Memory of New Year’s Eve 2011 – lanterns up to Heaven

The first New Years Eve without Morgan was on December 31, 2011.  Our wonderful family came over with balloon lanterns/Chinese lanterns/sky lanterns, they have many different names, but they are all basically the same.  These lanterns soar into the dark sky when lit.

It was an evening like no other.  In the silence of the night we all took colored markers and wrote our own special messages on each lantern, lit the fuel source inside, and watched them float upwards into the night sky, on their way up to Heaven.

We all needed to talk to Morgan.  We all needed to send her our love.  This was such a special and meaningful way to release some of our pent up emotions.  It felt like a lifting of our spirits to watch our messages fly into the night sky…never seeing where they went.  Only to believe they made it to Morgan, and she could read what we wrote.  Last night marked 4 years ago since that night…we are still missing Morgan, but we have learned to speak to her with our thoughts.  We know she hears us and her love is endless.

2016 is now the year that we believe in magic.  The magic that comes when the basic truth and facts in Morgan’s case finally bring about justice for Morgan.  The grief we experience daily from losing Morgan due to a heartless killer(s) will never go away, but the pain that we have lived with for the last 4 years will be lessened when justice is finally realized.

My wish for 2016 is justice for Morgan!  Wishing you a blessed and healthy New Year!


Happy New Year…2016 Justice For Morgan!

As promised here are some more pictures of candles that have been lit for Morgan.  There are thousands of people from all over the world that want to see justice for Morgan.  I truly believe this new year will bring about that justice.  It has been a long 4 years waiting, but because of the love & support of so many people that will never give up justice is inevitable.

As Rob Wells has said many times…

Murderers Living Amongst Us!

Colorado has a backlog of 1,750 unsolved murders dating back to 1970. The killers of these victims have never been prosecuted for these murders. They walk among us. They live in our neighborhoods. These murderers, who have escaped justice, pose a serious threat to the safety of every Colorado citizen.

Our daughter Morgan was murdered during an active investigation into her felony stalking in Carbondale, CO – right in her own home.  Morgan deserves justice and we are never going to give up.  Thank you all for your unending support over these past 4 years!


I was moving around a lot today, but no matter where I was, I kept at least one candle lit for Morgan.  -Nicole


When we were 25 (almost 12 years ago), my best friend died of cancer. I bought this candle for her then and I only light it on special occasions. I burned it for several hours tonight for Morgan.

With Love & Blessings,
An honored member of Morgan’s Army

In memory

In memory….

I can only pray that justice is served for you Morgan. May God be with your family on this day that the world is honoring your memory.

Sylvia candle

May she rest in peace – I’m so sorry for your tragic loss.

candle stalking

Thoughts and prayers to you and all victims of stalking.


My candle is flickering brightly in Washington State ~ in loving honor of your sweet & beautiful daugther  Morgan.
May you feel her love and presence with you today more than ever.
Mary Ann

Ashley candle


Toni and Steve – I live in New Orleans and I have been reading your blog everyday. I work at a cheese shop here and I want you both to know that you have a large following of myself and my fellow employees. We worked with one of Morgan’s friends, Katie. We are sad for your loss, but we hope you find strength in knowing that you are doing good in spreading your message.

Much love and many thoughts. A candle for Morgan.


Thinking of you guys and your beautiful daughter. I went on a walk today with Charlie (my dog) and lit some candles. I love you guys!  – Emily


candle lit for Morgan


Steve and Toni,

Our thoughts are with you.  We have been thinking of Morgan all day.
Peace – Clay
RIP beautiful Morgan




For you Morgan, we light a candle in front of our pineapple plant.

Tresky Family in CA


Hi Toni,  Molly and I have been talking lots about Morgan today. I wanted to send a special candle in memory of Morgan filled with love. Hope the case is moving forward and positively. Prayers sent every day. Best, Ann & Molly from West Palm Beach, FL. xo



 Thinking of the Ingram Family and sending them a light of hope!


Here is our candle lit for Morgan…Love and Hugs!
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.  Morgan’s story is heartbreaking and I hope that one day very soon she will receive the justice she deserves.


Candles lit in memory of Morgan…

I decided to share with you all some of the pictures of candles that have been lit in memory of Morgan – here are a few.  I will keep posting them as they are all so precious and filled with love.  With each burning candle my heart fills with gratitude towards people I have never met, but now feel very connected to…how could I not – these people are good people – people that care – people that know how precious life is…this is why I am grateful.

Dear Toni and Steve,
I have been following your blog since I saw you both on Dr. Phil.  My heart breaks for you over the loss of Morgan and the suspicious events surrounding her murder.  I am praying that her case is reopened and that you find justice for your baby girl.  
I too, have lost a child, my son, at age 6, in 2011.  Noah died suddenly in his sleep, and his autopsy report read “Natural Causes” as well for his cause of death.  There were no suspicious events around his death, but it still is painful not to know the actual reason we lost him.  Losing a child is the worst thing in the world.  A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think of his smiling face and all the joy he gave to those around him
My candle is lit for Morgan today, in her precious, joyous memory.  Know that you and your family are in my prayers.  I think what you are doing with this blog is very brave, as I am sure that it is difficult to write each day on your part.  I know that it will help some young girl in the future, and I’m sure that Morgan is so proud, and smiling down on you today.  Many hugs…..candle for Morganlantern  candlea candleb candlec

Hi Toni,
I am one of the girls in New Orleans who worked with Katie.
I’ve been following your blog and everyday I am touched by how wonderful a person Morgan was and also how strong and courageous you and Steve continue to be. 
I lit a candle in a jar with some rose petals for Morgan on Sunday. I drew a heart on it while I said a prayer for her, her family and friends and then put it on my front porch so that the light and love could be shared. 
Much love to you Toni and Steve! 
There are a bunch of us down here in New Orleans that are pulling for you guys to get justice, create positive change and find peace. 

From Seattle. Morgan will not be forgotten.candle seattle

Thinking of the Ingrams! Xo. candlekate

A candle lit for your lovely daughter, may she rest in eternCandle for Morgan Broomfieldal peace.  From the Floyds in Broomfield, Colorado.






For Morgan! photo candle for Morgan

Here’s the picture of the candle we lit for Morgan last night.  I put my mother and baby willow tree statue next to it, as it reminded me of your strength and never ending love for your little girl.

Thinking of you all and sending love and light…

~Kristin Kristincandle

Candles for Morgan <3 Ashley candle

Sending this with love, light & aloha.

Tia candle