Painful & Happy Tears…

Morgan loved her keyboard and played it almost every day, from the moment she acquired it. Listening to her play her music and sing was always the highlight of my day. After Morgan died we packed her keyboard away…all these years it never again would play her beautiful music. We left it in storage, along with so many more things of Morgan’s. Last week our son Ryan unpacked Morgan’s keyboard.

Steve & I had finally taken Morgan’s keyboard out of storage, and we gave it to Ryan for our grandchildren to use. It was hard, but I knew Morgan was happy we did it. We realized that it wasn’t right that it was hidden away in storage all these years and never used. Our little 8-year-old grandson had recently gone to his great grandparent’s house, and without any training, he started playing their piano…when I heard this, I just knew our grandchildren needed Morgan’s keyboard. They used to call Morgan their Aunt Gigi, and now they have Gigi’s keyboard to continue playing beautiful music. Boy, does this planet need more music or what? I think so…

Anyway, Ryan unpacked the keyboard the other night and set it up – they sent us a text and said as soon as it was unpacked they all started crying. Yes, Morgan’s death still hurts everyone, not just us, her parents, but so many others all these years later.

Getting justice for Morgan won’t bring her back, and it won’t give anyone closure, BUT we still fight and wait for the knowledge and peace that comes when justice is served.


The Pursuit of Police Transparency and Search for Justice

‘SURVIVORS’ is available for order in both paperback and Kindle formats. I was honored to be a contributor to this book – you can read about Morgan’s story in Chapter 7.

‘Survivors’ was released on August 1, 2010, only 3 weeks ago, and it is still the #1 New Release on Amazon under Criminal Evidence, with all 5-star ratings. Yay! It’s a great read and hard to put down. I would encourage you to read it if you have the chance.

I am so very grateful to Dennis Griffin for all his expertise and hard work that he has put into this book, as well as his dedication to the families/co-victims of all these under-investigated cases. The Washington Post did research on only REPORTED cases of homicide, (like many of these stories in the book, so many suspicious deaths that are real homicides go unreported because they have been misreported) and The Washington Post stated, “Out of 54,868 homicides in 55 cities, over the past decade, 50 percent did not result in an arrest.” In my opinion, in this day and age, this is not acceptable. This is “murder with impunity!

“The survivors of victims of murder and suspicious death are often victimized twice—first by the loss of their loved one and subsequently by the system they rely on for justice. In pursuit of police transparency and search for justice, retired investigator Dennis Griffin takes us inside the world of real crime cases to expose the shocking truth behind the alarming number of unsolved murders and suspicious deaths classified as accidental, self-inflicted, or natural—with little to no investigation.” Listen here to ImaginePublicity on Air on Blog Talk Radio doing an interview: Dennis N. Griffin and SURVIVORS Anthology.

Another Staged Crime Scene?

This was not a case of stalking, but just like in Morgan’s case – it appears to be another staged crime scene. A murder ruled a suicide, but lividity is scientific evidence that doesn’t lie, and just like in Morgan’s case, this young woman’s body appears to have been moved and staged to look like a suicide after she was murdered!

As in the case of the photos I have recently seen of Morgan’s back, the marks on Sheena’s back are evidence her hanging was staged. This is according to Forensic Pieces, which has used the case to teach law enforcement investigators about how murders can be staged as suicides. Any law enforcement agency should be trained on how to detect a staged crime scene…this is imperative, otherwise why bother to investigate at all? If all the staged crime scenes in this nation were actually recorded as what they really are…murders, then the actual number of unsolved murders would be far in excess of the

In 2017, the FBI reported the crime and arrest data from 16,000 law enforcement agencies across the country and found that only 61.6 percent of reported murders were “cleared.” AND that is only the reported murders, staged crime scenes are usually misreported as suicides or accidental…not murders, as in Morgan’s case as well as Sheena’s case. That also means that 38.4 percent of the 15,657 murders reported nationwide went unsolved — 6,012 in all, according to FBI data. This also means those murderers still walk among us, so this is a huge public safety issue!

If you are a family, like ours, going through something similar to this, then I would like you to know some things to keep in mind that can possibly help:

*Keep in contact with the investigators handing your case.

*Keep detailed notes, and copies of all documents, emails, voice messages, everything.

*If you are having trouble communicating with your law enforcement agency contact a victim advocacy organization to intervene on your behalf.

*Always research the laws in your state – they are all different from state to state. Find out what the statute of limitations to file a civil wrongful death lawsuit is in your state and find out what records you are entitled to see and how to obtain them. If law enforcement refuses to release them, stating it is still an ‘active investigation’ find out what they are actively doing on the case. Try speaking to your county attorney’s office as well.

*Don’t be frustrated, although you will be….don’t give up, keep on top of things and continually move forward. It sometimes takes a long time, but those answers, and puzzle pieces will continually be revealed as long as you keep pushing forward.

Stalking Resources

The United States Department of Justice – Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)

STALKING RESOURCE CENTER (A Program of the National Center for Victims of Crimes


CDC – CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL & PREVENTION (Stalking: Know it. Name it. Stop it.)

VICTIM CONNECT RESOURCE CENTER (The National Center for Victims of Crime)


OWH (Office of Women’s Health – US Dept. of Health & Human Services

STALKING AWARENESS (SPARC – This project was awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women (OVW)


Please take stalking serious. Our stalking, with our youngest daughter being the main target, lasted only four months, and we had no idea that it would end with our daughter’s murder. Know what you should do if you are being stalked – educate yourself in order to be safe. Don’t become another statistic. Much love & light to you…the more we know and the more we share our awareness the safer we become. #JusticeForMorgan #JusticeForAllVictimsofStalking

Read & Share the Website…Morgan’s Stalking & Murder & listen to the interview of Larry Young as well

If you haven’t already, please read & share the website

Once on the website you will see the tabs that read, Home, Story, Blog, Links, Press, MJ, Donate – there are also other links below on the from page that say, Her Life, Her Stalking, Her Murder, The Investigation, Wanted Poster – Website Mission, Changing Laws, Tip Line and Disclaimer. If you haven’t already, please click on all of these and read about this case.

Like Eckhart Tolle said, “Awareness is most certainly the greatest agent for change,” and that is exactly what I am trying to accomplish…change. We need to change the ‘playing field’ for victims, as well as co-victims (the families and friends left behind after a horrific murder). Right now that field favors the perpetrator, not the victim, as sad and unbelievable as that sounds. In so many cases families, such as ours, are not given the evidence that law enforcement has, for many years, and not without heavy intervention, even when there is no active investigation at the time. The families have every right to have that evidence and conduct their own investigation, if law enforcement does not. One father is still fighting for justice for his daughter and in the meantime he has raised awareness and changed the law in his state – the new law is called “Molly’s Law” and every state should have a “Molly’s Law.” This is the type of change to the ‘playing field’ that I am trying to facilitate.

Listen here to the Lynda Cheldelin Fell on ‘Moments of Hope’ and the ‘Grief Diaries’ on a Facebook live interview with Larry Young talking about his daughter Molly. As Lynda says, “This is a shocking true story about one father’s pursuit of police transparency and justice.”