Daily Archives: September 25, 2012
Daddy’s sweaters…
I was just staring at the last picture I posted of Morgan – she is wearing one of her dad’s sweaters. She loved wearing his sweaters, I guess they were really thick, and warm and on some of these cold Colorado days they were the perfect, comfortable choice.
I started to cry, because I remember how she said to her dad, right around this time, “I guess I am going have to hit you up for some of your sweaters when I go away to college.”
How I wish she was away at college right now, just like we had all planned.
Yes, you can lose somebody overnight, yes, your whole life can be turned upside down. Life is short. It can come and go like a feather in the wind.
Shania Twain
September 27, 2011 – Day 57 of Morgan’s Stalking – The Question of Restraining Orders
All three of us (Morgan, Steve & myself) had a discussion about the stalker at breakfast, as well as Steve’s feelings about a restraining order. A while back, we had decided to let the detective weigh in when he came on board, and today I was going to do just that. Steve and I wanted Morgan’s opinion now, and we discussed the dangers of restraining orders. We didn’t really know what the best course was, and we once again we grappled for the answer. Morgan wanted a restraining order, but agreed with us that we should wait to see what the detective thought…this ultimately was a BIG mistake! Morgan was convinced it was Keenan, and wanted to know why the sheriffs did not just confront him? We did not have an answer for that, not an acceptable one anyway.
Morgan was pressed for time, and had to leave for school, so I did sent an email to the detective during my lunch break, telling Rob it was very nice to meet him, and about the incident that has happened last night in what has become the stalker’s most popular time. The detective had talked about stakeouts, and Steve and I are hoping he would read the email I sent him, and just come by tonight at around that time. But, as we found out, that was not how it works.
In the email I reminded him to please remember to give us the case number, and asked him for his ideas or concerns about a restraining order. We realized that you can’t get a restraining order against your stalker or stalkers, a restraining order has to be directed at a person, a specific person. I didn’t share with him Morgan’s certainty, but I did name Keenan as the person we would be seeking a retraining order against. I also added that we were not 100% positive yet that is was him, but Morgan was.
I had asked those two questions and clicked send. We would wait for the answer and I already felt apprehension. Restraining orders are meant to protect, but they also come with some danger, depending on the typology of your stalker.
Morgan came home from school, and went to see Dr. Jensen, a wonderful homeopathic doctor, because her back hurt again. He adjusted her, and she was feeling much better when she came back. She went out to visit with friends, and came home at 9:30 pm – before I would have felt the need to text her. We had a very quiet night, which was great, as well as disturbing. Anytime anything changed it would be quiet for at least a day or two. Once again we had the detective’s truck parked in our driveway for a long time, while we went over the case, but that even seemed to have been enough to make this stalker pause again.
(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening. On 9.27.2011 he worked from 1:03 am – 6:07 am & then from 6:40 am – 10:20 am)
Click here to read about the 58th day of Morgan’s stalking https://morgansstalking.com/?p=1421
Is a Blog about Morgan’s Stalking helping?
Steve and I are embarking on a course of action to file a compliant wherever conduct rose to a level that a complaint is warranted. It will take weeks, if not months to do this, and will not be limited to any one component of the crimes committed against Morgan Ingram, we seek to include all of the crimes committed against Morgan. Whenever possible, a copy of the complaint will be posted on MorganIngram.com and talked about here on the Blog. I am really not sure how often it will be appropriate to post the complaint, but I’m hoping that at least half of the time it will be shared as it happens.
Today I am reflecting, I am honoring all our nation’s murder victims, and their surviving family members as part of this day of remembrance. And even though Steve and I include ourselves in that group, technically we are not, because Morgan’s official cause of death went from natural causes to suicide. Obviously I want to ask the question of how do you call the death of a 20 year old woman, found with a date rape cocktail containing no less than six different recognized date rape drugs in her system, with all of her jewelry (of value) missing from the room she was found in, after being viciously gang stalked for four months, and with what has been called by numerous professionals, a “massive” dose of Amitriptyline also in her system, when she had not taken amitriptyline or had a prescription for over 18 months before her murder. Can’t help but add that the Forensic Pathologist who came to this conclusion produced a document, with his notes clearly handwritten on it, explaining that “while it may seem large amount of Amitriptyline it was really insignificant” and STILL TO THIS DAY maintains she was taking Amitriptyline right up to her death! But of course, until Morgan’s voice (us as her surviving parents) has the chance to question all this in a court of law, nothing changes. If this were your daughter wouldn’t you want answers, transparency, compassion, to be informed? Why didn’t this happen? Wouldn’t you fight for your child – no matter how long it took?
Last night, just before midnight, another milestone was reached –
The Morgan’s Stalking Blog reached over one million views in 84 countries!
And the part of that “stat” I am most excited about is that we have helped three stalking victims start to reclaim their lives, and also helped many others to at least share their story and seek help.
So take a second today to reflect on those who have been senselessly murdered, and the extreme pain that their families have had to, and will have to endure. Morgan told me many times that the way things are done now mom, is through social media – it seems she was right again. We love you Morgan . . .and always will, until we meet again.
Love, Mom & Dad