Tessi Has Gone Over The Rainbow Bridge…

Tessi came to the end of her journey on earth yesterday…I kissed her face for the last time, and stroked her soft fur. She traveled over the Rainbow Bridge, and I believe she is at peace, no longer in pain.  I truly believe she is finally reunited with one of her favorite souls…Morgan.  Why do I believe that?  I was shown a sign just before Tessi passed – a tiny white feather was stuck to my sunglasses, as I went to put them on to hide my tears.  I know it was a sign from Morgan – Morgan was letting me know she would be there to greet Tessi when she arrived on the other side.

My heart is hurting, and I feel a huge emptiness.  At the same time I am extremely grateful for having had Tessi in my life for 11 years.  She was an amazing dog, and she was very loved.  There are no words to explain the joy she brought into all of our lives.  She lived a very purposeful, and loving life – she will be missed.


Help Solve This Unsolved Crime – Justice For Morgan!

Please share with everyone you know, and if you can please Tweet a link to this post to any, or all, the Colorado Representatives listed in the hash tags below (especially Kent Lambert of the 9th District where the crime occurred @KentLambert ‏) …let’s get justice for Morgan!

Morgan loved & cared about everyone – now we can all help. Talk to each other about her stalking and murder – listen and call the tip line at NORCO with any little bit of information…you can stay anonymous. There is a reward for information leading to an arrest, you can become a hero for Morgan.

Living life to the fullest means never living in fear, following your path, and being of service to others – it is an awesome feeling. Thanks!

You can submit a tip on this crime by clicking on this link…http://nococrimestoppers.com/unsolved-crimes/morgan-jennifer-ingram-suspicious-death#.WUFIzz8DKyg.facebook

To the person that murdered my daughter…yes, I know you read this blog

magnifying glass over a blue digital print

I know it’s been over 5 years now, and you must be starting to feel like you really got away with murder…and so far you have.  What I want you to know is during those 5 years Steve & I have never given up our search for the truth, and your father and his friend will NOT be able to cover for you much longer, not after an investigation is opened into Morgan’s murder, and it will be opened.  First I would like you to understand that scientific evidence can’t lie, it always tells the truth, it is indisputable evidence.  It is not circumstantial, although we have a lot of that too.  And the scientific evidence proves without a doubt that Morgan was murdered at the hands of another.

We know much, much more than has ever been released, and remember there is NO STATUE OF LIMITATION ON MURDER.  We never gave up, nor will we ever give up, not until Morgan receives justice.  You had no right to take her life, and the truth will come out!

And to the others that assisted in the stalking, murder and cover-up please know that you are accomplices in the eyes of the law and we haven’t forgotten about you either…people used to be smart enough to come forward and make a deal so they wouldn’t go to jail along with the offender, but I am not so sure about people these days…do they really think if they lay low no one will see them?  I guess we will just have to wait and see.  If they do want a better outcome they can always call Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers and tell them what they know and then ask for the person in charge so they can be a witness instead of an accomplice. http://nococrimestoppers.com

North Colorado Crime Stoppers
P.O. Box 18063
Boulder, CO 80308-8063
Call: 1.800.222.TIPS
Text: NOCO with your message to
CRIMES (274637)




Morgan we miss you every single day…

Morgan – we miss you so very much, every single day…and this holiday weekend was even harder than usual.  While going through some things we ran into so many reminders of you.  Dad and I cried, and cried every single time.  Not because of the memories…the memories of you make us smile, we cry because every little thing of yours reminds us that you are no longer around.

And in addition to that, our big sweet Tessi is soon going to be joining you.  She has had a long life for a giant Newf.  She has given us all unconditional love and happiness, and we are so grateful to have had her as part of our family.  After you left this world she was very depressed.  She was sulking and not wanting to eat.  She would lie and watch the front door hoping, just like us, that you would walk in, just like always, and look at her and say, “Hello beautiful.”  Tessi really misses that.

After a while she finally got her zest for life back, and became a companion to your puppy Wylah May.  They became inseparable, and still are to this very day.  It’s going to be hard without Tessi, but her physical “battery” is running down, and every day is more of a struggle for her.  She led a purposeful life and deserves all the comfort and love we can give her at this time.  I know she will be crossing over the Rainbow Bridge soon, and in my heart I know when she gets to the other side you will be right there waiting to greet her with, “Hello beautiful” once more.  Love is the most important, and the most powerful thing in this world, and we know you lived it every day of your life Morgan.

I will miss you every day – and always will until I see you again, when I come to the end of my “purpose” on this planet.  I love you Morgie, forever & ever.  Mom

Another Angel Has Returned Home Tonight

An amazing woman, a woman that I never met face-to-face, passed away today.  This woman first contacted me after this blog came out.  She wanted to help get justice for Morgan, and she became one of our “Team Morgan” supporters.

Throughout all these years she tried very hard to help us with this case, and she did…she had wonderful suggestions, and dove in to help connect the dots in so many ways.  Her father and husband were both ex-military, and retired law enforcement.  Her son is also still in law enforcement.  She helped and guided me through so many twists and turns in Morgan’s case, and I am forever grateful and blessed for having known her.

When I think of her now I am reminded that there is still so much good in this world…she gave me hope and encouragement when I needed most. She helped me continue to believe in miracles.  She knew she was dying, and the last time we spoke on the phone she told me that even after she had finally passed over she would still be fighting for justice for Morgan…and I believe with all my heart she will be.

The world has lost another beautiful soul and Heaven has had another one of it’s angels return home again.  Till we meet on the other side Terry – much love to you!