October 2, 2011 – Day 62 of Morgan’s Stalking

This morning at 6:15 Morgan is awoken by loud stones against her window, the loudest it has ever been (look at the suspects hours below – he was on his break, only minutes from our house at this time!) She presses the panic button immediately and Steve is at her room seconds later, and then he is out the front door.  I rush to her room and Morgan is beside herself.  She thinks that it is a wonder he did not break the window and we both look at all of her windows very carefully for cracks.  We don’t see any, and Steve comes back in to report that he did not see anything, and Keenan’s car is not at Brooke’s dad’s house.  He is going for a drive to record the rest of the neighborhood, and wants both of us to stay inside while he is gone.

We are all far too keyed up for sleep and wind up in the kitchen for a family talk.  I have no notes about what we did talk about that morning, but I can safely guess that it revolved around stalkers and stalking.

After breakfast we go outside and find two questionable footprints on Morgan’s side of the house.  I see them, but Steve does not.  Again, I would like to mention that we had 6 cameras up around our house, but they could not cover every area of the house – it was impossible…so there were holes in the coverage.  We spent some time looking at the live video and Steve positioning on that side of the house, and realized the spot where the prints were is in a “hole” between the two cameras.  Steve aims both cameras at Morgan’s windows and we thoroughly water the side and rake it smooth.  We had been lax in this step since the video cameras went in and we agree to be more attentive to every detail.  Now that we have a detective, if we get a really good print he will cast it.  I am very angry with myself for not keeping up with this “chore”.

Later that morning, right around 10:35 am, a neighbor calls and tells us that Keenan drove up at 10:30 am and, after watching him get out of his car and go in the house, he did not have the “range bag” this time.

Morgan goes out with her puppy and texts me later at 9:51 pm “On my way”.  I have been trying to find an app for my phone that Morgan wanted me to get and I text her back, “Is the app called happy trees?”  She answers, “Hills.” And I tell her, “Ok thanks and I’ll watch for you.”  She tells me “K” and is pulling in the driveway a short while later.

We had all been up since early morning and were tired and went to bed.  At 10:31 pm one of the back motion lights went off, this had been such a pattern, which was followed by something on Morgan’s windows that I went right out into the yard with a flashlight, leaving the bedroom door open.  As soon as I was out in the yard I heard the motion alarm for the driveway going off in the room.  I thought whoever was in the back had gone straight to the front and across our driveway.  Most every time we had seen someone in the driveway they were always going from my office side of the house to the garage side of the house and I went back through the house to see what was out front.  There was nothing and I went back in to discuss with Steve some counter measure for this pattern, it had happened too many times.

Today is September 30, 2012 – A thought about cameras.  If ours had been mounted away from our house looking at our house from some distance they would have proven far more useful.  From a practical standpoint it sounds difficult, but mounting cameras on neighboring houses and the back of the back yard, all aimed at the house seems like a good start.  Our cameras were mounted under the eves of the house which put them about 3’ from the outside wall and as our house had really high ceilings they were about 14’ from the ground.  And reviewing all the cameras we had, in case I have not talked about this, pretty much impossible to see it all.  The video was always on, so it was six cameras times 24 hrs each, every day.  Unless we wanted to focus on a specific place in a certain time range it was difficult.  There was a motion detecting feature that we have found was less than perfect in catching our stalker, but it was very helpful in ruling out wind or animals as a cause for an alarm on one of the motion detectors.  We now know the cameras were not catching any images because the stalker was on our ROOF!  He was coming from above and the cameras were not pointed up there.

Click here to read about the 63rd day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1540

Stories of stalking…what if stories of the victims helped heal and empower others?

Morgan's photo of rings of a tree

Just like the rings of a tree, every year we grow, always building on what has come before.

Every day I sit in front of a computer and relive a day that led up to my daughter’s death.  I was truly uncertain as to how she had died at first, and Steve and I sought out a second opinion.  We were shocked, in denial, exercising avoidance, you name a psychological name that protects you from the brutal truth, and there is a good chance it was humming full speed in us at that time.

Along this path to recovery we had a third opinion, a fourth, a fifth, so many we have lost track.  All wonderful caring professionals I will never be able to thank enough for the time they took, and the compassion with which they treated our family.  Completely diametrically opposed to the way we were treated by the Coroner Trey Holt and the subcontractor who does his autopsies Dr. Robert Kurtzman.  At one point I remember Steve pointing out that if the score was being kept it was 12 -1, Twelve professionals certain that the one, Dr. Robert Kutzman was wrong.  As you can imagine that did not go over well with Dr. Robert Kurtzman,  obviously not used to being questioned or having to answer tough questions he became frustrated and dismissed it all as “none of these other doctors can testify, only I can testify in court, and he was so wrong about that too.   But he and Trey Holt had their own agenda, and I really am at a loss to explain what that might have been.  The well being of our family as we dealt with this nightmare, and the pursuit of justice for Morgan Jennifer Ingram did not exist for those two.

Even Thomas Walton, of whom I spoke yesterday, he may have really been trying to do a good job, but if his requirements were zero, and his training was zero, and if part of his job description was to make sure his boss got the job of handling the funeral to come, well if that was the case, he did as good as he could have been expected to.  They are completely separate entities you know, or at least they are supposed to be. The Coroner’s office – ultimate authority for the cause of death, none higher – then the funeral home is what comes after, and only after the County Coroner has completed his job and released the body.  That they are the same person is problematic to be sure, but that is sort of the law here in Colorado.

I have found it really important to share what happened, and along the path to recovery the most amazing thing has happened.  Sharing the story has become the rock around which Steve and I rebuild… our family, the search for truth, and justice for Morgan, and even ourselves.

It has been on my mind for a long time and I believe today is the day.  So many have shared with me their stories of stalking, as you know there have even been a few arrests across the country,  arrests I am told would not have happened were it not for Morgan’s story being shared.  People have realized by reading her story that they have a stalker and need to report it and not just keep it to themselves.

So I want to do something, I want to ask all of you who have been victims of stalking to try something.  Share your story with Morgan, don’t use your real name, maybe initials.  But tell what happened, and how it made you feel, and what you did about it, and the State it happened in, short or long as you want.  This is all in the hopes that it will help to heal and, my fingers are crossed here,  rip the cover off this crime called stalking for all the country, and the world to see.   So keep that in mind as you write.  Then send it to me as an  anonymous tip.  I think it would be a good thing to have a group of stories of stalking.  People are so absolutely amazed by the story of Morgan’s stalking, and certain it has to be told.  Maybe your story will touch a chord too, and maybe that is the real story here.