I decided, after Morgan’s murder, that I would not allow myself to be a victim – I needed to take action in order to achieve justice for Morgan, as well as for so many other innocent victims in this world.

I get knocked down a lot – and yes, I feel sad and deflated – but the one thing I will never do is give up…every single day I wake up with a passion to get going, to take action and make something good happen. Don’t get me wrong, I make mistakes and I spend a lot of energy going in the wrong direction, but I continue to take action…I always pick myself up and try a different direction. The Universe seems to propel me when I am pointed in the right direction, just as it seems to knock me down when I am pointed in the wrong direction.

Joan Baez was right when she said, “ACTION IS THE ANTIDOTE TO DESPAIR”

As long as I keep moving forward, that little voice of despair seems to become a soft whisper, instead of an overwhelming thundering sound. Onward my friends!

Blog Security – or words I would not even have known a year ago…

Hacker in front of his computer. Dark face

We had a number of attempts by someone trying to compromise Morgan’s stalking blog a few days ago.  Thankfully none were successful and now we have a server that watches over the server that hosts the blog.  I honestly don’t know exactly what all this means, but what I do know is that we are far “safer” now than we were before.  A person very well qualified in this kind of thing feels that with almost 9 million views to the blog this is to be expected.  I now feel like this website and blog are better protected, and I will leave it at that.

Thank all you good people out there who are sharing in the fight for justice, and to that 1 bad person, well shame on you!  And take your pack somewhere else.

Toni (always Morgan’s mom)


Morgan gave us so much happiness…

Morgan & Me 🙂

Morgan was always so much fun to be with, from the moment she was born Steve and I brought her almost everywhere we went. Every day was joyful with her in our lives – the world became a brighter place, from the smallest dew drop to the sound of the wind in the trees.

We used to call her our little Buddha baby, but her Godfather used to think she looked like one of the Precious Moments sculptures, so he used to buy them for her…she brought so much light and love to all of our lives – she did give us many “precious moments!” 

It’s bittersweet to look at pictures now, because I miss her so much, and yet I am so extremely happy at the same time when I see her sweet smiles. I will always be grateful that I have so many pictures of her.

In my heart I know my baby is safe now and I will get to see her again someday…that day will be such a happy reunion. I know it will have to wait till my job here on earth is completed – Morgan did a great job during her time on earth, and going forward I will always strive to do my best, just as she did. I miss my girl with all my heart, and at the same time I still feel her all around…the invisible cord is still connected and always will be. A mother’s love never dies.