L said: I miss her smile, her face, her grace, I miss the happiness she brought you, and the over protective, big brother she brought out in Ryan. His voice would soften and eyes light up when he spoke of her. I miss that even if the rest of us were being crazy, we would stop and think about it for her. I miss her snapping pictures non stop, or filling your house with music, and baking yummy things. I miss her quick wit. I will always be sad that my Joni only got to know her for a little while, but I’m glad she was larger than life so that Joni may remember her. Even though there will always be a huge hole in our lives with her being gone, I’m happy I see that twinkle of hers in Ryan’s eyes, her shape in her older sister, her determination in Toni, her sweetness in Steve…..she is in all of you.
Another L said: Just looked through your pics again in honor of today, love the Twilight Twins scrunchy face! Love you, miss you, beautiful girlxxoo
S said: just saw a huge blue dragon fly, thought of you. happy birthday again lovely lady
Another S said: Happy Birthday Morgan! You’re missed everyday!
N said: Happy 21st lady. Love and miss you everyday
C said: Happy 21st. birthday Morgee.. I love you so much…
E said: i love you so much, happy birthday beautiful girl!! i think about you every day ♥ send me drunken from the gorgeous place you’re in today 😉
S said: Happy birthday Morgan! I love you, and I’m sure having your 21st wherever you are is somehow even better than here. Xoxo
A said: Happy birthday dear.
Don’t get too wasted in that big bar in the sky. 😉
T said: Happy birthday Morgan. Always on my mind, always love you.
Aunt T said: Happy Birthday sweet angel – thanks for letting us be a part today with your folks.
J said: Such a sweet Angel…
And many, many more messages, cards, etc. have come in for you Morgan…you are still so very present in all our lives and hearts. The world loves you still and you are making a difference and will continue to as long as I have any say in it. Mom