This morning I woke from a dream – not of the stalker, but Morgan was in it

When I started to wake up this morning I was just coming out of a dream…it seemed so real.  Morgan was standing in front of a big chalkboard, like in a school room.  She was holding a long white pointer, and pointing it at the chalkboard.  On the chalkboard,in big white print, was something written, and under that was a list of numbers and jobs to be done, which were listed next to each number.  Morgan was turned smiling at me as she pointed to the list.  Then she showed me a person, a male figure on a skateboard, slowly skating down a gentle hill towards a beautiful clear blue pond.  I know water stands for change – does this mean this person on the skateboard is heading towards change?  The list on the chalkboard that she is pointing to means to me that she knows her father and I are going through our list of what has to be done in her case, and she is happy we are making so much progress…is this wishful thinking or does Morgan know something I don’t know?  Wouldn’t surprise me! 

5 thoughts on “This morning I woke from a dream – not of the stalker, but Morgan was in it

  1. I believe she really could be trying to tell you something. I didnt know her, but from what I read, a spirit such as hers, could never be fully gone, energy never dies or disappears, rather changes forms. Be strong Mom, THIS COWARD, this lurker or the dark, who sheilds his face, cannot hide forever!

    • I know and almost all the young males under 30 in Carbondale are skaters or were skaters so that is a problem.

  2. Hi Toni and Steve,

    I have been reading your blog since Friday and am so heart broken after all of this. I hope that you soon get the justice that Morgan deserves.

    This morning a thought came to me about your dream. I have always heard when people who have passed come to you in your dreams it is incredibly significant. I did a quick google search and found this:
    The dreamer is in need of guidance, protection, comfort so a spirit (whether familiar or unfamiliar) will appear with a message, or love and warmth, for the dreamer (whether the dreamer realized he/she requested assistance or not).
    I keep thinking her holding the long, white pointer is significant. More than just pointing to the chalkboard, maybe she was also holding it because it is similar to what the stalker was using to bang on the windows with?

    I’m not sure if it has been brought up to you yet, but I can’t get my mind off of it.

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