A Few Thoughts After seeing Discovery Channel’s interpretation of Morgan’s Stalking and Murder

Morgan posing on one of her Dads projects.

Morgan posing on one of her Dads projects.



I have just finished watching the Discovery Channel’s presentation of Morgan’s story for the first time. To Rhonda, our next door neighbor at the horrific time I apologize. Rhonda is cheery and engaging, the British idea of what she might be was not even close – sorry Rhonda.  The rest of the depiction is a fairly accurate. While the true horror could never be recaptured I applaud the producers, directors and the writer as coming as close as they could. Stalking is a horrific and serious crime – and this show has brought awareness of the seriousness of stalking and the fear it creates.

A stranger lurking out in the dark and stealing from you all that you love is as difficult to capture as it is to live through. Morgan is brave beyond words, just ask her friends, over four years later and they will tell you how brave she was. But our trust was misplaced in the crime prevention of Garfield County. When it comes to victims of stalking there is no crime prevention there.  I have been working trying to keep another young woman safe from her stalker in Garfield County – nothing has changed.  If left up to them she could be dead right now just like Morgan.  Today we rely on a strong sense of what is right in order to achieve some small measure of justice for Morgan.

Beyond Morgan’s stalking and murder lies the crimes against other victims that we continue to fight for today and will continue to fight for as long as we have have life in our limbs. Morgan’s voice was strong, she was articulate and very concise with her words and carrying on both her memory and her quest for justice for women will never end for Steve and myself.

I realized tonight how even an hour was far too little time to tell the story of Morgan as an hour is far too little time to tell the stories of the other victims I have been blessed to be able to help in my own little way. the arduous path we were forced into after discovering just a little of the truth behind Morgan’s death is not only a complete story on its own – this story is in its infancy.

Stalking victims live a nightmare every day, and at times, every minute of every day. Local law has not the resources or the inclination to deal with what the reality is. This only compounds what the victim is subjected to. Those that live are scarred for life and those that are killed by their tormentors leave an endless sea of broken spirits and broken hearts attempting to deal with their passing.

Still others are left to deal with the “mysterious disappearance” of their love one, which can be the most taxing of all. I truly wish I held the compassion, love and understanding to return all these upended lives to a small semblance of normalcy, but alas – I do not. Instead I do what I can with those who need immediate help and commiserate with complete understanding for the rest.

I feel blessed with new energy going forward and have many ideas going forward. I live anew in the knowledge that every victim I am able to help is a small consolation to the very painful and abrupt way that Morgan’s life was viscously stolen from her.

Thank all of you for your kind words and understanding on this very trying evening, together we will all fight the wrongs that face us and insure a more hopeful future for all.

In the memory of Morgan…

#Stalking & #Murder with NO Investigation!


AT 7:00 PM

Tonight the episode on the Discovery ID mini series “Suspicion” will show a dramatization of Morgan’s stalking & terrorization at 7:00 PM Pacific Time (check your local listings.)

Stalking is defined as the “willful, malicious, and repeated following or harassing of another person.”  You become hyper vigilant – never knowing when your stalker will show up or what dangers you may face.  Your life is never the same.  You may feel helpless and powerless at times.

First we have to warn parents of stalking victims, as well as the victims that are being stalked. All the cameras we put up could not protect Morgan, all the motion detector alarms & motion lights we put out could not protect Morgan, the sheriff’s could not protect Morgan. Our cameras were not pointed at our doors, they were pointed away from our doors in order to capture a clear picture of her stalker(s) face(s)…remember we were trying to build a case to stop her stalking, we never thought her stalker would actually enter our home…we were seriously and deadly wrong!  Stalkers do get in.

There has been no investigation into Morgan’s death, or any connection to what was her ongoing and escalating stalking – how could this be we asked? Jewelry had been stolen from her room. Her sheets, pajamas, drivers license and more were all taken the night she was killed, but no investigation. A year after her death we would learn a date rape cocktail was put into her stomach after she was dead, but no investigation. Two years after her death we would learn that her body had been redressed and posed after she was dead. We also learned that any evidence that was collected had been destroyed despite all the assurances that it would be kept forever. How could this be we asked?

Within minutes of his arrival at Morgan’s death scene, the felony stalking detective was certain there was absolutely no connection to her stalking, her death was a mystery, he even told us “There is no more Morgan so there is no more stalker.” Is this logical?  Is this all it takes to cover up a murder and let a murderer go free? More than shocking – this is really frightening!

Morgan’s death was first said to be from natural causes, strongly defended by those standing in for the Coroner – the sheriffs said there was no chance of foul play so no investigation needed! They would not follow up on any evidence or tips that were coming in.  And then her doctors told us this was all wrong, Morgan’s death was not natural causes, it was a homicide, they knew, but when we told the Coroner’s stand in we were threatened to stop all questions or Morgan’s death could be changed to a suicide. Shocking? Of course we reported this, but our reports of the threats were not taken seriously, just as Morgan’s stalking was never taken seriously. So Morgan was assaulted and killed by her stalker and nine months later she became a suicide – it was absolutely heartbreaking and wrong.  The pain of not being able to keep our youngest daughter safe was now being compounded with the knowledge that no one in the county cared about justice for our daughter.

For Morgan’s death to be even considered a suicide should have been impossible given all the evidence that completely leaves no explanation except the presence of at least one assailant, and very possibly more. But evidence hasn’t mattered much to Garfield County in Morgan’s death.

Morgan’s memory was forever tarnished because we chose not to heed the threats and fight on, but it was more than just for Morgan, it was for all the other women who could become victims at this stalkers hands, as Morgan had. She suffered a horrible death and it was impossible to imagine another young woman facing the same thing.  For our family there was just no possibility we could give up our quest for justice.

Uncovering the truth has not been easy. That we were lied to about Morgan is without question now. In fact the only remaining question is why. Often we are told about the lack of resources and incompetence of small sheriff’s departments, about how Colorado is the worst state when it comes to completely botching investigations. but these are not an acceptable excuses, not for a second. Morgan’s case was called a felony stalking by everyone connected with it, but later, in her official police report, not one official refers to it as a stalking. Doesn’t that sound suspicious to you?

Here is a case in which Morgan was stalked relentlessly for four months, we had pictures, video, footprints, audio of the banging on her windows, proof he was leaning over the roofs edge ogling Morgan through her window, witnesses to the threats against Morgan by his accomplice – and on and on – yet none of it was ever taken seriously and yes the sheriffs did see and did have all that evidence plus much more. In a little over a year her felony stalking case was no more than a misdemeanor trespassing, no peeping tom, no eavesdropping, no attempted entry, no theft, no burglary, and certainly not a stalking. So we ask, if officials are intent on pretending it never happened then just how safe is the next victim, and we will answer – not safe at all.

Morgan’s investigation now falls to parents fighting for Morgan’s legacy, and for all those who might become the next victim.

Please do not forget Morgan was a very kind and loved young woman.  Her murder has changed many people’s lives forever – they will never be the same.  Please do not just think of her as a victim…remember her as a person.



morganingram.com, the story of Morgan, her life, her love, and how she cared for others.


Stalked & Murdered “Edge of Insanity” Tonight – Wednesday, Sept. 9 on Discovery ID an episode on Morgan’s stalking!!!! Please watch! Thank you all for your continued support in our search for truth & justice for Morgan!

Discovery ID included an episode about Morgan’s stalking & terrorization in their six-part series “Suspicion.”  Premieres Wednesday, September 9 at 10 Eastern/9 Central/8 Mountain/7 Pacific  If you are on the West Coast it will be on at 7:00 pm Pacific.


Discovery ID wrote, “Toni Ingram’s 19 year old daughter, Morgan is creative and funny. Threatening behavior quickly escalates into stalking.Toni and her husband are thrown into a desperate race to unmask their daughter’s nemesis before everything they hold dear is destroyed.” 60 Min. | 14 (V)

We would like everyone to watch this show if they can, or set your DVD.  It is very important to us to get the message out there that we want this case open, we want justice for Morgan and we will NEVER give up!  Morgan deserves justice & all victims of stalking need to be taken seriously.  Stalking is devastating and oftentimes deadly, as it was in Morgan’s case.

The episode is called “Edge of Insanity”

Toni Ingram resides in a quiet town with her husband Steve and their 19-year-old daughter, Morgan. But the peaceful neighborhood is shaken with fear after a series of local robberies. Soon after that, the Ingram family experiences a suspicious character circling their home, and Morgan becomes the next target. Threatening behavior quickly escalates into stalking, and Morgan battles to keep hold of her sanity as her hooded tormentor closes in. Location: Carbondale, Colorado



It is the ‘Right of the People’

When a any form of Government, even a coroner or a sheriff become destructive to the people it is the ‘Right of the People’ to alter or abolish that government and institute a new government.  The people of Garfield County and all people of Colorado need to step up and insist that the ‘officials’ that do not follow the law, by their actions break the law, and go against the rights of the ‘people” be impeached and arrested.  Why should they be above the law?  I  believe the good people that wrote the Declaration of Independence knew that – they gave us our freedoms…let’s not be apathetic and allow our freedoms to be taken away.  Blessings to all you warriors of freedom out there 🙂

the right of the people

Feeling the energy…change is coming



Feeling the energy that came with the full moon…it brought a feeling of the change soon to come.  And believe me – it is coming, and I couldn’t be happier.

Morgan took the picture shown above just before her stalking started and her life was forever altered.  She always said, “Everyone needs color in their life.”  Morgan could always see the beautiful colors in the world.

“Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.” – Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds

Another Colorado case.  When you read this article: 

Man arrested 9 years after skeleton found in Rubbermaid container

http://www.denverpost.com/news/ci_25320708/man-arrested-9-years-after-skeleton-found-rubbermaid please note that in 2005 former Arapahoe County District Attorney Carol Chambers decided not to charge Harrington despite strong circumstantial evidence. This was after Arapahoe County Medical Examiner Michael Dobersen ruled Jansen’s death a homicide. Dr. Dobersen also did a 2nd opinion after reviewing Morgan’s documents and he believed very strongly that an investigation into Morgan’s death should be done…he said her manner of death should have been homicide, or at the very least undetermined with an investigation being done.  In the Jansen murder, just like in Morgan’s murder, there was enough evidence to arrest her murderer, but in Colorado I am seeing a terrible trend to not pursue cases.  Jansen’s remains were found in a white rubber container on the back porch of an Aurora home in 2005 and yet the DA’s office decided not to file charges against Harrington by saying that there was a chance Jansen died accidentally, perhaps during a drunken fall. But he offered no hypothesis for how her bones came to be sealed in Harrington’s Rubbermaid box.  Sorry, but to me this is utter lunacy!!!

There are other families at this time in Colorado all going through the same thing as we are…their loved ones have been murdered, there is strong evidence to support that fact, and yet they have been listed as runaways, accidental deaths, and suicides, but never homicide.  Keep those murder statistics down – what a creative way to do it.  It does happen, it is happening and to ignore the problem is to become a part of the problem.  With over 1,800 unsolved murders at this time in Colorado, and that is just the tip of the iceberg as Morgan’s murder and all these others I have mentioned are not even considered murders, Colorado has a big problem that needs to be addressed.

Please be a part of changes to be made in Colorado.  How?  Even just by talking about these cases, The Ashley Fallis case, the Kelsey Schelling case, the Carolyn Jansen case and so many others (check out the list on FOHVAMP’s website http://unresolvedhomicides.org) and give others the REAL facts about what is happening in Colorado.  This in turn raises awareness…you can be a part of the solution.  Thanks so much!