if you are one or know one, give them your full support.  And know that Steve and I will help you in any way we can!!

Milestones along the journey

As the frantic pace from last week slows to a far more manageable speed, I want to thank all of you so much for for your help, your kind words, your encouragement, and of course your support for Morgan.  She was the victim, and Steve and I have always said that if just one other young woman is saved, this will all be worth it.  And we cherish very dearly the successes this effort has already had.

I did say milestone in the title and one they tell me one that will be reached today is 3 million views!, in 111 countries.  I asked exactly what a “view” is and it was explained like this.  If one of you comes on the Blog and reads a post and then clicks on a link that takes you to another post, or a page of stalking advice. That would be 2 views, made sense to me, so it is not 3 million individual people, just 3 million views.  A very overwhelming number to me and one that I would never have dreamed of when I started this blog about Morgan’s Stalking.  I think it just underscores what a real nightmare stalking and bullying is for us all, all across the globe.

Also our local radio station in the valley KDNK will air a 3 part series starting on Monday 11/12 at 6:50 am and 7:50 am, about Morgan Ingram’s Stalking and what they have learned in their research of her stalking.  If you miss a broadcast it will also be available on their website. (The 3-part series can now be heard on

I haven’t had a chance to preview any of it but they really dug into the subject and Steve and I are so grateful for the exposure of this very important subject.

Thank you all and I look forward to meaningful improvement to the current awareness of how dangerous stalking can be and how inadequate our current protocol is when dealing with stalking and bullying.