The Voice & Giggles of Love…You Can Hear Morgan’s Voice

I can still hear Morgan’s soft, sweet voice, as well as her laughter.  Here is a short recording that I found on her laptop, after she was gone – it was recorded during the stalking.  Throughout that horrific 4 months, we all kept trying our best to keep going, to have a life, and do all the things we used to do…it was hard, but the 3 of us tried.  Why?  Because we loved each other and didn’t want anyone or anything to change us.  But they did – they ended Morgan’s life, which changed us all forever.

This the recording Morgan made herself on her cell phone.  It is just a short recording of us goofing off.  She wanted to record me saying, “I Toni Ingram…,” but we kept laughing so hard I couldn’t finish what she wanted me to say.  You can hear Morgan say, “Alright, come on…” and then laugh.  We could never finish it because we were both laughing so hard.

I miss those times so much and it hurts…but I am so happy we had them.  I would never exchange all those moments, in the short 20 years that Morgan was in my life – never for anything else in the whole world.  I love her and miss her so much – life is, and never will be the same.  How could it be?  It never could.

When you have a child that has been taken from you forever, there will always be a hole in your heart that can never be filled – this is why there will never be closure for us – yes, we will continue to push forward for justice for Morgan, but closure…that will never happen, the pain will stay with our whole family forever.

*** NEWS FLASH *** Coming Soon…Morgan’s Story on Crime Watch Daily!

We are so excited that our daughter’s story will soon be aired on Crime Watch Daily.

Emmy® Award-winning CRIME WATCH DAILY WITH CHRIS HANSEN is the very first crime show to air in daytime syndication and receive Daytime Emmy® nominations in both its inaugural and second seasons. Anchored from the streets of New York City and led by renowned veteran journalist Chris Hansen, CRIME WATCH DAILY delivers in-depth true-crime sagas showcasing the very best of crime journalism.

Stay tuned for upcoming details

You can read about Crime Watch Daily at

Check your local listings, or click on the following link and get ready to see, and hear, more than has ever previously been released, about Morgan’s case.


A Voice For the Voiceless…


Just as we should all protect and understand the delicate symbiotic relationship between humans and animals, we should also protect and understand the silent truth of human victims of crime, who no longer have a voice of their own.  We need to listen to their silent truth.  Whenever and wherever we can we should stand up for what is right,

Together we will be Morgan’s voice…we will never stop speaking Morgan’s truth.  We will never stop moving forward towards #Justice4Morgan!

Thank you all so much for helping in our fight for #Justice4Morgan by sharing the following reward poster wherever you can.  Email it to your friends, relatives, local newspapers, organizations, Colorado Representatives…whomever you can think of.  Tips are coming in and we hope it won’t be long before Morgan will have justice.

Be One of the Good Guys

SHARE – SHARE – SHARE this poster everywhere!  People are now finally stepping up…let’s keep the momentum going.  Morgan will get justice!

Please note the image in the photo depicts a left handed suspect – please call in any and all tips…You can stay anonymous.

The time is close for Justice for Morgan!