7 thoughts on “Morgan kissing her new little puppy Wylah – she loved her so much!!!

  1. I am just reading your Blog now and intend to tell all who will listen of you pain and of you making us aware of the sign’s. I live my life open and trusting again even after being Rapped and having a child at 26 ..

  2. I just wanted you to know that I watched the “Suspicion” episode on the ID channel last night that featured Morgan. I actually watched it twice, since it was on a few hours after the first time I watched it, because I was so intrigued by this case. I did an internet search this morning and found this blog. I have been reading every single entry and all the comments in order, and have made it this far, just today. It is currently 8:30pm and I intend to read until I am too tired to read anymore. I am going to comment again and again, as I continue to read through the posts, but I just wanted to let you know that I watched Morgan’s episode last night, which brought me here.

    • Thanks for writing in Nikki…I am so glad you found the blog and please feel free to ask me questions if you come upon a post that doesn’t make sense or triggers some question in your mind. Since the beginning of this blog so many people have commented and many of those comments helped up find critical information in Morgan’s case while we were doing our own investigation and due diligence.

  3. I have been following this story for a long time, and check back every once in a while. Morgan and her pictures are beautiful! What kind of photo editing software did she use to make this? Keep on fighting the good fight, I’ll keep rooting for you through the internet 🙂

    • Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for continuing to check back…I hope one day you will check and I will have wonderful news about her investigation being opened and then finally justice for Morgan. I honestly don’t know what software she used, but she had many, many pictures that she took that look like this picture. I wish I could ask her. If one of her friends know what she used and I find out from them I will let you know. Morgan loved color so she was always experimenting with it.

      • She really had such a talent for color, too. I just love her pictures, and I would have loved to have known her.

        • Thank you – that is so sweet of you to say. I miss her so much. Yesterday I was just remembering hearing her voice when she walked in the front door. Our dog Tessi used to run to the door to greet her every time she came home, and I would always hear Morgan say, “Well hello beautiful.” I was just thinking that I should try to remember to say that to Tessi every time I come home…I know she misses Morgan too. Morgan brought so much love into all our lives.

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