From a single act of compassion and kindness :)

Morgan's roll

Morgan’s Roll yeah!

This morning I did a blog that had me upset, right after I posted it around noon I received a call from Susan at Konnyaku.  In case you missed that post it was Morgan’s favorite restaurant and Steve and I had just gone there for dinner.  I know who to credit now for the great moment, it was Master Sushi Chef Luis Wang, who made up the sushi roll pressed into the shape of a heart and called it the Morgan Roll.  I guess our waiter told us when they brought it out, but I didn’t hear.  Thank you Luis!!!  I will never forget that moment for as long as I live.  So I talked about it on my blog, and now people are going there, and they want the Morgan roll.  And how this all happens I’ll never really know, but I think that angels have shined on us.  Susan told me what was happening, and she and Willie  have decided to make it a regular special on the menu, and donate quite a large portion of each one to the Morgan Ingram Benefit fund.  Steve and I are once again very touched, and also thankful as we are finding out how much Justice for Morgan is going to truly cost us.  And Steve promised me he was only going to say this once, “And they are going to fight us with our own tax dollars, all our tax dollars!”, somehow I think I might hear that again.  Thanks for your support, all of you, it means so much!

22 thoughts on “From a single act of compassion and kindness :)

  1. This put happy years on my face, you are so strong Toni! Keep up all that you are doing, you are such an amazing woman and mother.

  2. Aww this is so awesome! You both are incredible! I think this calls for a road trip to Glennwood/ Carbondale to get a few of your Morgan Rolls at Konnyaku! How you both do it I don’t know, but you have so many who support you!!

  3. Oh this is so amazing. I am very good friends with the Wang’s oldest daughter, as well as love her parents’ restaurant. I’m so glad you guys know how much us in the community are behind you in getting justice for Morgan.

    • This cause is so very overdue – it has been around for ages and is the most under reported crime and that has to stop. People need to know they can talk about it – they can get others to help them – and law enforcement can come up with good solutions to protect the citizens.

  4. Oh how I wish I liked sushi! This would require another trip to Colorado (which I am totally in favor of) darn mt hosts moved 🙁

  5. That’s so wonderful! Gives me so much hope for you, your family and Morgan. Good things are coming, Toni, I can feel it!

    “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”

    • You are so right – in the weeks to come I can feel the light taking over the darkness and as long as we come from love and light I know the truth will emerge!

  6. So SWEET… you guy’s, and so proud of you. Can’t wait for the kids to smother you with
    hugs and kisses 🙂 xo

  7. Absolutely fantastic! Great way to get even more people involved in Morgan’s story! It’s so great that people in the community are reaching out to you.

    • It was so amazingly sweet of Donnallee to come up with idea and so wonderful that Kassi was the winner and bought it to donate to the Morgan Ingram Fund. Everyone is being so kind I just want to cry with gratitude!

  8. I will drive to Konnyaku from Denver and let all of my friends in the valley know about this (all though most of them are as involved in your story as I am). I feel it is one way I can contribute, as helpless as I feel….I can only imagine what you are going through. You are a very brave woman.

  9. Thanks so much Lisa – I’m sure you will enjoy the Morgan roll, I loved it! Take care and thanks so much for sharing with your friends.

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