Thursday, August 11, 2011 – The 10th day of Morgan’s stalking

Morgan tells us in the morning she has decided that she will just send me text messages from her cell phone whenever she hears a noise on the closet window (she is still sleeping in my closet), this way nobody can hear her call out to me in the room.

Morgan’s car is no longer running, so she either takes my car, or the bus, or gets a ride with friends when going places. Morgan goes up to Aspen to drop off something as a favor for me, and also to visit with friends.  She sends me a text message at 1:53 pm, “Delivered :)”, I wrote back, “Perfect/thanks!”  Then at 7:32 pm I sent her a text that said, “Just passing the airport.  Where should we meet??”  We are going into Aspen to pick her up and bring her home.  Morgan texted back, “I’m at Paul’s.  Gonzo’s right next door.”  I sent her a text back, “K  – be there soon.”  Morgan sent back, “K”, then I sent back, “We are here.”  “We” meaning Steve and I, so we now all drive back down valley to go home together.  We get home by 9:00 pm tonight.  Tonight we think we hear noise outside our master bedroom…Steve does a loop around the house with a flashlight, but doesn’t see anything.  Steve and I are being very careful not to talk above a whisper, while in the room.  Morgan is still sleeping in our closet with her puppy, unless she sleeps at a friend’s house.

Thinking back on what happened last summer I can see there were so many signs, and so many warnings that I was receiving from my intuition – it was trying to tell me there was danger, and what I should do…but I didn’t listen to my intuition – I listened to other people’s advice.  Morgan’s dad and I thought we were coming up with “logical” solutions to this problem, and we had no idea how bad this problem really was.  Now today, Morgan’s dad, Steve, and I are left with a deep, deep hurt that will never go away.  It hurts every day.  We try to put on a happy face, and go on with our lives, but when we are alone, or with each other, we break down and weep, and try not to think about how we failed Morgan.  We never thought last year, in August of 2011, that in four months our youngest child, Morgan, would be dead because of her stalker.  We never thought the justice system could fail our daughter, and us so miserably.  Now our life’s mission is clear, get justice for Morgan, raise awareness, and save others.  I just wish we could have saved Morgan!

Click here to read about the 11th day of Morgan’s stalking 

This morning I woke from a dream – not of the stalker, but Morgan was in it

When I started to wake up this morning I was just coming out of a dream…it seemed so real.  Morgan was standing in front of a big chalkboard, like in a school room.  She was holding a long white pointer, and pointing it at the chalkboard.  On the chalkboard,in big white print, was something written, and under that was a list of numbers and jobs to be done, which were listed next to each number.  Morgan was turned smiling at me as she pointed to the list.  Then she showed me a person, a male figure on a skateboard, slowly skating down a gentle hill towards a beautiful clear blue pond.  I know water stands for change – does this mean this person on the skateboard is heading towards change?  The list on the chalkboard that she is pointing to means to me that she knows her father and I are going through our list of what has to be done in her case, and she is happy we are making so much progress…is this wishful thinking or does Morgan know something I don’t know?  Wouldn’t surprise me! 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011 – the 9th day of Morgan’s Stalking

I had to go to the doctor in Glenwood Springs today for a procedure, and did not want to leave Morgan at home alone, so she went with me, but she decided to stay in the car (with the doors locked) to get some rest, as she has not been sleeping well because of the stalker.  At 10:10 am I texted Morgan, “Still waiting for the doctor – how’s it going in the car?”  Morgan said, “Good.  Just laying down.”  I finally came out and we drove together back home.

After getting home I went back to work in my home office and Morgan took a shower and crashed out on the couch to watch a movie while her puppy slept at her feet on the wood floor.  She was knitting and watching the movie, and the day seemed warm and quiet.  Later that afternoon Morgan decided to go and hangout with friends, while Steve and I went to do errands after work.  She had her laptop and phone with her.  When Steve got home he and I went to do our errands.  At 5:26 pm I sent a text to Morgan, “Should I text you when we get home?  We might not be home till 7:30 or 8 and I don’t want you to go home until we’re there”  Morgan wrote back, “Yeah, thanks!”  I wrote her back again at 5:57 pm, “Is that way too long for you to stay?  We could come home sooner.”  She wrote back, “Nah, that’s totally fine.”  6:44 pm sent Morgan another text, “On our way home from Glenwood Springs and will stop at Carbondale City Market for milk and text you when home.”  Morgan wrote back, “K. :)”  7:18 pm I sent Morgan a text, “Out of the store and on our way home Let you know when we get there.”  Morgan wrote back, “Haha alrighty.  Thanks :)”  7:31 pm I sent Morgan a text saying, “We’re home – I’ll wait out front for you.”  Morgan wrote back, “ Oh Mom…”  I wrote back to Morgan, “I know I’m adorable – you don’t have to say it.”

I sent Morgan a Facebook “Poke :)” Morgan sent me a FB message, “You are too cute!”  Steve and I had purchased a camera system at Costco tonight, but it doesn’t seem to work well – looks like we will have to return it.

I sent Morgan a Facebook text “Poke back again, but this time with hot gooey peanut nutter cookies.”  Tonight, while Morgan was sleeping in my closet something was thrown at the closet window, which is 10 feet above the ground.  Morgan came out of the closet to tell me that “he” knows she is in the closet, and now he’s throwing rocks at that window to scare her.  She is extremely distraught, angry and doesn’t know what to do.  Steve is now getting upset with me, because he knows how loud I talk and feels that a person outside trying to listen to what we are saying could hear me through our bedroom windows, which are being kept open till we are ready to go to sleep in order to let the cool night air in.  Steve said, “Of course her stalker knows she is in the closet – you said good night to her while she was in there and even said,”Are you sure you’re OK in the closet Morgan?”  I guess I was still thinking while in our own house people shouldn’t be trying to overhear us, but that was very stupid thinking of course, this predator was watching and listening to everything – and we were anything but safe in our own home.

Click here to read about the 10th day of Morgan’s stalking