To Local Law Enforcement – I know you are reading this Blog so please, please read this…my goal here is to help save stalking victims, which I know you all want as well

1. We need mutual aid agreements to respond to stalking that crosses County or State lines

2. Law enforcement needs clear policies within their department for responding to stalking and managing stalking cases

3. Law enforcement needs to be trained to read the signs of stalking & what they mean before the stalking case becomes lethal – look for the high indicators

4. Investigating stalking: Listen to the victim (carefully and patiently to find out details, even the small ones that the victim doesn’t necessarily think are important at the time)

5. Look at all the incidents

6. Stalking is a course of conduct that requires continual investigation

7. Put the case of the stalker in context (context is everything in stalking cases) – the stalkers actions may seem benign, but the meaning behind those actions may be his/her way of  knowingly causing fear to the victim, and that is why the stalker has chosen those actions

8. The job of law enforcement is to piece all these pieces of information together (like a puzzle), so you can see a clear picture of the offender in front of you

9. Once you have identified a subject that you have in mind:

  • Look for who has a motive to do the acts
  • Look for corroborating evidence (are there photos, videos of the behavior, answering machine tapes, voice mails, text messages or emails, these things are helpful, but you don’t have to have them
  • Interview the suspect, multiple times if necessary
  • Use other investigative techniques that have been used successfully in other types of cases in law enforcement, wire taps, and other techniques that have been used in narcotics and other types of cases

Now once, this should be easy, you know you have an offender that is after a particular victim, how easy can it get?  All you have to do is focus your investigation on the victim and the offender, and you will catch him in the act of stalking!  There are certainly more offenders than there are police officers. but our law enforcement should be a lot smarter than the offenders.  No excuse to not have communication between counties, cities, and states, have mutual aid agreements, offenders travel, victims run to different states or counties and their stalkers follow.

  • Develop mutual aid agreements
  • Have policies/protocol in place to show how you will manage a stalking case that could go on for weeks, months or years
  • Include the victim in safety planning
  • Connect victims with advocates
  • Enforce all orders of protection

You can not minimize these cases – it is the most dangerous thing that you can do in law enforcement – it is tombstone mentality.  You can never say, “well maybe it will get better,” because that is exactly what the offender wants.  If we give over with minimization the offender takes over with maximization.  The offenders are counting on everybody to treat their actions as less than a crime.  The longer you stay on a case the more you will see what the victim has been trying to tell you all along – if you walk in the shoes of that victim then you won’t minimize, then you will get the whole picture.

This important information I have learned from Mike Proctor – Mike has become one the this nation’s leading experts on stalking.

F.Y.I. Yesterday, Tuesday, September 11th Steve went to roll our trashcan down the long driveway of the house we are now renting, so the trash collectors could pick up our trash down at the end of our driveway, by the street, as always – but what a surprise he got when he opened the can up to put one last trash bag in it…it was completely empty!  Someone had come up our driveway to empty our trashcan.  The trashcan that was tucked on the side of our garage.  What a shock – someone took our trash!  And mind you – the new neighborhood we are in is kind of out-of-the-way and the house we are renting is many turns into the neighborhood and at the end of a street – so this was intentional.  What would the reason be for this?  Hope they enjoyed looking through everything as we have nothing to hide – maybe they should have been this diligent with the criminals.

Keep the candle burning for all victims of stalking

Wednesday, September 14, 2011 – Day 44 of Morgan’s stalking – Don’t miss the little things.

Morgan and Tessi chillin

Steve had a realization right after breakfast that ruined his day.  We were so carefully chronicling the stalking events that happened.  Where cars were parked, what lights were on, times, everything for the entire neighborhood.  But here we were two parents trying to put an end to a horrible situation as quickly as possible, and in these days of relative bliss – we had kept track of very little.

The quiet times hold just as much information as our most stalker infested night.  Remember the old saying, “The silence was deafening”?  Here we had silence, and we had not been applying ourselves to such an important question. Why?  Why was it so quiet now?

The calm morning was quickly taken over by urgency.  Before I could even suggest an idea Steve was on his way out to do a sweep of the neighborhood, legal pad in hand.  He said he didn’t want to jinx it, but comparing the notes when he came back inside the house, with all of the notes when something had happened, would yield some information, he was certain.

I looked around the house, and gave this idea great thought.  The drapes, I said to myself.  What had been a fish bowl for someone who cared to stand out on our berm in the darkness, was now completely closed off.  Nothing to see, no reason to stay – ah if stalkers were only so simple.

Steve came back from his drive with that “Oh, I found something” look. He told me the green car is not here, and he didn’t think it had been here all week.  Also, the Explorer with the busted out rear window on the corner was gone too.  Steve was going to keep better track.  Before he felt he was intruding on other peoples privacy, by recording every coming and going, now he wasn’t going to let that stop him, not until this guy was caught.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening)

Today it is 9/11/ 2012, an anniversary of such horrendous magnitude. And the little things are at work again.  Particularly accounts of other stalking events in this area.  In the early days of Morgan’s stalking Deputies that were personally involved in other stalking calls would recall the details to me. No dates, no times, no names, just what happened.  I always wondered if any of the many events the deputies shared could be helpful in our case.  And something strange that I should have stood up to happened as we had Detectives assigned to Morgan’s case.  As I recounted these, last summer, last fall, right after mountain fair events, the Detective said he checked every one out, and always came back to tell me I was mistaken.  There was never anyone tapping on windows in Blue Creek, only someone stealing things out of parked cars.  I would question this, wondering how the Deputies that had responded to the calls have gotten it so wrong.  Our Detective wasn’t sure, only that it had not happened.  So now my tip line is filled with personal reports of these very incidents.  I’m mystified as to why this happens, why did the Patrol Officers give me a correct account of what had happened before Morgan’s stalking started and why had our Detective assigned to the felony stalking told us it didn’t happen?  Is there something I missed?  This is very strange!

A stalker, maybe even our stalker, was at work in this immediate area long before he settled in on Morgan.  That I am finding out this way, on a secret tip line, 9 months after Morgan’s murder, it is very troubling to me, and for what it portends for the safety of others…we need law enforcement to be forthcoming when things are happening so the community can assist and be aware of their surroundings.

Click here to read about the 45th day of Morgan’s stalking

Tuesday, September 13, 2011 – Day 43 of Morgan’s stalking – Morgan takes a day off

Morgan sends a text message to her teacher, “I don’t think that I’m going to make it to class today.  I’m taking a mental health day from my life.  Hope all is well!”   Her teacher texts back, “Understood 🙂 xo”

Morgan found this to be a perfect place for reflection

Steve and I are weighing our options in the morning.  We are becoming a lot more educated about stalkers and we are not liking anything we read.  A particularly troubling issue for Steve is that our stalker is different.  Every stalking instance, example and scenario they seem to know the stalker at some point.  It was this fact, and also the fact the he was so seamlessly coexisting within our neighborhood that had Steve entertaining the thought of moving.

Today I started looking at other houses for lease ant at first it seemed crazy and desperate.  But as I looked, and thought about it, and started to see homes that I could see had good defensive qualities to them, they didn’t appear very stalker friendly, and it all began to make sense.  Up and moving would be such a huge task.  But then staying put was really not any easier.  Our free time was consumed preparing to catch the stalker.  Our evenings were juggled around being certain we would be close by for Morgan.  And our nights were always some new anti-stalker protocol that failed just like the last one.

We are so stressed out, and afraid for Morgan.  Then came the deal breaker, reading over and over that if the stalker follows her when we move, shows up just as we have settled in and breathed that first sigh of relief, then it will only be worse…

We abandon ideas of moving for the moment and order two new motion detector sets.  They can be clustered together, and each have its own unique sound.  Steve thinks he can set up a light grid that will give us not only noise, but some invisible way of tracking him as he approaches.

I felt like I was in one of those old westerns, where the fort is about to come under attack from the Indians, and preparations for the onslaught are being carried out in the quiet before the storm.  It has actually been days now where we are not sure if the stalker has even really been here. There have been noises and taps and barks, but nothing that really indicates him.  It could all be just the normal noises that to a hyper-vigilant family are still something to worry about.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening)

Click here to read about the 44th day of Morgan’s stalking

A ray of light at the end of what promises to be a very long tunnel…here is what you have all been waiting to see

This morning I was getting ready for a meeting, today’s blog was written, but would not be posted until later.  A fax came in, it was what I expected, and as I promised, I will share it with you.  It is the truth, and you are free to make your own decision as to what is going on here in Garfield County.

First a word from Morgan –

Morgan thumbs up

Morgan may not be here in body, but her spirit wants us all to know the truth










And then the fax –


The second opinion in Morgan’s death, page 1

The 2nd opinion of Morgan’s death, page 2

If I feel as if our County Coroner Trey Holt ranks right down there with the stalker, perhaps I am overreacting – what do you think?

A lot of you are pulling for the County to re-open this investigation, and I appreciate that.  But I don’t agree.  For Steve and I the relationship with the Sheriff’s department turned very adversarial when we had other experts review Morgan’s manner of death, that Dr. Kurtzman said was natural causes, and then had the gall to share the opinions of other experts with them, to suggest they were mistaken perhaps.  It was the old, don’t confuse us with facts, our minds are already made up.  And the Coroner Trey Holt is another story, he has been out of touch since day one.  I was threatened  that Morgan’s manner of death would be changed to suicide if I did not back off of trying to have her death changed to a homicide.  And yes, I reported this verbal threat to the Sheriff’s department, just like I reported her missing jewelry.

Now, Morgan’s case needs a fresh set of eyes and ears – perhaps the CBI or the Attorney General’s office, we just don’t know at this point where to go.  We know we need officials we can trust, officials who don’t threaten us.  Officials who respect our rights as victims, and above all – the rights of Morgan Ingram, which is what Steve, and I fight for.  Oh, and not to be melodramatic, but if there is a murder / suicide with our names on it, don’t believe it.  Steve and I were high school sweet hearts and we celebrated 41 years of dating, and 36 years of marriage this summer.  And while this has easily been the biggest challenge we have ever faced, like everything else that has challenged us, we will do it together.

Love you all, and thank you so very much for all of your support during these difficult times, which has meant so much to Steve and I.


A suggested book to read from one of our readers of the blog…this book is really good!

A student currently working towards her Masters in Forensic Psychology, on the east coast told me this is one of her favorite books, Gavin De Becker’s “The Gift of Fear”.  In it he describes intuition as a collection of experiences that helps to guide us and keep us safe.