Messages on Morgan’s birthday – 2 days ago:

L said: I miss her smile, her face, her grace, I miss the happiness she brought you, and the over protective, big brother she brought out in Ryan. His voice would soften and eyes light up when he spoke of her. I miss that even if the rest of us were being crazy, we would stop and think about it for her. I miss her snapping pictures non stop, or filling your house with music, and baking yummy things. I miss her quick wit. I will always be sad that my Joni only got to know her for a little while, but I’m glad she was larger than life so that Joni may remember her. Even though there will always be a huge hole in our lives with her being gone, I’m happy I see that twinkle of hers in Ryan’s eyes, her shape in her older sister, her determination in Toni, her sweetness in Steve…..she is in all of you.

Another L said: Just looked through your pics again in honor of today, love the Twilight Twins scrunchy face! Love you, miss you, beautiful girlxxoo

S said: just saw a huge blue dragon fly, thought of you. happy birthday again lovely lady

Another S said: Happy Birthday Morgan! You’re missed everyday!

N said: Happy 21st lady. Love and miss you everyday

C said: Happy 21st. birthday Morgee.. I love you so much…

E said: i love you so much, happy birthday beautiful girl!! i think about you every day ♥ send me drunken from the gorgeous place you’re in today 😉

S said: Happy birthday Morgan! I love you, and I’m sure having your 21st wherever you are is somehow even better than here. Xoxo

A said: Happy birthday dear.
Don’t get too wasted in that big bar in the sky. 😉

T said: Happy birthday Morgan. Always on my mind, always love you.

Aunt T said: Happy Birthday sweet angel – thanks for letting us be a part today with your folks.

J said: Such a sweet Angel…

And many, many more messages, cards, etc. have come in for you Morgan…you are still so  very present in all our lives and hearts.  The world loves you still and you are making a difference and will continue to as long as I have any say in it.  Mom

Thursday, August 18, 2011 – The 17th Day Of Morgan’s Stalking

Morgan gets her dad’s old iPhone to replace her broken phone. She is very happy, and I am very glad that she will be safer with a cell phone that works.  She takes her new puppy to the vet at 10:30 am.

Later that day, after work, Steve and I have leave Morgan home alone for a couple of hours (I was very nervous about it, but we had borrowed our son’s lab/Shepard mix dog Joey; he used to be an amazing watch dog, and now there were 3 dogs at our house, so I felt like Morgan could relax at home, while we were gone for just a couple of hours before dinner.  But I guess I was wrong, she was nervous.   I sent Morgan a text, “How’s it going?”  We are just leaving Eagle.”  Morgan sends a text, “Good.  Super hyper.  Might leave.”  I sent her a text back, “Noooo, I still want to go to Aspen with you.”  Morgan writes back, “Dude…You’re not going to be home until too late, you left me hyper at home and you’ll need to feed dad too.”  I texted her, “He ate, if you take his truck and be home by 6:00 pm we will eat salmon and go to Aspen.”  Then Morgan wrote back, “I’m staying.  But grumpy.”  I wrote, “Noooo not Grumpy!  Dad would like you to look up Apple TV to see the difference between the one for $99 and the one for $119 thanks.”  Morgan writes back, “Dude, you guys suck.”  Then I responded, “Just because he asked you to look up the TV?  Dad says he’s mortally injured. :(“  We are always joking back and forth – I love our relationship, it’s fun.

After we have completed our list of people, in and around our neighborhood, we have 55 “suspects” (can you believe it?), and while we knew it would be easy to eliminate some very quickly, the full list seems daunting. We realize it will take a lot of time to whittle it down to the goal of no more than three or four. So, we draft the first plan of who to watch and how. We grapple with what is suspicious and what is not, and how long it will really take to get through 54 suspects.  It’s amazing what happens when you look at people while thinking maybe they could be the stalker – innocent little things suddenly become strange actions, strange behaviors.  I start to do research about the profile of stalkers.

Morgan doesn’t want to be involved in going over the list of people – it’s too upsetting for her…she just wants this to all go away.  I don’t blame her, but realize this is naive thinking.

There are two houses that we know are empty and abandoned by their owners, because of foreclosure.  We are concerned about them, so we thoroughly checked those houses out to make sure some homeless person isn’t crashing out in one of them.  Those houses could be used at night to lay low and watch undetected.

One of the patrol officers told us he did a little experiment, and parked in the raft launching parking lot by the river on County Road 100, and then walked to our house – he told us it’s an easy walk, so someone could be parking there and walking to our house very easily and concealed.  After dinner Morgan leaves to go see a friend, and Steve sets up a new plan with Morgan for her to text at least a half hour before she is supposed to drive home, Steve sneaks out of the subdivision on foot and hides in a tall pine tree across the County Road to observe the surrounding area when Morgan drives home.  He wants to see if any car drives up and parks and someone goes into our subdivision, while Morgan is on her way home – in case the stalker somehow is not in our neighborhood, but is just getting tipped off that she is on her way home, and they get there before her in order to get in position.  Steve found out the hard way that the sprinklers come on late at night (same time he was crouched in the tree), causing Steve to come home very wet.  🙁

Click here to read about the 18th day of Morgan’s stalking