Toady we where interviewed by Jeff Todd from CBS 4 Denver who was interested to hear about Morgan’s story and the mistreatment from the coroner’s and sheriff’s department here in Garfield county. The segment will be on the 5:00 PM News hour on CBS 4 (KCNC-TV) Denver. The support has been pouring in from all over the country and we truly can’t thank you enough. Please tune in!
Daily Archives: September 6, 2012
September 6, 2012 – wanted to share one of Morgan’s paintings with you
On September 6, 2011 I said the following to Morgan – it was something that I had read a while ago, and typed into my cell phone notes, because I thought it explained exactly what I thought of her.
I told her that I thought she was gifted, profound, and uniquely brilliant! Morgan said, “Oh mom…thanks, with a big smile on her face.” Now a year later I am so happy that I told her, and I didn’t keep it inside of me, thinking that I would tell her some other day…that day may never have come.
It really is important to always say what you mean, and mean what you say.
This is one of Morgan’s oil paintings that she did about 2 years before.