6 thoughts on “Stalker’s shoe print photographed last summer – does this look familiar? This happened at 62 Corral Drive in Carbondale, CO 81623

  1. I remember feeling sick when you showed us that, Up intil we saw those foot prints, it was like, I don’t know….maybe….who knows…..but I remember this point, where there were too many things to ignore, and then those foot prints all around the house. For those of you who don’t know, it was a privite neighborhood, and there would be NO reason ever for anyone to be over there, not even on accident. There was also no denying where they were. Bedrooms, bathroom. Sigh……

  2. I wasn’t going to comment more about this picture because I didn’t want to mess up your timeline…..but this picture does not show how clearly that it was an Etnie shoe. A skater shoe that probably only teens or up to age 30 would wear. It is a young mans shoe. It clearly showed that in person, so maybe it was a different print we saw, but it was an Etnie shoe.Two days later, I did see a young man in your neighborhood with purple Etnie shoes. Thinking about it today, I searched those shoes, the zig zag lines , are a perfect match. Once again, when brought to the attention of the police, they shrugged it off. Who knows if that, right there, could have saved us a world of heartache…..something as simple, and obvious as that. In an empty neighborhood that only had a handful of teens that lived there, it did seem like something at the time…. So I guess in writing this, in a such a small town….think about purple Etnies.

  3. Sarah that is so amazing that you did this for us. if you don’t mind i would prefer not to post your comment because i think it is so good that it might be of evidential value. thanks so much for your help!

  4. That is a show imprint from an Etnies shoe…So sorry for your tragic loss. I couldn’t imagine going through something like this with one of my own children. And it is infuriating when local law enforcement does not take their job seriously enough to listen to a person and do all the proper things they are supposed to but instead cut corners to make it less work to earn their paychecks. I pray there is justice for you all and your daughter.

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