Serial Stalkers

Serial Stalkers

Although many victims of stalking may feel that their stalkers have chosen them because they represent something unique and desirable, and that the stalker is fixated on and possessed with only them, this often isn’t the case.  Detectives often find that if a complete background investigation is made into the stalkers past there are often other cases of prior stalkings.

What percentage of stalkers are serial stalkers?  Experts say that more than half of the stalkers in America have been involved in prior incidents of stalking.  Psychiatrists cannot accurately predict when the behavior will stop or re-occur but they know that about two-thirds of those showing obsessive behavior have had prior episodes.

Far too often, a look in into the past actions of a stalker can be a frightening glimpse into how the present stalking will end.

Frustrated serial stalkers don’t have to have had an intimate relationship before they begin stalking their victim, and they may even stalk more than one victim of the same household at the same time.

Although stalking victims may desperately want to know why they were chosen as the victim, what they might have done to trigger a stalker’s obsession with them, often, they find the answer is nothing.  
They are just one of a serial stalker’smany victims.  These stalkers are simply following a pattern of behavior they have practiced for years.  No matter what the reason or cause for the stalking, victims should be cautioned that serial stalkers in particular are very disturbed individuals.

Thursday, August 11, 2011 – The 10th day of Morgan’s stalking

Morgan tells us in the morning she has decided that she will just send me text messages from her cell phone whenever she hears a noise on the closet window (she is still sleeping in my closet), this way nobody can hear her call out to me in the room.

Morgan’s car is no longer running, so she either takes my car, or the bus, or gets a ride with friends when going places. Morgan goes up to Aspen to drop off something as a favor for me, and also to visit with friends.  She sends me a text message at 1:53 pm, “Delivered :)”, I wrote back, “Perfect/thanks!”  Then at 7:32 pm I sent her a text that said, “Just passing the airport.  Where should we meet??”  We are going into Aspen to pick her up and bring her home.  Morgan texted back, “I’m at Paul’s.  Gonzo’s right next door.”  I sent her a text back, “K  – be there soon.”  Morgan sent back, “K”, then I sent back, “We are here.”  “We” meaning Steve and I, so we now all drive back down valley to go home together.  We get home by 9:00 pm tonight.  Tonight we think we hear noise outside our master bedroom…Steve does a loop around the house with a flashlight, but doesn’t see anything.  Steve and I are being very careful not to talk above a whisper, while in the room.  Morgan is still sleeping in our closet with her puppy, unless she sleeps at a friend’s house.

Thinking back on what happened last summer I can see there were so many signs, and so many warnings that I was receiving from my intuition – it was trying to tell me there was danger, and what I should do…but I didn’t listen to my intuition – I listened to other people’s advice.  Morgan’s dad and I thought we were coming up with “logical” solutions to this problem, and we had no idea how bad this problem really was.  Now today, Morgan’s dad, Steve, and I are left with a deep, deep hurt that will never go away.  It hurts every day.  We try to put on a happy face, and go on with our lives, but when we are alone, or with each other, we break down and weep, and try not to think about how we failed Morgan.  We never thought last year, in August of 2011, that in four months our youngest child, Morgan, would be dead because of her stalker.  We never thought the justice system could fail our daughter, and us so miserably.  Now our life’s mission is clear, get justice for Morgan, raise awareness, and save others.  I just wish we could have saved Morgan!

Click here to read about the 11th day of Morgan’s stalking