September 15, 2011 – Day 45 of Morgan’s stalking – How Safe Is The Car?

Morgan in the car

A happy Morgan heading off to somewhere

Morgan left to visit friends after dinner, we followed our little routine, where I walk her out to her car armed with pepper spray.  I watched her backing down the drive, and into the street before going back into my office.

Movement outside caught my attention and I noticed, but did not get a very good look at, a little car racing down the street.  It had come from the end of the cul-de-sac where Brooke, her dad, and Keenan live, and was headed out of the subdivision, at a very high speed.  I probably thought something about the excessive speed not being safe, and then went about my work.

At 8:46 pm Morgan called my cell phone, when I answered it, she was not there.  I called her back from the home phone, and she answered. She had been followed!  Morgan said there were 2 people in the car, she couldn’t tell the color of the car, made some maneuver’s to try to lose the car (going down different side streets), and when she couldn’t shake them she pulled in to the CMC college parking lot in Carbondale, because there were people standing outside of their vehicles and without parking, she sat in her car with her doors locked and waited as the car sped by.  Morgan said she waited for a few minutes, and went out a different exit, drove to Hwy 133, doubled back, and then took side streets to her destination.  She was very shook up over this.

Steve was working late while this was all was going on.  When I called him he came right home.  He drove through the neighborhood at regular intervals that night, and came home one time to report a development. The little green car that had been gone for a while, was now back in the Harris’ driveway.  We never could agree exactly when we stopped seeing it, but it seemed to coincide with the amount of stalking activity.

At 9:15 pm Morgan texted, “On my way,”  I answered, “Ok”

Detective Glassmire said, “Wade and Keenan also talked about a hunting trip to Wyoming where they left September 12 and returned September 15.”  So obviously Keenan had returned by this evening…

Today it is September 12, 2012,  Morgan was followed more times after this.  We didn’t have the correct response prepared before this, and even in successive instances, we improved what to do, but then again none of it worked.  After this instance we all agreed Morgan would call me if anything happened.  Steve and I would use our home phone system to conference Morgan in with 911. The Sheriff’s afterwards told us next time she was being followed to keep driving, don’t go home, and stay on the phone with 911, and tell them where she was so Patrol Officers could intercept, and fall in behind the vehicle following her.  Then as more officers arrived she could just pull off the road and they would handle it from there.  It all sounded so good at the time, solutions that ended well always sounded so good.   I’m not blaming myself, but I do know there is a lesson in all of this, a lot of little lessons.  When they lead to a lot of improvements, that will be gratifying.

Click here to read about the 46th day of Morgan’s stalking

65 thoughts on “September 15, 2011 – Day 45 of Morgan’s stalking – How Safe Is The Car?

  1. Hi Toni, I have a question for you. Do you ever worry that the stalker(s) is now stalking this blog and somehow getting gratification from hearing you recount how your family was terrorized by him/them?

  2. So I find myself reading your blog every evening after my kid goes to bed and 1 giving myself the heebee geebees and 2 trying to brainstorm ideas for you. I am sure law enforcement is reading your blog and probably so is the sicko who perpetrated this awful crime. I hope he is getting no joy out of reading how hurt you are. This felony was perpetrated upon you and Mr. Ingram as well. A few more thoughts, will you be able to post the additional pictures that were captured? Have any of Morgan’s friends come forward to say anything about all of this? I would think if they knew K they would be on him like white on rice. Have you heard from ? now that she is not dating him? Or ?’s dad. Is he awaiting trial? Maybe once he is in jail things will happen. Glad people are using the tip line. Thank you for doing this, let us know how we can help! GOD Bless you and keep you. Sending you energy and Love!

    • Unfortunately I believe most stalkers are psychopath / sociopaths- the do not possess the ability to sympathIze or understand another’s feelings- or do they care! This is an individual that is unable to make a human connection. In fact, it gives them joy to inflict pain on others. This is why they are extremely poor candidates for rehabilitation.
      This person takes joy in staying in the shadows- off the grid- which is why we need to cast a bright light towards them!

    • I believe the stalker is reading this and getting excitement reliving what he did to Morgan – that is because to do what this stalker did would make the stalker a sociopath which means the stalker has no feelings like you or I have.

      None of Morgan’s friends have come forward with anything because they didn’t know K they only knew of him, but some other people’s friends have now sent in information, because I think this upset them and they don’t want to carry that weight around with them.

      I still feel in my gut that someone Morgan though was a friend for that last year has some connection to this, but they have not come forward yet…probably afraid that they will get arrested for aiding and abetting, but it seems to me that if someone came forward with credible information, even if they were involved, they would not get arrested, but instead be treated like a witness.

      • God Bless you and your family. First time post. I think you are on to something with the friends thing.

        I think a group of people at least knew some of what was going on or the negative feelings K and ? must have shown toward Morgan. I think a lot of this started as plain ol jealousy too.

        At this point, that jewelry is very important. If he got in her room then he had the opportunity to cause harm.

        And for what it’s worth, I think he is responsible for her death regardless of the cause.

    • Morgan told the Sheriff’s office the following (remember she was looking through her rear view mirror, while driving, and it was dark out):
      She said it looked like a male driver and a female passenger – she could not tell the make or model or color of the car but thought it looked like a car that she was familiar with.

      • So ? or some girl knew what was going on and approved of it? I could never imagine asking my boyfriend to follow someone or stalk them at night. First off I hope I wouldn’t have chosen someone like that and second if I found out he was we wouldn’t be together much longer. Baffles me what people do.

  3. I wonder if it was the first time she was followed or if it was just the first time she noticed. That must have been terrifying.

    • It was definitely the first time she noticed, I have no idea if she was followed before that. She does get followed again, and that will come out in the post and she did see who was following her the 2nd time and was extremely upset by the 2nd one. That’s the thing with stalkers you never really know when it first started or how long you have been followed.

      • What I left off of the last reply was that Morgan seemed actually proud of herself that she was able to detect that she had been followed, and was able to get away…I guess I would have felt the same way, it’s always a good thing to think positive thoughts, but we should have had a better safety plan in case it happened again, which it did.

  4. On another note from an earler posting on the Blog you spoke of hearing someone on the porch punching a security pad. If the jewelry is missing, he obviously gained access to the house. As a hunter as this fellow is and as clever as he has shown himself to be, I do not believe he stepped on that porch to punch numbers in at random. I believe in this scenario there were times at night when he was camouflaged as best as he could and as close to that door as he could get with his best pair of hunting binoculars trying to see the code being punched in and after deduction finally reached success. No sign of break-in.

    Also, in responding to the earlier post. After what has happened to Morgan, I doubt ? would ever come forward for fear of retaliation.

    • I think what has been insinuated with Morgan’s missing gold jewelry is that whoever murdered Morgan also stole the gold jewelry she was wearing at the time; for trophy, pawn or both. I don’t think that this person would have ever gained access to the house for reasons of burglary. JMO

      • Morgan was not wearing her gold jewelry at the time…the gold jewelry, along with other more expensive items of jewlery were in her jewlery box and on her dresser and were missing when we found her body…to me that would mean someone was in her room that night. So do you think someone came in and stole her jewlery and then someone else came back later on to murder her?

        • Could it be the stalker and the thief could be 2 different people? You have the stalker, but the thief could have drugged her earlier (not meaning to kill her but to knock her out so she didnt wake up) to later come and take the jewelry while she slept?

        • No, I misunderstood. I thought she had been wearing gold jewelry.
          Any idea when the last time was that you saw any of those pieces of jewelry? Can you be sure that they were taken that night, or is it possible that they were taken prior to that night? Have you had the time since this tragedy to inventory her jewelry photographically for the police? Even if they won’t continue with a murder investigation you certainly have a good case for a burglary investigation, right?

    • We now believed that someone was in our house more than once – but at the time we didn’t believe it. The Sheriff’s thought the offender was punching in the numbers on the key pad to just cause distress, just like the tapping and banging on the windows. The only time I actually saw him on our front porch with my own eyes was that morning at around 4:30 am and he was wearing a tan colored hoodie. We have been told by professionals now that without the cover over the keypad someone could have figured out the numbers in just a short amount of time – and of course then there would be no sign of break in so of course when they processed the scene they wouldn’t process it as a possible murder right? To that is completely ridiculous – we are talking about a felony stalking case that was accelerating – patrol officers came by our house at least 3 times that night that I can see on the cameras shining there light towards Morgan’s bedroom side of the house. Was this because they knew something, or was it because they were just getting more concerned, or was it just a coincidence? I don’t think we will ever know.

  5. Morgan is such a beautiful young woman and it sounds like she had such an incredible soul. I, too, come to read updates daily and find myself looking at my surroundings differently. I thank you for educating us and pray that God will bring understanding and justice to Morgan’s case. I’m so, so sorry that your family has suffered through so many months of hurt and terror.
    Whoever did this, although is sounds very much like we all know who did it, is a sick, evil person who should be disgusted with himself.
    Sending you hugs, from one mother to another.

    • Thank you so much, but remember even though I believe I know who was involved, Steve and I really want an investigation done that shows the evidence – otherwise all those that were involved will not get punished by the law, and will continue to do it again to someone else.

  6. did you utilize the police advice the next time Morgan was followed in her car? were the police able to single out and question anyone?

    • The next time she was followed she was really freaked out because she could see it was just one person and was pretty sure about the car so she did not remember to call 911 she just wanted to get home as soon as possible because she had already texted me that she was on her way and knew I would be waiting in the driveway with pepper spray so when she turned into our neighborhood and the car that was following her sped away down County Road 100 she got a good look at the car and person and knew exactly who it was. This will all come out later in the blog.

  7. Probably anyone that has information was never questioned by LE to begin with so if they come forward and provide info I dont see how they could possibly get in trouble. I think its a real possibility someone Morgan trusted was at least providing info about her whereabouts to whoever was stalking her maybe not intending to.

    • I agree with you and that’s why it’s so upsetting that people that were connected to her in that 4 month period were not all interviewed by LE – only a couple of people that I know of and not the key players that I would have interviewed…although I am just a mom, what do I know right?

      • I feel so disappointed that LE wouldn’t let you tell everyone in your neighborhood what was going on at the time so you could have a support network surrounding you… it could have been extremely helpful in catching the stalker red-handed before it escalated so badly… or could have kept information about Morgan’s whereabouts away the stalker if they were picking it up in casual conversation with mutual acquaintances…
        thank you again for sharing what happened to you for the benefit of helping anyone else suffering this evil… our family sends love & light to yours…
        = )

  8. Yes, he did get in. Remember the front door lock was broken, hence the need for the one with the code, then the back door was broken in the same week.

    • And we now realized that both back sliding glass doors had key locks – which we never had a key for, in fact I never noticed they had key locks. We were leasing the house on Corral Drive, we did not own it and before we moved in it had been empty for quite a while. We also found out that the Association President had keys to the empty houses so no there were no signs of breaking and entering and yes there were many ways this stalker could have gotten in to our house without us knowing and that fact makes me ill.

  9. I’m sorry. I must have missed the back door being broken. Can you tell me where that post is? I do recall the front door, and then the keypad door…but I honestly can’t recall where the mention of the back door (kitchen door? Back porch door?) was broken, too.

    Thanks soooooooo much. May God bless and keep you.

    • It was the handle lock on the left facing sliding glass door that we always went in and out of – the sliding glass door on the right we rarely used. We had two sliding glass doors and they were on the very back wall of the house in the living room/great room.

  10. Okay so I’ve been tweeting to random celebrities that I follow on Twitter. I’ve been sending them this message:

    Please RT: Please follow @morgansstalking :A blog about a girl stalked 4 months and then killed- killer is still on the loose!

    If just one of them retweets this it will get thousands of people to see the link. I urge everyone with a Twitter account to do the same thing. Maybe one of us will get lucky!!

    @Tina- How Twitter works is you post something like Facebook, but it can only be 140 characters (I think) and people who follow your account can see it and either Retweet it (sending it to all their followers) or ReplyTo it and then just their reply gets sent to all the followers who will see your username in the reply.

    Now- I’m not too terribly familiar with Twitter myself so I may have some things wrong, but that’s basically how it works. Here’s a link to some explanations:

    You can send a message to a celebrity by just going to their complete profile page and entering text in the box that says “Tweet to _(celebrity name)___”

    Also if someone can think of better wording for the tweet please let me know! I want people to be drawn in and curious. Thanks!

    • Wow! You are amazing you just taught me something that I have been trying to figure out. Someone I know in Hollywood told me Lady Gaga is someone that would really like to stop stalkers.

  11. Okay I rewrote it and I think this is better:

    This girl was stalked for 4 months then killed. Please RT & follow @morgansstalking to help catch her killer!

  12. I just keep thinking of things- sorry! But people can also pin your blog on pinterest and that will get the word out rapidly and to an interested female audience who have the time to read the blog (and men too).

    So let’s help spread the word people! Use your twitter, pinterest, and Facebook accounts to get the word out there!

  13. Hi just letting you know Morgan’s story has reached myself here in Australia.

    I cannot begin to tell you how bad I feel for you all & poor morgan, although I am so proud of her for not letting this stop her living life.
    I often find myself coming in and reading at night, then to scared to get up and go to the toilet, scare myself if I hear a noise. I can’t even begin to imagine what morgan and you all were going through if us readers scare ourselves.
    Thank you for blogging, not only for morgan but for the rest of the world to show us how crazy people are. It’s quite scary. It shows it can happen to anyone.
    I am a nurse & have worked on the mental health ward, the stalker doesn’t belong there~he would have to much freedom in there, they need to put him straight in jail & throw away the key. If K & ? are both reading this then he should feel damn ashamed, sick person. & her if she knew about what he was upto.
    Seriously the law needs to do something, these people cannot be free to torment and murder other innocent people. A innocent young life was taken too soon, now if that is not a wake up call I sure as hell don’t know what is.
    Much love, a 22yr old in Australia xoxox

    • Thank you so much from Steve and I in Colorado. One of Morgan’s friends had just come back from Australia to Colorado about a week before Morgan was killed so it was very hard for him.

    • I know how you feel about getting freaked out… I’ve taken to reading out on my porch after my kids go to bed & I can’t help but notice people out walking late at night then wondering if they are up to no good…

  14. Ok, Toni, I am trying to reply again, I have been feeling cursed, the last three or four times I have tried to reply to a post my pc has done some magic act and made my post go poof! So here I go again, with fingers crossed.
    To your reply, just above mine, do you really think that in your hyper vigilant state that you wouldnt have noticed that BOTH doors had a key lock?? Infact I do rememeber you saying you had lived on the house on Coral Drive for a few years infact, you had replaced one of these door locks, so my question is, did you realize that both had key locks before or after you had fixed the two locks that had broken? So if you never had access to these keys, and you know the Persident of the housing ass. had copies to them, has he been thoughly looked into? Who else living in the neighborhood, knew that he had keys to everyones houses or abandoned houses? This brings up so many what if’s. Since he also had keys to the abandoned houses as well, which may answer a question as to how this person was eluding Steve and the police. Becuase, I like many including yourself also belive that this person had access to the inside of your home!! Which leads me to belive a few senarios that neither yourself or any other readers had brought up..
    Secondly, my Mother and I have become avid readers, setting reminders to check every few hours for a new post and we have come up with what seems to be some plausable senarios, I dont however know if I should post them, or if I should email them to you. Similar to a post I had written the other day which I hemmed and hawwed about posting afraid that we (the readers) may be tipping this person off or EVEN helping him up his ability to do this to his next victim. Infact without going back I dont even know if I posted my suggestion at the time, feeling that it was information that could help in the tracking and or even catching this sicko. So I guess clearly stated, should we post potential information here? I would not use the tip line, because the information isnt a TIP, rather an educated guess… Please direct me in which way you feel is best, the LAST thing I want to do if give this person (used loosly since I dont want to muddy this post with my real feelings about him) more info or a way to cover his tracks better.
    Also with the information about there being two people in the car and that K and ? were in a relationship at the time, (I dont rememeber reading that they werent togeteher, but I did see another reader mention it so I will assume) maybe the stolen jewelery was for her. As a woman it is very hard for me to believe that any woman would knowingly allow her boyfriend or partner to spend all his free time stalkng another girl, unless there was something in it for her… The more info you give us, the more perplexed I become, I am sure that in the posts to come I will find some clarity, or at very least, I am hoping so.
    Stay strong Toni, Morgans story and this blog is spreading like wildfire! He cannot hide forever! Like always, sending you all of our best, thinking of you. Steve and Morgan all the time!!

    • You bring up really good points. I will try my best to answer them.

      1. Steve is the person that had the back sliding glass door as well as the front door locks fixed – we had been renting the house for 6 years and I honestly never noticed the two back sliders had key locks on the outside of them – they looked just like the sliding door locks we have on the house we are in now and these don’t have outside key locks on them.
      2. We were both very naive to say the least – I thought it was rather strange that the locks broke, but remember it happened in the beginning of the stalker not at the end and Steve said he thought the door were just old and the house had not received any maintenance as it was a rental.
      3. You can definitely come in through the tip line with just suggestions…many people have. It just comes directly to my email address. And you are correct in thinking that not only the good guys are reading this but the bad guys are as well.
      4. As far as the jewelry goes unless the Sheriff’s tell us whether or not Morgan’s jewelry was included in the jewelry that was sold to the Cash for Gold place in Glenwood in the following weeks after Morgan’s murder we have no idea. For all these reason we need an investigation into her stalking and death opened again – if people are never questioned and places never checked out what do we have left? Just someone plopping down in a chair in the Sheriff or Police Office saying, “I want to confess?”

      Thank you so much for trying to help with this – we greatly appreciate it!

  15. I was really angered by the comments by Blue Dragonfly who said “where is the proof?” THAT is the job of law enforcement! To investigate and FIND the proof! You did far more than you should have in order to find this person. We are told to trust our law enforcement officers to protect us, but when proof has to be given to them before they will look into a matter, what good are they? So easy to say, “where is the proof?” when you demand the family to provide that proof.

    • It is the job of law enforcement and I hate doing this…and you only know of a fraction of the investigation that Steve and I have had to do on our own because the Sheriff’s Department wouldn’t do it.

    • Um the where’s the proof comment sounds very familiar…that is the same exact thing that Brooke said on Dr Phil…I remember it because instead of defending herself she was making smart a$$ comments which I thought was completely weird…

  16. I hope the police were able to confront and question the person when you told them!!! How scary for her!!!

    • It was scary for her and I know they “interviewed” the person multiple times, but I know the person knows he doesn’t need to be honest and so that was the end of it.

  17. I’m not a big cutting-edge technology kind of girl but something struck me today. It seems that you and Morgan always texted each other very soon before she arrived home. Could the stalker somehow have intercepted those texts? I know many phones have GPS and Facebook photos etc can show your location. Could Morgan’s cell phone have been tracked in some way? Again, I know very little on this subject so I hope someone with more knowledge might chime in.

    • We did check the phone to see if an app or some kind of tracking device but came up empty – now the only two things I can think of is:
      a. someone in the neighborhood could watch out their window and know when she was home or
      b. someone that she thought was a friend in Carbondale may have had a connection to someone on our block and would text them that she was on her way home…but that doesn’t explain the morning when I left her alone at 9:00 am and someone tried the front door lock.

      I really pray someone investigates this that knows what they are doing and they run all the tests that need to be run, and interview all the people that need to be interviewed, and collect all the evidence that is still out there.

      • How did you check for those apps? Good ones get hidden really well. Embedded in another app that looks legit, for instance. They’re designed not to be found by the victim.

  18. I wish you could blog all day, this is hands down the most interesting and informative blog I’ve ever read. Thank you for having the courage and dedication to relive all of these awful things in hopes of keeping people safe in the future and finally getting the justice you and Morgan deserve. I literally check your blog 8+ times a day for any new posts, and frequently read through your older posts. You should turn this blog into a book!!

  19. Was ?’s dad the head of the hoa, did K have access to keys this way? Also is he connected to the sheriffs dept. in any way that you know of?

    • Since there were no signs of foul play besides the drugs is it possible that ? could be the one doing it this whole time? Or maybe she was jealous of Keenan’s obsession with her. ? has a picture of her with Morgan in it, I thought they were never friends? If she is innocent but knows something and isn’t saying i do hope now that She has a child of her own she will come forward. Even anonymously here!

      • ? was a friend of people that Morgan knew and yes there were a few pictures that they both appeared in but Morgan was never friends with ? herself…and of course we would all hope that anyone with information would come forward but like others have said earlier in this case that the people that know something are probably afraid of being implicated.

        • Would there have been any reason for B.. to be jealous of Morgan? Longstanding jealousy in girls is a vicious thing, especially in immature teenagers. I keep thinking, if it was K, B.. would have had to have known and assisted even if it was just to cover for him. Why didn’t she let the cops in that day? Something about B.. is off putting to me. Of course this is merely speculation.

          • I agree and almost think there is a better chance that she was responsible out of jealousy than him. If he were working nights that can be verified by his employer and it would give her the freedom to do this herself. Girls operating out of jealousy are usually more cunning, careful and hateful than males. What reason would he really have to do this? If however, they started as friends (B and K) and he showed an interest in Morgan, maybe she wanted to scare her away so that she could have him, and she got him. She would even have access to his hunting equipment while he was working. Has anyone checked with his employer?

          • I have to think that ? is much more involved in this. She obviously had some kind of animosity towards Morgan for whatever reason. Like maybe she perceived that Morgan had wronged her somehow. Could it have anything to do with ?’s rehab stints? Does she think Morgan ratted her out for something? Did Morgan see K and ? doing something illegal that night at a friends house that prompted her to leave so quickly? Or was Morgan just the quintessential “good girl” and that made ?/K/whoever else involved want to stick it to her?

  20. A few things…

    First, Morgan had such a beautiful smile! I’m sad for you she is no longer here but what a sweet blessing to have a daughter like that!! She seemed truly special and so loving!

    Did you guys ever see K drive passed your house (since he did live there), did you ever just see him out, getting mail, mowing lawn, waving when passing by, etc.. Did he still keep the composure of a “neighbor” or did he hide himself also as the neighbor?

    What kind of car did he drive? Did he always drive the same car or have different cars?

    Why doesn’t it seem like J.. was ever around when police were knocking on his door, looking around neighborhood? Was he never home? Have you ever been suspicious of J..?

    I feel strongly that the stalker has been in your home many times.. And my initial feeling was that he was hiding in your house that night Morgan died. Since you and Steve were out that night and Morgan too, great opportunity for him to come on in, find a place to hide and just wait, and then coming out when everyone was asleep.

    • Hello again.. Just wondering if you’re able to answer any questions from my last post above? Thank you! xo.

  21. I can’t believe that conference with the police while she was driving didn’t end up working out.. that sounded like a good plan to catch this bastard

  22. Does the HOA president who has keys to all the houses have a son whom might have had an interest in stealing a set of keys from his dad? Or something like that?

  23. I watched some of your camera videos and something struck me.
    In the Cam.05.walkabout at 1:17 you see the “person” walking past.But if you pause it right at 1:19/1:20 you see more clearly. If you watch how they walk, it is a feminine walk, not that of a male. Also, the boots, coat and hat are very feminine as well, and it almost looks like long hair right below the hat. I may be wrong and if so I apologize.

  24. Have you inspected her car to see if a GPS tracking device was attached to it? Morgan was a beautiful girl and I pray that her killer is brought to justice.

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