Milestones along the journey

As the frantic pace from last week slows to a far more manageable speed, I want to thank all of you so much for for your help, your kind words, your encouragement, and of course your support for Morgan.  She was the victim, and Steve and I have always said that if just one other young woman is saved, this will all be worth it.  And we cherish very dearly the successes this effort has already had.

I did say milestone in the title and one they tell me one that will be reached today is 3 million views!, in 111 countries.  I asked exactly what a “view” is and it was explained like this.  If one of you comes on the Blog and reads a post and then clicks on a link that takes you to another post, or a page of stalking advice. That would be 2 views, made sense to me, so it is not 3 million individual people, just 3 million views.  A very overwhelming number to me and one that I would never have dreamed of when I started this blog about Morgan’s Stalking.  I think it just underscores what a real nightmare stalking and bullying is for us all, all across the globe.

Also our local radio station in the valley KDNK will air a 3 part series starting on Monday 11/12 at 6:50 am and 7:50 am, about Morgan Ingram’s Stalking and what they have learned in their research of her stalking.  If you miss a broadcast it will also be available on their website. (The 3-part series can now be heard on

I haven’t had a chance to preview any of it but they really dug into the subject and Steve and I are so grateful for the exposure of this very important subject.

Thank you all and I look forward to meaningful improvement to the current awareness of how dangerous stalking can be and how inadequate our current protocol is when dealing with stalking and bullying.