Stay Strong!

stay strong

“Obstruction of Justice” is a crime that should be applied to those who fail to do all in their power to resolve crimes when they clearly have the ability to.

Please read this – there is something you can do to help.  Right now there seems to be no oversight in our government.  Things can get approved to help our citizens and then people in power can sit back and refuse to be compelled to do what is expected.  This is OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!  We need to use our voices – please write, call, use your voice.  If enough people stand up like our forefathers did we can make this country great again…we can protect our families from repeat offenders.

The following was written by Robert Wells, Families of Homicide and Missing Persons out of Colorado and their website is

I just returned from another trip to our nations Capital regarding a cold case homicide database. The FBI started VICAP about 25 years ago, the Violent Criminal Apprehension Program. You can read about the database at ;

This is a repository that includes cold homicide cases, however, it is voluntary. No one is required to report to it, participate with it, and it is only for law enforcement and no portion is open to general public access such as our Colorado database. Only 3,800 agencies have used it to date. It is a great start, but until the U.S. Congress compels all law enforcement agencies in every State and Territory to participate, it falls well short of our expectations, let alone our national needs.

ViCAP also offers additional assistance to its partners—including multi-agency coordination efforts, investigative support, case management help, crime mapping, case series matrices, and on-scene case assistance.

Evolving ViCAP access. Back in 1985, ViCAP information sat on a mainframe computer in Quantico, Virginia, accessible only to FBI personnel. Users usually submitted their case information to them through the mail.

In the short-term, the FBI states, law enforcement agencies will reap the benefits of this new and improved ViCAP. In the long-term, it’s the American public—kept safer from violent criminals—who will benefit.

For myself and others, this is the system that can house a mandatory reporting requirement for all law enforcement to report unresolved homicides to, on top of the other violent crimes the database addresses. The issue of additional funds for the project that is a continual discussion, becomes only a matter of data entry personnel who put this data into an already existing system. The only other issue we feel strongly about is this;

The general Public should be able to access a “front Door” portion of the system in order to look up their cases or cases of interest for general information and a primary point of contact with law enforcement should anyone wish to assist these cold cases with new information. Law Enforcement can then use a “Law Enforcement Only” access to review more detailed information on their case of interest. In this mobile society of today, a murderer from Colorado can be the neighbor of someone in Maryland, and in turn murderers from other States can be our next door neighbors right here in Colorado. Given our 1800 unresolved homicides and long term missing persons in Colorado alone, that’s over 1800 murderers living among us. When you look at the National Unresolved Homicide numbers (which are only estimates as we truly have only a very general idea to date) the figures are staggering. NPR reports one third of all homicides remain unresolved.…/open-cases-why-one-third-of-murders-in…

The following link gives you homicide rates from FBI Crime Statistics since 1950. Try doing the math, its unbelievable.

Please write your Congressman and Senator requesting that our U.S. Congress legislate the law enforcement reporting requirements that the State of Colorado has enacted for the reporting of cold case homicide and missing persons.

Your help will be greatly appreciated!

Finally, given the new tax revenues enjoyed in the State of Colorado, it is long overdue that Colorado fund the already passed cold case team for the Colorado Bureau of investigations. Again, lets pick up the phones and begin to write our State legislators and encourage them to fund what they have already passed. The funding of a Colorado cold case team housed at CBI. Contact us for more information if your interested in helping this cause!

A closing thought…For me, “obstruction of justice” is a crime that should be applied to those who fail to do all in their power to resolve crimes when they clearly have the ability to. The Governor of Florida vetoing a bill funding a cold case task force passed by the legislature there comes to mind…or not funding a cold case team for Colorado that has already be legislated.

Just a thought…

Robert M. Wells
Executive Director
[email protected]

Since 1985, our Violent Criminal Apprehension Program, or ViCAP, has linked an untold number of seemingly unrelated violent crime investigations…and helped state and local law enforcement solve many of those cases.


colour my world - morgan

Who is Morgan Jennifer Ingram?

Morgan was a woman who was literally all about color, from the artwork that she did, to how she looked at life, to the way she inspired others. “As time goes on” I realize just what an amazing woman she was and how she truly did “Colour” the world!

Take a moment to click on the YouTube link to listen to the recording of Chicago doing playing their hit song, “Colour My World.” The image of Morgan isn’t complete without it!

Justice for Morgan!
For more information check out Morgan’s Stalking on facebook and her website @

Again, thank you so much Dennis Crowley from Wheels of Hope for the Missing.

JUSTICE FOR MORGAN – You may call in any tips anonymously if you wish

Justice for Morgan Wheels of Hope

There are Guardian Angels on Earth…and some of them wear badges


I know I have posted this before…a long time ago.  But tonight I need to post it again.  I want other families that have lost hope in law enforcement to know there really are still Guardian Angels on Earth, and some of them do wear badges.

The following was written by a Detective that really does care – this is the type of warrior and hero I wish Morgan had watching over her before it was too late.  And if this Detective is reading this tonight I would like him to know his words were taken to heart, and I will never give up – I will ALWAYS fight the good fight.  The cowards involved in Morgan’s murder are very sad weak excuses for human beings. They are bullies, and have never learned right from wrong, they do not value life and  I will not rest until Morgan has received justice.


I continue to read your blog and more and more I become angry at the way this was handled.  It sickens me.  It was (and is) neither professional nor moral.  I dearly wish that I could have been the Detective assigned to your case.  I have a very powerful work ethic and I absolutely abhor blatant disregard of victim’s rights.  Your plight has done nothing but solidify that strongly held belief.  I once raised my right hand and swore to defend this great country from all enemies, both foreign and domestic – with my life if need be.  I again raised my right hand and swore before God to uphold the Constitution and laws in the performance of my Law Enforcement duties and to protect the innocent.  I became the Sheepdog.  I became the silent protector in the night.  A shield of hope.  I became the one thing that violent criminals fear:  The one person who can and will visit the same terror and violence unto them that they cause their victims.  Everyday prior to beginning work, I tell myself that the Wolves will not prevail.  I will be that wall that stands between them and the innocent.  In order to continue their terror, in order to continue their violence, they will have to go through me first, for that is my sworn oath.

Please take heart in one simple fact:  There are many, many professionals in Law Enforcement that feel the same way I do.  It is not an easy job, but none of us pursued this profession because it was easy (or to get rich),  We do this because we are inherently good people and wish to do nothing more than protect those innocents that need it.  Do not lose Hope nor Heart, for the truth is a blinding light that has a way of seeping out of the deepest, darkest night.  Justice will prevail, of that I am certain.  Keep hold of your convictions and fight the good fight.  Your struggles have had an immediate impact on the citizens that I am in charge of keeping safe.  I will continue to work feverishly to protect them and swear that what has happened in your situation – will NEVER happen on my watch.  There are Guardian Angels on Earth, and some of us wear badges.

Peace to you and your family.