We Could Use An Amazing Private Investigator…

I received this message recently from someone who had just read this blog.

“Toni… I have a Criminal Justice Degree with a focus in Juvenile Justice, and a minor in Psychology. I worked in a locked facility for felons under the age of 16 …rape, murder, armwd robbery, assault with a deadly weapon, etc… First thing I learned…the boogie man is not some large man in the bushes…it could be the 14 year old sitting next to you on the bus. An eye opener for a girl from the country…but a necessary one. I am fascinated by human behavior and I have gotten very good at catching odd behavior. When Dr. Phil asked the girl…what do you have to say about being acused of murdering Morgan? My brain immediately went to… -“What the hell is wrong with you…I would never…” -“You are crazy!!!!!” Not once did… “Where’s the evidence?” come to mind. Ask yourself…If someone were accusing you of murder…would you ask that question? …. or would you state tour innocense and be angry that she would even think that….? Same with OJ…you find out your estranged wife has been murdered…would you… go to the police, grieving, asking…who, what, how, where why, and when…. OR -Would you jump in a white Bronco…give the slowest police chase in police history threatening to kill yourself? People say everyone responds differently…maybe so….I feel your immediate reactions….or the first thing out of your mouth can be very telling. Did you pick up on that?  If you go back…look at her facial expression…especially her eye region and eyebrows…almost like a bit of “smugness” to it. Just my opinion of course. Kids are so dumb with cell phones…did they ever pull the records from the stalker’s phone records for the week before and after Morgan’s death? If she recieved an injection, that puncture wound should be noted on the autopsy report. Have you tried any pychics? Not crazy ones!!!!! But there is a show called Psychic Detectives…and it features Psychics that police departments use. Just a thought. Did the cops go over her room with a fine tooth comb? The best way to look for things is to lay a flashlight on the floor and rotate it while closing one eye at a time…I have found pills, earrings, staples, glass, and.other things this way…even on carpet. Be your own detective…there are PI’s…now that it is public that will help for the advertising. I know there was a place to donate…do you have a GoFundMe? We used one for our daughter’s service dog…we needed $2500…we had it within the first 18 hours. Anyhoo…email me if you have any questions! Mother to Mother…my heart breaks for you….but I would be doing the same thing!❤”

I thought this was such a kind person to share her thoughts, as well as  wanting to help us…I have considered many times about doing a GoFundMe in order to pay for the Investigative services in Morgan’s case – if I had we probably wouldn’t be in year six without an investigation, but I just never did it.  So I would like to ask everyone reading this blog – what do you think I should do?  Do you think I should start a GoFundMe to hire a wonderful PI firm?

At this time the only 2 places we have that people have been donating to is the reward fund set up by Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers and the college fund set up at Colorado Mountain College under Morgan’s name.

In answer to her questions:

No, they did not pull the stalker’s phone records – we requested that they do get those records, but were told it is extremely hard for them to get those records…I do not believe the detective was being truthful about that.  A puncture wound, clearly shown on her body in the crime scene photos, was not noted on the autopsy report because that alone, and much more was covered up by the pathologist – 2 years later we were able to see the crime scene photos and an injection mark, with a BITE mark over it was seen clear as day on the photo!  And yes, to the question about psychics…I have NEVER paid a psychic, and I was always very skeptical, but I have been blessed to have had one who is extremely ethical and has worked with police, sheriffs, FBI, and the DEA on many, many cases and she, along with others on her team, all work pro bono for co-victims, and have helped immensely on Morgan’s case.  Psychics, or as I like to call them Intuitive’s, who are ethical, trained and professional can give “leads” and “tips” to law enforcement that can be followed up on in order to find hard evidence when solving a case.  Psychics can not go into court to testify – they can only be used as a “tool” in order to know where to look.  So yes, we have been blessed to have the best of the best from that world, but without a sheriff who wants to actually investigate a murder, instead of covering it up, then those “leads” won’t help get her case open.  But with a good PI working with them amazing things could happen!

Staged Crime Scenes…

It is not unlikely, and has happened many times before, that someone who wanted to kill has “Staged-the-Scene” to make a death appear to be a suicide, in order to cover up the murder. https://www.forensicmag.com/article/2016/12/staged-crime-scenes-suicide-murder-or-disappearance

This is what happened in our 20-year-old daughter Morgan’s case.  I also believe it has happened in another case out of Colorado – the Holly Moore case. Holly would have been a 22-year-old young woman this year, but her life, like Morgan’s, was cut short.  https://www.facebook.com/InvestigationDiscovery/videos/10154627057814902/?pnref=story

There are many experts in this country that not only understand “staged crime scenes,” and they also train coroners, as well as law enforcement, to know what to look for.  Unfortunately most officers on a crime scene do not know what to look for, BUT there is a protocol to follow, and there are experts that can help with the investigation. Morgan had “abrasions” on her body noted on her autopsy body diagram – she fought back against her attacker. She had 3 broken nails, and multiple abrasions on her hands and upper extremities (all defensive wounds) + much more that show she was attacked.  Her body was moved postmortem – confirmed by the crime scene photos and yet, no investigation…  Why?

So what if the “protocol” is not followed?  Then, as in Morgan & Holly’s cases, murderers will remain on our streets.  The key here is that a suspicious death scene protocol should always be followed – and that is not always the case.  In Colorado the forensic pathologist is RESPONSIBLE for the investigation, but in both Morgan’s case and the Holly Moore case, I know that is not what happened.  The contracted forensic pathologists did not investigate, and did not review or consider all the facts.  They did not do all the testing that should have been done to determine the true manner of death, and when other forensic experts and medical examiners contacted these two pathologists, they refused to listen to the facts.  And this my friend, is exactly how you get away with murder in Colorado…when the officials we trust break the law, and there are no checks and balances, no oversight committees, no one to take another look at what went wrong with their conclusions, there can ultimately be no justice.

I am outraged!  We should all be outraged…as this is not an isolated situation.  The number of unsolved murders in this country is huge, but I know that number, in reality, is much higher, if the TRUE murder rate was revealed and not “swept under the rug.”

Too many murders are staged to look like accidental or suicide, and too many coroners are all too happy to never investigate or change a ruling when new evidence is presented.  This is absolutely NOT what our citizens want…we want to trust that these officials really care about following the law, doing their job and getting to the truth.  Sadly that is not always the case.

People deserve the due process of the law.  It appears in our Constitution twice.  It states that no person shall be “deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.” … The Fifth & Fourteenth Amendments promise that all persons in the United States shall enjoy the “equal protection of the laws.” It is a legal concept, in effect, to ensure that our government follows the rule of law. When a governmental entity disregards someone’s rights to that due process then the power of that law is supposed to come into play.

When US citizens, like Morgan and Holly, are murdered, and their lives have violently been taken from them, then they have been deprived of their life and liberty.  And when the coroner and/or the police or sheriffs refuse to really investigate a possible murder, then again they are, as are their families, deprived of their due process under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment.

Colorado State Law: If a victim in Colorado (like Morgan) is deceased, their victim’s rights can still be exercised by the victim’s spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, significant other, or other lawful representative. They have the right to be heard – so when Garfield County, as well as officials in the State of Colorado, refuse to listen to the co-victims they are going against their own state law. https://cdpsdocs.state.co.us/ovp/VRA/Crime_Victims_Rights_English22016.pdf 

Let me know your thoughts about this subject…

The Broken Coroner’s System in Colorado…


  • To be a coroner, one merely needs to be 18, a U.S. citizen, a resident of the county he or she will serve and cannot have a felony conviction.
  • In a survey of Colorado coroners across the state, only a handful are forensic pathologists.
  • Colorado’s 63 county coroners are mostly elected and aren’t required to have a medical degree.
  • Colorado coroners are ELECTED and as such they do not have to answer to the DA, to law enforcement, to defense lawyers, to the hospital establishment, or to the medical establishment.
  • When the coroner is not a pathologist (as in Morgan’s case) they contract with an independent pathologist (Pathologist Dr. Robert Kurtzman did Morgan’s autopsy) who does the autopsy for a fee.  The more autopsies a pathologist can do ‘quickly’ the more money they make, an obvious conflict of interest.
  • The coroner in Morgan’s case, Trey Holt, NEVER spoke to us, NEVER got on the phone with us, NEVER would speak with us when we showed up at his office (they always said he was NEVER there), NEVER would allow a meeting to be scheduled with us, NEVER answered out letters, NEVER even would speak with the FBI agent that was trying to facilitate a meeting between us all so we could show him the evidence that his contracted pathologist would not look at.
  • Colorado has counties with deputy coroners with no training in death. investigations, as in Garfield County, CO – exactly like the deputy coroner that came to Morgan’s crime scene – the coroner NEVER came to the crime scene.
  • Colorado is one of 14 states that still relies on a civilian coroner system, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – the other states have gone to centralized medical examiner systems, where doctors, not civilians, are in charge.
  • Many times it comes down to whether or not the coroner wants to spend money out of their budget, to investigate – investigations are expensive, and testing is expensive, but here we are, citizens/co-victims who think the coroner is going to investigate and tell them if their loved one was really murdered…but that is not what is happening – many cases are not listed correctly, and the murder is overlooked, evidence swept under the rug.
  • Colorado’s coroner system needs to change, and that would require new legislation.  It is not impossible for that to happen and it is needed ASAP if justice is important!
  • What if your loved one was the victim of murder, and the coroner turned a blind eye, swept it under the rug with a ruling of Natural Causes, Suicide or Accidental death?  Sadly that is exactly what has happened in many, many cases across Colorado because of their archaic coroner’s system.
  • Families should not have to fight against the coroner to get justice for their loved ones…it’s just not right – it only leads to re-victimization of the victims.
  • http://www.9news.com/article/news/local/investigations/coroners-in-colorado-have-an-important-job-with-few-requirements-to-get-it/73-502853238
  • https://pagetwo.completecolorado.com/2014/01/23/3339/

Drip Drip Drip Pattern of Escalation in Stalking

Do you know what that is like?  Have you ever experienced the slow terror of being the target of a stalker?

Laura Richards, BSc, MSc, Asc. IA-IP, MBPsS.  Laura is a renowned international expert on domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence and risk assessment. https://www.laurarichards.co.uk

Laura Richards said, “It is the ‘drip drip drip’ of direct and indirect stalking behaviours over time that makes it so insidious and damaging – psychologically and physically.” https://www.laurarichards.co.uk/news/stalking-murder-in-slow-motion/

She also said, “We know through research that one in two of domestic stalkers, if they make a threat will act on it.”

If your local police or law enforcement do not make stalking a priority, when it comes to their protocol or policing plan – they will continue to fail the victims of stalking.  There needs to be a National Protocol that is accepted and practiced in all agencies.  Law enforcement needs to have the proper education and tools to deal with stalking situations.  Victims need to be believed and assisted in any way possible.  Please use your voice to help raise awareness and make these changes.


Before Darkness Entered Our Neighborhood…

Here is a picture of our two beautiful babies, sitting on the lawn in front of our house.  This picture was taken a few years before the stalking started.  Back then our neighborhood was bright and peaceful – it felt safe.  We all spent as much time as we could outside.  Morgan used to walk down to the river, and ride her bike all the way into town to visit friends. Sometime she hung out by herself, under the trees, doing her oil paintings and playing with Tessi, our dog.  I was a quiet gentler time.  We all slept well, in the quiet neighborhood that we lived in.  We never had to look over our shoulder back then, and the sun always streamed in through the windows of our house…we didn’t need heavy window coverings to block out the predatory eyes of a stalker.

Then in August of 2011 all that changed…and for four months we lived in fear, first wondering who could be doing this, and then wondering how we could keep Morgan safe, until we could move, or arrests could be made.  Then Friday morning, December 2, 2011, we found Morgan, our 20-year-old daughter, dead in her bed.  We were too late, and our lives were forever changed from that moment on.

To see it the 4-part series that Crime Watch Daily filmed, first you could go to the Crime Watch Daily website. They have the story and links to all four videos here: Crime Watch Daily.com website