2015 Colorado Victims’ Rights Caucus January 15th

Just wanted to forward some important information from COVA about the 2015 Colorado Victims’ Rights Caucus – First meeting is January 15th – Invite your legislators!
COVA is proud to announce the 3rd year of the Colorado Crime Victims’ Rights Caucus, which is sponsored this year by State Representative Rhonda Fields (D) and Representative Polly Lawrence (R). The Colorado Crime Victims’ Rights Caucus hopes to serve as the General Assembly’s subject matter experts in ensuring that the rights of crime victims are appropriately balanced in the consideration of criminal justice policy.
All meetings will be held the 3rd Thursday of the month from 12PM – 1PM at the Capitol. The first meeting will be next week, on January 15th. A flier with all the details can be found here. 

Personal invitations from constituents can be very powerful, so please write your elected officials to ask them to attend. Don’t know how to reach your legislators? Visit openstates.org  to find out!
Colorado Organization for Victim Assistance
1325 S Colorado Blvd, Suite 508 B
Denver, CO 80222

Successful Responses to Stalking

This video features two jurisdictions that successfully use multidisciplinary, collaborative responses to stalking:


January is stalking awareness month – Stalking: Real Fear, Real Crime



Reminder…January is stalking awareness month.  Please learn as much as you can about the dangers of stalking.  Share what you learn with others.  Education is our most powerful weapon against stalking.  Click on this link to watch Stalking: Real Fear, Real Crime

Doing the right thing…

MorganinhatI want to share with you something that Morgan wrote on her Facebook page Easter of 2011 before her stalking started. I think it is something very important for everyone to hear right now. There are some people that know things about what happened to Morgan, as well as who did those things to Morgan.  These people don’t want to come forward because they think they will be called a “snitch”, but I can’t wrap my head around that. Morgan was stalked, tortured, and murdered and they don’t want to “snitch” on the person or persons that did this to her? This makes no sense to me. Do they really want to protect someone that hurt one of their friends? Do they not know by keeping this kind of knowledge secret that they become accomplices? Don’t they realize that their silence is allowing a very sick person to stay out on the streets and possibly do the same thing to another innocent person? By calling Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers with anything they know or heard they can stay anonymous. Anyway, the truth will come out and the choices people make to come forward or not will stay with them for the rest of their lives.

Here is what Morgan wrote:

By Morgan Ingrim · over a year ago

It’s about truth.

It’s about being honest with the individuals that were blessed to be in your life because they deserve it. Hurt them, let them down, enlighten them, as long as you were honest you couldn’t have been more perfect because when you’re not, when you try to protect someone from the truth or try to gain something from their ignorance, you’re robbing them from their own truth, from their own chance at finding the things in this world that make them even happier than your illusion, you’re building a life of lies not just for yourself but for everyone around you.

If things don’t work out between two people, if they don’t go as you want or had planned, that is infinitely better than leading a life of senseless mental slavery.

This world is beautiful and unfolding and the only thing you control in it is how honest with yourself that you are.

Happy Easter, beautiful children.

Justice for Morgan – reward poster
