September 23, 2011 – Day 53 of Morgan’s Stalking

Dream a little dream

This is now like you would feel after a period of really high tension, and things calm down, and you go way down.  I am so stressed out now I feel like I need a mental health day off from work.  But I plow on, instead of taking off from work I lean on Morgan to spend some time with me in the early evening.  All our time together for so long has been all about the stalker, and now that the video system has seemed to have done the trick, I want to get back to the way it was – I want to do something fun together.

Morgan is going to take her niece out to the store which just excites little Joni to no end.  At 11:14 am I finish the phone end of the arrangements, and text to Morgan, “Ok just call Leesa on her cell when you get there and she’ll bring Joni to the car for you or you can get out and knock on the door – Joni is really excited!”  They have a great time together, and I’m uneasy that the installation of a video system has completely restored order back into our lives, but it certainly seems to have.

After Morgan has fun with Joni and drops her back at her house, it’s my turn with Morgan, and we have a great time talking about all the stuff we used to on quiet days.  We crash out on the couch with her little puppy Wylah sleeping on the floor right under Morgan.  Morgan’s sister is cleaning house, and found a gift from Morgan from a long time ago.  A little clay imprint of Morgan’s hand, glazed and fired, a permanent memento of her little sister.  She texts Morgan, “Look what I found… Little Morgan hand imprint… I put it next to mine for comparison… ;)” There was a picture of the two together, and Morgan’s fingers might have been a little longer, sure sign of a piano player!

That night Morgan goes to the Penny Hot Springs with her friends.  While she is gone, at around 11:00 pm, the motion lights on the back of the house go on.  But it is coupled with nothing else so we record it, but ignore it.  A while later the motion detector driveway alarm also sounds, but same thing, unless Rhonda’s dog joins in, or one of the video cameras sounds, and alarm us we will record it and ignore it.  I wrote a happy face in my day-runner today.  For a while we think all has returned to normal.  Steve reviews the cameras when he gets home, and is happy that every warning of a possible event is nothing on the cameras.

We talk about going somewhere, and doing something.  It is a completely different atmosphere in the house now.  As it all ratcheted up one click at a time, it was hard to really see the full effect.  Now that it had all been released it was really easy to see the difference.  And what a difference it was. . .

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening.  On 9.23.2011 he worked from 8:31 am – 12:39 pm & then from 1:10 pm – 3:26 pm)

Click here to read about the 54th day of Morgan’s stalking

September 22, 2011 – Day 52 of Morgan’s Stalking

Morgan in her mirror

Morgan in her mirror

Morgan is gone to school in the morning and Steve goes on errands.  A friend comes by, and we talk about Morgan.  Sometimes you have no idea what a pressure cooker you are in until you share it with a friend, and this is one of those times.  We go over all the options, and to my surprise Steve and I have already been over them all, multiple times.  It would seem like a real solution has to be possible, but it has not presented itself yet.

That afternoon Steve takes my car in for new tires.  Now I will feel much safer when Morgan drives it.  My tires were getting pretty bald and I was so worried that a tire might blow out, and she would be easy prey if she were stuck on the side of the road and the stalker saw her.

Today we found the Google Earth pictures that have already been shared on the blog – the ones that show the trail on the berm.  We had not even thought of checking for a satellite shot until one of the sheriffs had noticed the trail and told us about it. It was something we could not wait to share with the sheriff’s detective.  For me it was just as compelling, as far as evidence goes, back then, as it is today, even more so because you could trace it easily on foot.  I held out such hope for his involvement and could not wait to meet him.  I had so much to tell him.

Morgan was home, and in bed, and it was a quiet night.  Steve had another tool for us, a little app for our phones that we could just press and it would record the time and date of any incidents.  He had programmed it with a different button for every location where tapping, or rocks, or whatever it was had banged on the windows in the past.  Up until then I had sat up, turned on the light and typed or wrote in a note.  This promised to be much easier, and the best part was we didn’t need it this night, it was again quiet.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening.  On 9.22.2011 he worked from 12:59 am – 6:12 am & then from 6:39 am – 9:33 am)

Today is September 20, 2012 – I had a long day at work and am just getting back to my blog.   I’m sure I broke at least one blog etiquette rule today, and I am sorry for that.  I was right in the middle of one series of five blogs, and couldn’t help myself as I dove right into another series of four.  If it sounds complicated don’t worry I’ve decided to finish the first series first, and then the second, and I promise by then it will all make sense.  Listen to me, talking like I invented this, if my dear friend Steve Emersen had not suggested a blog a few months back I would not even be here, So thanks Steven, your encouragement has been priceless.

Click here to read about the 53rd day of Morgan’s stalking

The auction winner, for Morgan Ingram’s fund, Little Georgia, wearing the “Justice for Morgan” dress. ♥

Thank you so much Kassi Poole for being the winner of the dress auctioned for “Justice for Morgan” by Donnalee Shewmake from Love Tay Boutique – big hugs to Donnalee and Love Tay Boutique for donating this one of a kind dress! ***** Little Georgia looks adorable in this dress!

Georgia wearing the “Justice for Morgan” Dress

From a single act of compassion and kindness :)

Morgan's roll

Morgan’s Roll yeah!

This morning I did a blog that had me upset, right after I posted it around noon I received a call from Susan at Konnyaku.  In case you missed that post it was Morgan’s favorite restaurant and Steve and I had just gone there for dinner.  I know who to credit now for the great moment, it was Master Sushi Chef Luis Wang, who made up the sushi roll pressed into the shape of a heart and called it the Morgan Roll.  I guess our waiter told us when they brought it out, but I didn’t hear.  Thank you Luis!!!  I will never forget that moment for as long as I live.  So I talked about it on my blog, and now people are going there, and they want the Morgan roll.  And how this all happens I’ll never really know, but I think that angels have shined on us.  Susan told me what was happening, and she and Willie  have decided to make it a regular special on the menu, and donate quite a large portion of each one to the Morgan Ingram Benefit fund.  Steve and I are once again very touched, and also thankful as we are finding out how much Justice for Morgan is going to truly cost us.  And Steve promised me he was only going to say this once, “And they are going to fight us with our own tax dollars, all our tax dollars!”, somehow I think I might hear that again.  Thanks for your support, all of you, it means so much!

Of course Morgan really had a stalker…what purpose is served to pretend that there was not?

Morgan reaching for hope

Morgan, reaching out

I must admit I am incredulous as I write this, but there is a question that I have been told I can’t ignore, actually four questions to be exact.  So now I will take the time to answer those four in order.  Starting with number one, “is there really a stalker?”, and is this system that we call justice going to wake up, and be there for Morgan, because the way it is going for Morgan right now, it is woefully upside down.

Was there a stalker? Really? Yes, there REALLY was a stalker (this was a felony stalking case, detectives assigned to it and everything), and did the stalker/stalkers murder Morgan?  Yes, and I have strong, very strong feelings and information about that, but I also think an investigation into many things that were in fact never investigated needs to happen.   Sorry, I’m getting ahead of my self,  First – yes, there really was a stalker.  And the following points might be a little out of order, because that takes a lot longer to go through all my notes:

  • At first the stalker taps on the window, Morgan thought it was trees or bushes, until we walked out to cut them back, and saw there were no bushes or trees near her window.  And no we hadn’t called anyone yet.
  • Taps and knocks continue, I call Garfield Sheriff’s department and I will never forget, I was admonished for waiting so long to report this.  Well, I had now reported it and they came, and yes they saw “scuffs” deeply cut into the ground in front of Morgan’s windows.  The deputy said it was obvious to him that someone had stood here, right up against the glass, for a long time.  The Deputy had suggestions, water the ground thoroughly and rake it smooth, maybe we’ll get lucky and get some prints in the dirt.  So you better believe we did that.
  • A bang on the bathroom window, and the prints we were hoping for are left.  Only now nobody cares about the prints left in the dirt, nice clear prints.  I ask in shock, “only the detectives can do that” I’m told, silly me I thought detectives were coming by later to do that.  But no, no one ever comes by to do anything with the prints.  Keep watering and raking they tell us, and we do.  We did take pictures ourselves.  Oh, and once a Deputy was practically pleading with his supervisor over the phone to be allowed to take a casting, after a while he was trying to get permission to take a picture, that too was a no go.  I guess now that I’ve seen how it works if you want to be able to claim you never saw any sign of a stalker you certainly can’t collect any evidence of a stalker.  I told the Deputy that day to not let it get him down, I’ll have Steve take pictures when he gets home.  A retired Special Agent told us that if we had cast them ourselves a Deputy would have been required to watch and oversee our efforts.  We didn’t know that back then, but want others to know in case this happens to you.  When we had a detective assigned he wasn’t quite sure what the deal was with prints.
  • I saw the stalker on the front porch, positively, twice, once turning to run and once keying in two digits of our front door code.
  • I saw him running between our cars in the driveway in broad daylight.  Now picture, if you can, a male, wearing a loose hoodie with the hood over his head and completely covering the side of his face. Spinning, head down, hands hidden, and then running, two, three strides and he’s ducking off to the side, and I can’t even tell you what kind of pants he was wearing.  Do you think you could “positively” identify him?  I wasn’t sure, Steve thought it was worth a line up to see. The Sheriffs didn’t agree.
  • We have him on video, he was hiding out behind my car and another car drove up the street, he either had to run or risk being spotted behind my car, so he ran. The video just isn’t good enough to positively identify him either.
  • We have him on video again, coming up across the back yard to the aspen tree that doubles as a ladder for him to make the “impossible” climb to the roof, yeah right, Steve is much older and has no problem climbing it.  Once again the picture that was taken in the middle of the night is not clear enough to identify him.
  • Morgan went out with her puppy in the early morning, still dark, she became aware of a male standing just on the other side of our 3’ high fence, all dressed in black.  She was badly shaken, and we never heard her scream.  Steve said he wished she had screamed loud, he wished she had started, and never stopped.
  • The stalker followed her, at least twice, first time we were completely unprepared, and it was up to Morgan to outrun him, race off in the opposite direction.  The second time we were only slightly more prepared, and we were waiting in the street as she drove up.  Only he did not follow her to the house, just to the subdivision.  Then came the plan to call 911, and have her keep driving, which I was never wild about as nothing had really worked before, so I was never very upset that we actually did not have a chance to try that.
  • There was an officer staking out the yard for the stalker, right outside our bedroom, for a half an hour.  We have him beautifully on video, and suggested if they were going to do a stake out again, first don’t wear the uniform jacket with the reflective “SHERIFF” written across the back, oh and don’t text constantly, completely lights up your face, chest and shoulders you know.
  • There is a gutter cracked in half directly over Morgan’s window that Steve assures me did not crack itself.
  • Then there are the trails worn into the berm, none out there this year, went by and looked.  They were never there in the past before the stalking.  Now there is no one  to stalk, no stalker, no stalker trails, funny how that works.
  • Of course there is the famous wildlife cam photo that I have been told someone is claiming is the most pathetic Photoshop job they have ever seen.  I know it isn’t.  I know we handed a copy to the Deputies fresh out of the camera that same night.  Wonder who she was protecting? Meaning the person that posted that it was photoshopped.
  • Then in a weird, weird sequence Steve was giving chase around the house one night and when reviewing the video cameras later, stopped, said some colorful things, and told me,  “I thought I was chasing him!”  “He was following behind me the whole time.”  He could tell by the way the motion detector lights were going off behind him and then back on.

So there were more instances/proof of a stalking, that I have been asked not to release yet.   And then for reasons I can only guess at, certain people conducted alibi appearances at our house.  Not to be too mysterious, but coming up soon in this blog is a, what can you say moment, when someone walks around our house one night practically waving their arms in front of each camera, we look, and can instantly can tell it is not the stalker, even the deputies can instantly tell its not the stalker.  And to top that off the following morning, before the snow melted there were footprints to show exactly  where they “marched” around our house, and then those footprints actually led right to Brook’s dad’s house – imagine that!   “Just a big game to them,” one of the Garfield County Deputies said after seeing the video. Maybe somehow to them, but not when our 20 year old daughter ends up murdered, no way, no how.

There was a stalker, an individual that was suspected by Law Enforcement, there was at least one other person who was a party to this and was, to our knowledge, never even questioned.  Morgan was a victim, Steve and I were victims as well.  We have read Colorado Victims Rights, and I assure you that that memo did not make it to the Garfield Sheriff’s Department.  But make no mistake there is only one thing that burns as the most important thing to me now…the protocol Steve and I had was – not good enough – likewise the Sheriff’s protocol was – not good enough –  so to watch our Sheriff stand on camera, and not promise us that he will improve, when he chose to say they were at our house at least 50 times and never saw a sign of a stalker, that was heart wrenchingly disappointing.  If you’ve seen the wildlife cam photos just tell our Sheriff to tell his Deputies to look behind them – then maybe they’ll see the stalker.  Very disappointing for the safety of other young women in this county, because I have to warn you that if they do the same for you, that they did for Morgan, that is a crime in and of itself.