Tag Archives: Morgan ingram blog
Access to your debit card #PIN can be as simple as a cellphone snap away
When you read the following link about thermal technology – it’s scary!
This is how it pertains to Morgan’s stalking and murder case…we had a heavy duty keypad lock that we installed during Morgan’s stalking on our front door. We thought it was extremely safe and we wouldn’t have to worry about a key being copied or anything…well we were very wrong about the extremely safe part.
After Morgan’s murder one of our friends noticed our keypad and explained to us that the keypads that do not have a shield over them are very unsafe. He said someone could be hiding behind something with binoculars during the day or at night they could be using a night scope to see what numbers were being pushed. I felt sick when he told us because Morgan’s stalker had pushed the numbers many times in the middle of the night as well as the one morning when Morgan was left alone for 1/2 hour…it was frightening but the sheriff’s said it was most likely just to raise our fear and the stalker wasn’t really trying to get in the house. What a lot of bologna that was!
I know now the stalker got into our house and when you research stalkers it is a common thing that they do. We did not know this at the time unfortunately. Our keypad also had numbers that lit up at night and were not made of metal. I asked the sheriffs on a couple of occasions if they could try to fingerprint the keypad but they would not. Now to read this article and have another possibility of how the stalker could have known the key code is very upsetting. The little red light that we saw off and on in the darkness that we thought might be a infrared scope or an infrared camera could have been an infrared scanner. I know of two easy was Morgan’s particular stalker could have gotten his hands on one. This makes me sick to know we had no clue so that is why I would like to share this with all of you. The more knowledge and awareness people have the better they can make the right decisions.
Luckily, keypads that are metal are safe from thermal signatures, but rubber and plastic pads are vunerable, so Rober offers a simple tip for the cautious: All you need to do is lay your fingers against other numbers on the keypad as you type your pin code and the thermal signature will be rendered meaningless.
Sarah Afshar’s Exclusive Interview with Morgan’s brother Ryan
Morgan’s older sister and brother both adored her. She was their baby sister. She was 13 years younger than her sister, and 10 years younger than her brother, and she would have been 23 years old this past August 16th. Her brother Ryan wanted to be able to speak out about what happened to his sister, he wanted to share his inner most feelings about the pain in his heart that he has had ever since Morgan was taken from this world. There are people “others” on the Internet that want to attack victims and co-victims, and Morgan’s brother has also been attacked. Up until now he has not come out and said anything, and these “others” have spent a lot of time making up whatever they want as if it came out of his mouth.
It’s very, very sad that people do this kind of thing. I recently heard that an old friend of mine lost her boyfriend to a heart attack, and even she was attacked on the Internet by people saying very cruel things to her. She was a person that lost a loved one to natural causes. Yet they said things like, “He was never your boyfriend” along with really nasty lies…why? Why do some people have the need to attack others that are grieving for absolutely no reason? Have they lost their humanity or are they just a product of a very sad reality of their own? Just like in the most recent tragedy of the loss of Robin Williams. It has been reported all over the news that “others” attacked his daughter so viciously on social media that she took down all of her sights. How could people be this cruel? And the next question I have is why would good logical people ever begin to believe the lies and filth these people try to float? Why would they even want to read any of the things these people write about? And my last question on that subject is if any of the “others” really were knowledgable and were ever coming from truth then why are they always anonymous? Why do they always use fake names, and fake accounts?
I have had people tell me that the “others” on the Internet have said stuff about Steve and I – they said we took out a life insurance policy on Morgan so we don’t want people to know she killed herself. We never had a life insurance policy taken out on Morgan, or any of our children – why would we? Our children are supposed to outlive us as parents. If the mere thought of someone thinking this wasn’t so sick it would almost be laughable, but it’s not, it’s disgusting. What kind of people think that way? I wish the others would get a clue – Morgan never committed suicide – Morgan was murdered and there is still a murderer out there. There is ample proof that she was murder in a horrific way and If you knew your daughter had been murdered, if you had seen and heard the evidence that proves she was murdered would you just sit back and let her murder be swept under the rug? Would you just allow false allegations to be tossed around without trying to bring the truth to light? I don’t think so. Yes, it’s painful, but it is a reality and something we have to do, and there is no getting around that fact.
The loss of his sister has been extremely hard on Ryan. He was so filled with anger for the first 2 years he couldn’t talk about it, but now he wants justice and has faith that Steve and I will be able to keep pushing forward until Morgan’s case gets opened, and those responsible for her murder are arrested. He always gives me a little nudge over the phone at least once a week, “keep going Mom, what are you waiting for, hurry up.”
Morgan wrote this to her brother Ryan:
January 06, 2009 To the best brother a girl could ask for, when people tell me that the world is a cruel and horrible place all I can do is smile. I smile because I know them to be wrong. I know that the world is a beautiful place worth fighting for. I know this because of you. When I think of you I feel my heart, not the one that beats, rather the one that feels. Seventeen years here on earth, I have seen bad people and good people, but you Ryan, I know to be the best. For reasons I can ‘t quite explain, I see you more clearly than other people. I see your struggles and your triumphs, but mostly I see your heart. I am truly blessed to have a person like you in my life, a person who makes hope look so tangible, so real. ~MorganPlease click on this link to read Ryan’s interview. Thank you Sarah Afshar for giving Ryan a chance to use his voice. http://www.sarahafshar.com/2014/08/morgan-ingram-exclusive-interview-with.html
Getting Away With #Murder in Colorado – maybe not for long
I would like everyone to know that there is hope out there. For example FOHVAMP, a non profit out of Denver, CO has made a huge difference in the fight for justice for many families over the years http://unresolvedhomicides.org/
Getting Away With Murder in Colorado
Colorado has a backlog of 1,600 unsolved murders dating back to 1970. The killers of these victims have never been prosecuted for these murders. They walk among us. They live in our neighborhoods. These murderers, who have escaped justice, pose a serious threat to the safety of every Colorado citizen.
Murder is a crime against the state. FOHVAMP maintains that when a case cannot be solved by local law enforcement in a reasonable period of time, the state has an obligation to step in.
For the past five years FOHVAMP has advocated a state-level cold case team to help investigate these unsolved homicides. The state bureaucracy has been unresponsive. In 2007, the legislature created a cold case team at Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) with only enough funding for a single analyst to collect data from law enforcement agencies.
FOHVAMP and the CBI make periodic comparisons to insure the accuracy of that data.
Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons Executive Director Rob Wells, President Mark Reichert, Vice President Tina Terry, and board member Diane Riechert recently spoke at The National Press Club in Washington D.C. to express the need for a National Cold Case Database. To their knowledge, FOHVAMP’s Colorado Cold Case Database is the first cold case database in the nation to have been compiled. Since 1970, in Colorado, there have been approximately 1,600 unsolved murders, which is 38% of all of Colorado’s murders during this time period. The number is lower than the national average, which the FBI estimates to be 42%. And still 1,600 unsolved murders in Colorado is 1,600 too many.
The FOHVAMP members visiting Washington met with Florida Victim’s Advocate Ryan Backmann, of Compassionate Families, Inc. Ryan’s father was murdered in a robbery. His father’s murder is unsolved. Ryan is in the process of putting together a Florida Cold Case Database. With only one-third of the Florida jurisdictions reporting, there are 4,400 unsolved murders. Jacksonville alone has 1,400, nearly the amount for the entire state of Colorado.
FOHVAMP will keep you posted on the progress of The National Cold Case Database through their website and on their Facebook page www.facebook.com/FOHVAMP.
Families of Homicide Victims and Missing Persons, Inc. (FOHVAMP) is a nonprofit organization working in Colorado to find, support and empower families suffering from a loved one’s unresolved murder or long-time suspicious disappearance. They provide peer support, assistance with victim compensation, referrals and coordination with other organizations for services and assistance. They serve as a liaison with law enforcement agencies, provide criminal justice support and advocacy. They work with Universities on special studies, many of which have been published. They seek out victim’s families (co-victims) to assist. Every October, they host an Annual Meeting with guest speakers to bring together victim’s families and law enforcement.
This year‘s Annual Meeting is going to be held at the Brittany Hill Event Center in Thornton, Colorado on October 4th, 2014. Please go to their website to register for this event. The price to attend is only $45 per person. I would suggest getting your tickets now before they sell out. The purpose of this meeting is to bring co-victims into a neutral area where they will be able to brush up on their knowledge of the current techniques being used in the investigation process as well as meeting with their detectives on a neutral platform. Their hope is that the Annual Meeting will be able to educate their co-victims and promote the proper tools and coping mechanisms to assist them in their daily lives, as well as with the progress in their cases. Often, it is only at this meeting that the co-victims have the opportunity to touch base with their Detectives annually. Through the Colorado Cold Case Task Force, FOHVAMP is trying to assist in making it a mandate that all coroners in the state need to attend a base line training and certification on how to successfully deal with a cold case as well as the basics of their role in that position. The hope is that this would need to be completed within one year of the coroner taking office.
Here’s FOHVAMP’s registration form for the Saturday October 4 annual conference at the Brittany Hill events center, Thornton, CO.
More info to follow, but speakers will include Silvia Pettem, Jerry Brown, Paul Meshanko, Kathy Sasak, and Ron Sloan — at Brittany Hill.
If you know anyone that has had an unresolved homicide in their family or have a missing loved one please refer them to FOHVAMP – they will listen, and they do help…please take my word on this, I know because they have helped us with Morgan’s homicide.
If you can help connect them with a family of a victim of an unresolved homicide or long-time missing person that has a Colorado connection, please call Rob Wells at 202-497-4580, Kelly Fernandez-Kroyer at 720-937-8905, or send an email to[email protected].
These families need to know about FOHVAMP. They can help them. They need and want your help. Their priority is to encourage law enforcement to effectively address old, unsolved murders.
Thanks so much!
Is there something very wrong in #Garfield County, or is it just me?
“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”