November 28, 2018 – remembering that Morgan loved the Spice Girls…

Morgan grew up believing she could do anything she put her mind to. During the 4 months she was stalked she still believed this…she posted on her Facebook page (during the stalking) asking her friends if anyone was interested in joining her in a grassroots effort to start a Chapter of The National Organization for Women (NOW). NOW is an American feminist organization founded in 1966.

Here are some of the notes I found in her stuff after she died…yes, I have kept almost all of her things. She still inspires me and I love her.

November 27, 2018 – every day now gets harder and harder to bear…

This is a picture of Morgan with me when she was in Elementary school – she is cuddling her doll Charlie. I bought Charlie for Morgan on her 2nd birthday and she loved him. She didn’t want a girl doll – she picked out a boy doll and named him.  Just the other day I was going through some old bins and I found Charlie. I held him to my heart and cried and cried. He looked brand new, Morgan had always taken such good care of him.  I wished with all my heart that Morgan was still here to pass Charlie down to her own daughter someday…every day leading up to this Sunday has been torture for me. Sunday will be the 7th anniversary of Morgan’s murder and we still do not have justice for her yet. Please remember Morgan in your prayers and light a candle on Sunday so your prayers for justice will be answered in 2019 – I still believe in the power of prayer.  Thank you!


Hope you all got out to vote yesterday. I remember when Morgan was old enough to vote – she was so excited! She couldn’t wait to read and study all the options, so she could use her voice to make a difference…#JusticeForMorgan

~ Morgan was loved & Morgan mattered ~


In November of 2012, Dr. Phil aired a show about our daughter Morgan Ingram’s stalking and mysterious death.

I would like to ask anyone, if you have a copy of that show, if you could please send me a copy, it would be greatly appreciated. We never managed to get a copy and at this time I would like to have it. You can put the link in the comment section here or email me through this website on this link

The title of the show was, “Dr. Phil Mystery: Was Morgan Murdered by Stalkers?”

Here is an old post I wrote about the show…

The suspects needed criminal lawyers to protect them from criminal exposure!