Friday, September 2, 2011 – the 32nd day of & Morgan’s stalking continues…

Yesterday, our neighbor Elliott sent me a text at 12:21 pm about a new roommate on the corner named Eric.  He said Eric is not the brother.  I asked him if that is the person that owns a black SUV parked in the driveway, with the back window busted out of it?  Elliot said, “Don’t know.  Just remembered he said his name was Eric and that he’s the new roommate.  Also, the older brother moved out.  I add Eric to the suspect list even though I have not seen him yet.  We just keep adding or subtracting to our list of suspects in order to hone in on one.

On Sept. 2nd Elliott sends me another text, “How’s it going?  The kid on the end of block, his plate is _________, Florida.”  Elliott was trying to help us figure out who the stalker was, he had some great ideas and we appreciated having his point of view added to the mix.

Steve sends a text to Morgan at 4:26 pm, “Did they get it?”  Morgan replies, “Not yet.  I left.”  Steve says, “K.”  At 4:47 pm Steve sends Morgan another text, “We are going to Jazz Aspen.  Will you be OK??”  He said this because Morgan knows she can not go home until we do, and it will be late when we get home, so he wants to make sure she is somewhere that she can hang out that long.  Today I don’t even remember who was playing, my mind was on Morgan the whole time.

At 10:20 pm Steve sends Morgan another text, “Just leaving the concert could not make it all the way to the end.  How is everything?”  Morgan writes back, “Hahaha aw.  I’m just at coops.”  Coops was her friend Cooper and he only lived about 10 minutes away from our house.

Morgan slept in my closet again, the master bedroom backyard motion lights kept going on and off again.  Steve ran out twice, and both times saw nothing, and then we just lay in bed watching it go off a few times through the upper windows.  This guy or girl was definitely getting excited about fooling with us with the motion lights.  Must have been fun watching us run out to try to catch them and not be able to see them.  Steve says he’s thinking that maybe if he just ignores it, the guy will stop.  I think he’s just really tired, but I say let’s give it a try, nothing else is working.

We’ve have now ordered two big time wildlife cameras that can broadcast to our phones or the computer, they have not come yet, and after our success with the first one I can’t wait to get more up.

This same week – a year later. One of my Blog readers asked if anyone had ever combed the berm for evidence with a metal detector, as it had not been done, he offered to go by and do it for Morgan.  You never know what might be found.  I went by to check it first and to my surprise, it was mowed down to the dirt.  The six and a half years we lived in the Aspen Equestrian Estates it was just covered with long wild grass, wildflowers, and trees – it was beautiful and had never been mowed. Today it has been mowed, really short, and all signs of the trails are gone, as well as all the wildflowers.  When was this done?  Was it done after my blog came out about the berm?  Call me crazy, but to me this seems very suspicious…who decided that all the vegetation on that berm should be mowed or cut down?  Of course the trees are still there, but all signs of the trails that the stalker created are all gone now.  Is this all just a coincidence that after all these years that they did this?  We were in that house, and had to evacuate some years back when that fire spread across from the Carbondale Mini storage all the way to Catherine’s store, and jumped the river to Ranch of the Roaring Fork subdivision.  Our subdivision had fire damage done to it.  The berm was never mowed down as a fire precaution after that – so is that going to be the excuse for mowing it down now…years after the fire?  That doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.  I would really like to know who decided to have this done.

Click here to read about the 33rd day of Morgan’s stalking

Below is a comment from a reader, but Steve felt that I should post it….this gives us even more conviction to keep pushing for change.

I have to say that finally someone is shedding light on the fact that Garfield County has and continues to fail miserably at protecting the citizens who live here. Yes, I live here. I personally know two families that had their children molested and they reported it. There was never an investigation of the individual accused, in fact, in one case the perp. started harassing the victims because they reported “her”, the molester. These were young children, who stood up for them? The D.A. is interested in a cut and dry, clean win in court, such as the easy prosecution of illegal immigrants who are caught drunk driving. This poor family that I know made endless calls to the D.A.’s office when they first discovered their child was being molested and they were being ignored, guess what, the D.A.’s office NEVER returned any of their calls. Thank God they have since found support, and have strength and love within themselves to move on.
What has happened to Morgan is ABSOLUTELY terrible and the person that stalked her needs to be found out and prosecuted. End of story. Someone who knows what they are doing needs to be assigned to this investigation, and do what they were hired to do, protect the public.
Toni, your love for your daughter shines so bright. We are standing with you. Be good to yourself. What happened to Morgan is not o.k. The way it was handled is not o.k. , it breaks my heart that you and your husband had to repeatedly tell each new officer that came to your house the whole story all over again, there should have been a report and they all should have been notified. I am praying for closure for your family.