Be Informed…Not Just Opinionated

When I saw this quote, with the chess pieces, I just had to share it, “Try being informed instead of just opinionated”….it really does feel much better when you know what you say is really taken from facts, and not just from listening to some over-blown person on the web, that has no real knowledge of the crime, and there are many of them.

And here I go talking about Morgan’s stalking and murder case again.  Why?  Because I am her mother, a mother who lost her precious youngest child to someone’s sick obsessions, jealousy, and sexual fantasies – it’s not right, it needs to be stopped – all of our daughter’s should be safe, and allowed to live their life to the fullest, not cut short by some pathetic criminal, who remains free, because no one wants to use the money or manpower to investigate.

When a person is stalked it can be lethal, as it was in our daughter Morgan’s case.  Don’t take my word for it – read and investigate what the “experts” say.  

Laura Richards, BSc, MSc, Asc. IA-IP, MBPsS, is someone who is trying to make a difference for victims of stalking.  Laura is the Founder and Director of Paladin, the world’s first National Stalking Advocacy Service.  She also the co-creator and host of Real Crime Profile podcast with Jim Clemente, retired FBI Profiler and Lisa Zambetti, Director of Casting for CBS’s ‘Criminal

Laura is a renowned international expert on domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence and risk assessment.  Quote from Laura, “If stalking is not a priority in your local policing plan or counted – police will continue to fail to record it or be trained to understand it.”

I want #Justice4Morgan, and I will absolutely not stop working towards justice for her until justice is served.

Crime Watch Daily 4-Part Video about Morgan’s Case…


To see the 4-part series that Crime Watch Daily did about our daughter, Morgan Ingram, please go to: Crime Watch website


Morgan on her last Halloween in 2011 – she always had hearts everywhere…:)

The picture above is the screensaver on my phone.  It is a picture of Morgan on Halloween many, many years ago.  When I looked down at my phone and saw the time, 1:11 on October 19th I knew I had to take a screen shot of it…Morgan sending me angel numbers.

The Crime Watch Daily 4 Part Series of Morgan’s Stalking and Murder


Morgan non a trip with Mom and Dad

Along the way on a trip to Santa fe New Mexico

Please see the 4 part Crime Watch Daily special about Morgan’s case. Kelly McLear produced it, Nerissa Knight was the investigative reporter and was really great, and all of the many others whom Steve and I never had the chance to meet all worked so hard to tell what they could about Morgan’s case. I am so grateful for all of their hard work and diligence. What a great, great job they did on her story.

To see it, first you could go to the Crime Watch Daily website. They have the story and links to all four videos here: Crime Watch website

Or Crime Watch Daily has a facebook page with all four videos posted as well, here are the links:

Pt. 1: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 2: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 3: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 4: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

And if you prefer youtube, the series is also listed there under the Crime Watch Daily banner;

Pt. 1: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 2: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 3: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 4: Was Morgan Ingram’s Death a Murder or Suicide? – Crime Watch Daily

Let me know what you think after watching all 4 parts – the feedback today has been extremely positive, and as always I encourage stalking victims to view Morgan’s story as educational, compare it to your own case, or that of a friend you know believes or is certain they are being stalked. Understanding stalkers and stalking is difficult, anything that helps a victim of stalking to better deal with their own situation is so important.

Morgan was courageous, a fighter to her bitter and very tragic end. Don’t let this happen to you!


The show about our daughter Morgan will be aired today, Tuesday the 24th, on Crime Watch Daily. You can go to their website and click on the tab that says, “When it’s on” then click on the state you are in – it will then tell you what channel and time it will air. It will be 4 parts, if you miss it today, you still be able to watch all 4 parts, either on their website, or on the Crime Watch Daily Facebook page.

We are so happy a national investigative crime show will be airing her story and we want to thank all those involved at Crime Watch Daily for all their hard work.

Emmy® Award-winning CRIME WATCH DAILY WITH CHRIS HANSEN is the very first crime show to air in daytime syndication and receive Daytime Emmy® nominations in both its inaugural and second seasons.  Please share with your friends and family to help us move forward in our quest for #Justice4Morgan.  Thank all of you for your continued support – it means the world to us.