September 24, 2011 – Day 54 of Morgan’s Stalking


Today starts Carbondale’s Potato Days celebration.  Morgan is texting her sister in the morning about how someone has hacked her email, and now people are getting emails from Morgan, that are not really from Morgan.  Her sister warns her to notify Yahoo.

Later, Morgan went to babysit in Aspen from noon until early evening, it runs late, and Morgan calls me on her way home at 9 pm.  She arrived home to the usual drill with me waiting in the driveway, pepper spray in hand, and we show her the latest addition to our stalking arsenal.  Steve has installed a simple wireless doorbell from the hardware store that afternoon. so the button is stuck to the side of her nightstand, and the bell is in our room. We call this her panic button. Our bedroom is on the far back end of the house and her bedroom is in the far front – really far apart and the hardcore bedroom doors, when closed, dull any noise. There is absolutely no way for us to hear anything going on in Morgan’s room if we are asleep in our bedroom so this alarm will really help. But, I was thinking Morgan may feel like this was getting to be a little too much, as it has been quiet since the video cameras went on, but Morgan was happy about it.  She thought we were great for putting it in, now if anything at all happens she can just press the button, we will know instantly, and come to see what’s up.  It gives her even more security.

We don’t have to wait long to see if she will ever need to press the button as the bell rings at about 11:30 pm.  I shake Steve, and jump up myself.  We run to her room and it was a noise on her window, but she said it was different this time.  Before it was tapping, or banging, usually tapping first, then banging later.  Morgan calls this softer like small rocks (for lack of a better way to describe the noise).  She points to the window top, of the clearstory window in her room, where the sound came from.  Steve goes outside in his robe and slippers to look at it from outside.  While he is gone I find out from Morgan that she was reading, and saw the outside motion light come on about an hour ago, but did not think that rose to pressing the new alarm button. Then when she heard the familiar sound she alerted us.

Steve came back in and of course he didn’t see anything out there in the still of the night – we then all said good night after reassuring Morgan to please push the button again if she hears anything.  I had no idea how Morgan would react to the sort of, “panic button,” idea, but I was so glad then that we had put it in, and she wasn’t afraid to use it.  When we were back in the room, we went straight to the camera monitor, and played back the video.  First we checked the camera that covered her windows, we could clearly see Steve approach, and stop to stare up at her end window (when he went out in his robe), then turn and leave, but rewinding, and replaying, there was nothing else (again, we had no idea that the cameras should have been pointing up at the roof).  We went to the cameras on either side of that one, and replayed that video too – also nothing.  This was so very frustrating, we should have seen something, but did not.  We went through it all again and again.  It would be hard to tell Morgan the next morning all we ever saw was Steve, and we were both troubled by this – there was a very good reason our cameras were not catching the stalker, but we would not learn how he was doing it until it was too late.

Steve reasoned that it was rocks from a distance, so that is why we did not see anything on any of the video.  I guess our minds were continually trying to make a logical excuse for the cause of the noise. We went to sleep with that thought on our minds.

(Police reports later show the “suspect” was not working this evening.  On 9.24.2011 he worked from 12.58 am – 6:11 am & then from 6:40 am – 9:24 am)

Today it is September 22, 2012 – I have been in meeting after meeting, and one thing has become very clear to me.  The “average everyday citizen” is far more outraged by what has happened than the officials of Garfield County have ever been.  People, universally, without exception, want to know answers from me,  what do I think could have been done differently, how do I suggest we go about creating change, how do I think we could improve, how do we as a community stop this from happening again, how do we go about protecting the next young woman?  How, how, how?  I’m sure that together we have all made progress toward that goal, productive ideas, strategies, lists of importance.  Yet at the same time, is it just me, or is every elected official in Garfield County who is responsible to us the citizens ignoring us?  It seems like they are all equally intent on looking the other way, and claiming it did not happen, or promising how there will never be an investigation, or that it used to be natural causes, but now with all these date rape drugs in her system it must have been suicide!!!???  Am I missing something here?  I want the truth, from day one all I have wanted was the truth, I traveled to Los Angeles to hear from some of the best this nation has to offer in their respective fields for the truth.  Morgan deserves the truth.  Yet here at her home, here in Garfield County, I am nothing more than a grief stricken mother who can’t accept it?  Can’t accept what?  That the truth is that every single expert that has been consulted on the death of our daughter Morgan does not agree with natural causes, or suicide as a manner of death, and there have been many experts consulted.  While I do not feel like I am grief stricken, in denial, or having issues with acceptance – I am absolutely positive that the esteemed professional experts that we have consulted with so far are not grief stricken, in denial, or having any acceptance issues!!! They gave their expert opinion, they offered to talk to our Pathologist, they offered to go on camera and explain, they offered to fly to Colorado, and to testify as to their expert opinion.  They are all in agreement that what we have right now is not the truth.  It is anything, but the truth.  But so far it seems to be all for naught, because here it would seem the corner of the carpet had been raised ever so slightly, and a broom is attempting to push all this underneath that carpet.  It is my opinion that firmly grasping the handle of that broom are all the hands of all of the elected officials sworn to protect…to protect Morgan, and protect you.  All I ask is the simple question – why…what is so wrong with the truth, and why is Garfield County so intent on preventing it from ever surfacing?

Click here to read about the 55th day of Morgan’s stalking 

35 thoughts on “September 24, 2011 – Day 54 of Morgan’s Stalking

  1. Toni, this picture of Morgan you posted says it all. The look on her face says “Where is my justice?” Keep going for your beautiful daughter and all of our daughters who may suffer from violent stalkers! You and Steve are a voice in the wilderness.

  2. Of course we are grief stricken. Sick with grief. Changed forever. Not accepting they say? Ok. Sure. We don’t accept this situation. We don’t accept everything that went wrong. Do we accept Morgan was taken from us? Yes. We have to. Do we accept why? No we don’t. We won’t be sorry for that either. Sorry for them .

  3. Thank you so much Lisa – what a nice thing to hear…Steve and I appreciate your vote of confidence!

  4. I hate what you are going through – – – this is the first time I have heard the true fire in your voice and I am sooo glad that you let us hear it. We agree 100 percent with what you are saying. This anger is good and placed where it needs to be. Hope it feels good to let it out!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

  5. It does feel good, but up until now I was afraid if I let it out I wouldn’t be able to stop it, and it would start to sound more like a rant instead of just the facts and the truth…but you’re right it does feel good. Thanks Amber!

    • Well, to my ears it sounds nothing like a rant. It sounds like a perfectly placed reaction to what you are dealing with. It is good to get it out. It is a real emotion that will tear you up inside…., xoxoxox. ;0)

  6. What has happened to your beautiful daughter, your family, your town and your county is truly unbelievable in this day and age. Have our elected officials forgotten how to feel human emotion? Has our society become so immune to others feelings that we no longer feel compassion and concern when we know others are hurting and need help with answers? This is heartbreaking. What could possibly be more important than helping your family find answers? Reading your blog sends shivers up my spine and knowing how local authorities handled, and are handling, this makes me sick to my stomach. What is more important in this world than loving others? What do these people think we are on earth for? Praying you find comfort and answers and that someone who can actually turn a wrong into a right will be able to help you soon. Keep it up, you are both so strong! God Bless!

    • Your words are helping us stay strong – it is absolutely not easy (I will admit that). It is horrific, and painful, but we know we have to do this, not only for Morgan, but for all the others out there that couldn’t fight back when faced with a similar situation. We need to see this through, and just like you said, show those in our local government that they need to feel human emotion again – they should want the truth to come out – they should want to stop criminals and protect the people that put them in office. What would they want to happen if this was their daughter?

  7. The more you share with us, the more my heart breaks for you. And the angrier I get. At first I thought perhaps it was inexperience and, while upsetting and disturbing, I thought it could be a situation that LE could fix. But as you share with us how they now deny facts (which you have a record of) it becomes more apparent that LE is covering Morgan’s case up. They appear to care more about protecting the stalker than getting justice for Morgan! Do you think it is because the stalker has connections or because they want to protect the reputation of our “safe” little valley? Or have a different theory entirely? Whatever the reasoning behind their actions I find it abhorrent and I think there needs to be an investigation into both the credibility of the LE departments involved in this investigation as well as any other political officials who have been involved in Morgan’s case. I’m not sure where a complaint should be filed; perhaps the ACLU? I know you have other battles you are fighting right now but perhaps this is something the rest of us can do for you. A petition or something similar? Would it be ok if I looked into how to pursue this? If you would rather not go down this road, I completely understand.

    • The meetings I talked about involved such hope, and possibility for Morgan’s case as well as others that have, and will become victims until there is change.

      Steve and I have a new list of priorities, but still have not been able to officially have the truth come out. Unfortunately, as others have pointed out, it does not lie here, after all how can our elected officials be entrusted to investigate themselves? That something must happen is also without doubt, exactly how this happens is yet to be determined.

      I will share with you that from my heart, I have gained an entirely new respect for what our founding fathers accomplished so many years ago, it is nothing less than amazing, I can pray that this will not require “that last full measure of devotion” but make no mistake it is here within me. And thank you sooo much , I will let everyone know as steps that you can help with are needed.

  8. Toni,
    Did any of her “friends” know of the panic button? Was the panic button disabled in anyway prior to the night she died? Reason for asking is that if it was working, then she must not have been afraid of the stalker in her room that night, or else she was taken by surprise while sleeping and unable to press the alarm. Wondering if she was found close to the alarm or trying to press the alarm possibly?

    Sounds like you did the the VERY best you could! I’m so sorry for your pain and pray for a new investigation from higher ups soon! Thank you again for sharing such personal information with us about your beautiful daughter.

    “The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.” ~ Winston Churchill

    • I know a few of her friends did know about the panic button. We even had a baby monitor that we put in her room a few weeks before she died, but she had just decided that was a little too weird for her so she unplugged it. I believe she was in a deep sleep when someone entered her room and she was taken by surprise – either she never woke up or she could have been threatened to drink something if the person was threatening to hurt her puppy.

      As for the alarm/panic button, she was found on the other side of the bed facing away from the button. Completely the opposite of where she would normally be. I just realized that I didn’t see her panic button on her nightstand after she died, and then I finally found it on the floor right by the nightstand so not sure how that happened. And your quote is quite priceless, thank you.

  9. Dear NP – Others have said they want to start a petition as well, and I so appreciate it. We are going to organize that, but first we have a few more things we have to put in place. I promise to let everyone know, through this blog, when it is ready to go.

    I really do not know why they have done this cover up, and I do not know why they will not let the public know what is going on. There is still a stalker and murderer out here, and do they think he will just stop and go away?

    LE did not doing an investigation (because of the incorrect manner of death that the Forensic Pathologist put in his report), and we may never know what they are trying to hide, but it is absolutely wrong, and I know if we never ever give up, and just continue to persevere we will get to the bottom of this one way or another. Thanks so much for your support – we need all the help we can get!

  10. Toni, I love you and am so proud that you are pushing through. I admire that you are also putting other’s future safety as a priority along with justice. I know if this happened to me I would be honored by how much you are trying and accomplishing already

    • Thank you for saying that S – I would fight along with your parents, to do the same if it were you…please know that. We know Morgan wants us to do this…smile.

  11. Please never give up and fighting! I pray that the unseen be seen! Your tragic story will definitely be shared and raised awareness. As a college instructor I have already shared this with my students. I have been reading your blog daily and just wanted to let you know I will be praying for you and your family!

    • I love what you just said about the unseen being seen – that is exactly what I am praying for…in fact I just found out a extremely important thing just the other day, and it is the unseen that has now been seen.

      Also, sharing with your students is so very awesome – thank you. I have other school teachers in this state, as well as other states that have written to me saying the same thing. Especially for High School and College students I think letting them know that this does really does happen and how to be aware of their surroundings, and to know what to do immediately if they find themselves in a similar situation is priceless…thank you so much!

  12. Toni, just wanted to stop by again to send you and your family love and light. I am actually in Kauai right now. (Yes up early…on Cali time) When the sun comes up I am going down to Kalapaki Beach and going to write Morgans name in the sand!

    P.S. Has anyone sent Morgans life/stalking/death story to Nancy Grace? That would be a great way to get media involved and put pressure on your local authorities to finally do their job investigating instead of cowering away from the truth! Just my humble opinion.

    Like so many others have said, proud of you and Steve for not giving up, for continuing to fight for justice for Morgan! You are helping so many others and don’t even realise it! Thank you!

    • I know Morgan will love having her name in the sand! When she was in Kauai she not only wrote “I miss you” and sent the picture of it in a text to me, but later on I saw on her computer that she took pictures of her footprints walking out of the sea and up the beach. I cry every time I look at her footprints in the sand, but I am so happy she left us so many pictures to remember her by – unknowingly all these years she had taken so many pictures that we now treasure.

  13. If they even consider reopening Morgan’s case, because the official COD was determined “suicide”, it would most likely put the entire department under investigation causing many more “suicide” cases to open. Another reason why I could see the department sweeping Morgan’s case under the carpet! Especially after reading the article that was never printed, how can such a “small” area have the highest suicide and lowest murder ratings in the nation!?! So frustrating!! Keep strong! What you and Steve are doing is truly amazing! My heart goes out to you and your family!

    • Thank you and everything you just said – I think you are stating what I have been thinking is the reason behind the County not wanting to do an investigation. It is so weird that in the past I have heard that point brought up, and when I looked at the Garfield County statistics for 2010 it had zero murders – just a super high rate of suicides, and then they had of course natural causes.

  14. Hi Toni,

    I hope this finds you and Steve well. I wanted to ask you about the gentleman that Morgan spent time with the evening she passed away. Which I believe is the same either late afternoon or evening where she was not relying to your text message for about a four hour period. I am curious to know if this gentleman has been spoken to at length and questioned about the time he spent with Morgan? I know it was said they spent some time at his grandmother’s home. Was this verified with his grandmother?

    I’m still trying to parse some of this together. I find it curious she saw her ex boyfriend and this other gentleman the day/evening she passed away. Becasue as we know we have to look at those closest to Morgan, those Morgan spent her time with last very closely.

    Obviously, the stalker is at the top of my list, but I would like to be able to cross others off of the list as well.

    I don’t much about the relationship she had w “D.” (the gentleman she spent the last evening – at grandmother’s with) Like what kind of relationship did they have? Or were they just casually dating? Just friends? How long did they know each other? Did they spend time together often? Had you and/or Steve met him?

    It’s hard to think about, but I was thinking if “D” wanted more from Morgan than she seemed willing to give would he attempt to get it on his own terms by giving her something to just knock her out but what he gave was too much and didn’tw ork until later when she got home. I don’t know. I’m just thinking out loud. Trying to run through possiblties …which I’m sure you have been doing for the last 10 months. I could be way off because I know we aren’t to those final days in the blog. I wanted to just get your take, if possible, on how confident you are that the ex boyfriend visitng and the “D” gentleman were not involved?

    I understand completely if you can’t answer this or would rather not answer this unitl you are ready to address it.

    Out of all the possiblites on my list I do NOT feel/think/ nor believe that Morgan took her own life. I just do not. I’m praying everyday for you, your family and for Morgan – that you all get justice and the answers you so rightfully deserve.

    Warmest Regards,


    Ps; It’s easy to be a “Monday Morning Quarterback” and say how one would do things differently and it’s a WHOLE other thing to actually live it. You did the best you could with what you had at the time. “Hindsight is always 20/20.” As always please don’t give the unsupportive, quick to call you out with “inconsistencies” on your blog (and these are some of the very people who haven’t even read it nor listened to your entire interview w tricia) a fraction of a second of your time. I don’t. I ‘ignore’ them by choosing not to read their words. Like others have said I just don’t get why they continue to say the same things over and over and over again. I’m very happy to see you are doing Your Blog the way You want to. No one is entitled to get all of your evidence and info just because they simply want it – so they can pick and parse every word looking for “something that just doesn’t make sense.” LIke someone else already commented on ; you have to really remember you have all people of all walks of life commenting and giving their opinion on something they don’t even know the whole story about yet are being extremely judgemental which in turn isn’t so helpful to you…..The people who truly want to help you find the truth and justice for Morgan will hold off on all their “know it all attitudes and judgements” UNTIL they have heard YOUR whole story….and if they just cannot wait until then … be it… have a great many supporters here who will be with you every post on your blog along the way.

    Thank you for finding such courage to put this all out here…I know it cannot be easy.

  15. I do know D was questioned, I do know D was one of the only ones that tried to protect Morgan in the last month of her life, and I have not spoken myself with his grandmother, but she could have been at school as she works for the college – I don’t know her hours or if she teaches night classes.

    I do know from speaking with he old boyfriend (who had only been back from Australia since November 16th), and her other friend, that Morgan stopped by the house they were hanging out at on her way home. She was only there for about 10 – 15 minutes and stood outside most of the time with the friend (not her old boyfriend who stayed inside the house). She was asked if she wanted to hang out with them, but she said she was tired and not feeling great so she just wanted to go home and sleep. She left that house and drove home (which was about a 10 minute drive from there). She arrived home a few minutes after 9:00 pm. She did not like the house they were at as about 2 weeks earlier she became very ill for about 24 – 48 hours after being there and she thought someone had somehow given her something. My concern is that everywhere she went she always had her water bottle with her – she thought it kept her healthy but my mind always goes to…did someone put something in her water bottle?

    As far as D goes yes, Steve and I had met him, we really liked him, she started talking about liking him in October, and according to the friend she saw on her way home that last night, she was extremely happy, because that he finally told her that night that he liked her too (a lot). I confirmed this after looking at all her texts back and forth with D after she left him that night. He was the one she had planned to meet up with the following morning for breakfast, but then never say that sunrise. She told Steve (just before she went to sleep) that she had driven D to Aspen that afternoon to apply for jobs, and then stayed for a while at his grandmother’s house before stopping by to see her friend and then coming home – so we know all of that happened from Morgan’s own words.

    As far as someone being vociferous, and at the same time not making a lot of sense on WS – I believe I know who it is, and she is very upset, and wants to protect her son. I know this because it has been happening to us as well, but we can see it’s the same IP address, even though she acts like she is different people every time she tries to come on as anonymous…I don’t know if WS can do the same sleuthing of the person going on the WS site?

    Thanks for trying to help us with this investigation!

    • Have you considered that it’s rather suspicious that D got so involved after this stalking began? Could D have been the stalker? Just sayin’…

  16. You are so welcome! Your story has made its way to Alabama and I am also going to post a link in my facebook:)

  17. One of the things complained about the most on WS is the lack of official evidence which I’m sure has been one of your biggest complaints too. I understand why you might not want to, but do you ever plan to post copies of the Dr. Kurtzman’s autopsy reports? It has sounded like some of the deputies were supportive during the stalking even if the sheriff wasn’t. I hope if and when an investigation of the coroner, medical examiner, sheriff and whoever else was involved begins that some of those same deputies will be willing to stand their ground and back you up on things they did or witnessed. Good luck with it.

  18. Thank you very much for the reply Toni. I don’t like the fact at all that Morgan became ill after visitng that same house that time and said she felt like “someone had given her something.” And she stopped at this same house the night of her death. I wonder why she stopped there even for a few minutes. Could be many reasons. I wonder how much the ex-boyfriend was questioned if at all. I also wonder who else who at that house that night when she stopped by and if they got questioned. It just seems highly coincidental that Morgan had a bad experience at that house just two weeks prior to her death -came home feeling ill and felt like someone could have slipped her something and then the night of her death she stops at this same house and then comes home shortly thereafter telling her father she was a little concerned that she wasn’t feeling well bc she had to babysit the following day…. I don’t know that just doesn’t sit well with me. Seems hinky to me. I wonder who was all there and if one of the persons that was there Morgan perhaps thought was a ‘true friend’ yet was possible in w her stalker or could someone else slipped her something (in the water bottle) aside from the stalker? I don’t know about the later. I feel as you do the stalker could have sometimes I feel must have had some help from others in their peer group. What it comes back to is the sad, unacceptable, unbelivable fact that Morgan’s death wasn’t looked into properly – let’s me rephrase that – it wasn’t looked into at all. Shameful. Disgusting. I wouldn’t accept that either!!!! I don’t know of any loving, caring parent that would! If the stalker did have help from her peer group in some fashion or another, I would hope that someone who knows something would come forward. I believe at least a few people knew about the stalking /terrorizing going on and that a certain someone was doing it – My prayer and wish is that someone in Morgan’s and/or the Stalker’s circle will come forward and tell what they know.

    If I felt or thought there was any inkling of a suicide here I would convey that to you in the most thoughtful, gentle way but I honestly do not see it whatsoever. This is all so perplexing to me so I can only imagine how you and your family feel. I saw that Morgan looked like she wasn’t feeling well in that pic of her new hair cut which I beleive was shortly before her death (maybe two weeks prior or not event that long -though I can’t be sure I’m remembering correctly)so at first I was thinking something was going on then and something was medically wrong; however, when I read about what was found in her system and the levels not to mention the lack of pill fragments in her stomach, it is just extremely suspicous at best. You deserve answers and to know the truth. Like I said I really hope someone will come forward if they know anything about anything regarding Morgan’s stalking and/or her death. It does happen so I’m praying, wishing and hoping it does. Keep fighting your fight for the truth. I hope you can draw your strength from your lovely daughter who is, no doubt, with you in some way everyday.

    all the best,

  19. A bb gun. He could have shot a bb gun at her window from another yard. At that distinct, bb’s would sound like pebbles being thrown against the window.

    • Aaron – that is exactly what Steve thought for a very long time. He told the Sheriff’s and they didn’t think that was the case. And God forbid they go interview the suspects and get a subpoena to check if they have a BB gun…that would be too easy I guess.

      • It seems like the stalker just tapped on her window from the roof… If not with his knuckles, then a stick.

  20. I highly doubt it was rocks being hit at her window… I agree that a BB Gun being shot from inside the vaccant home next door (remember he was a hunter), or tapping from the roof.When you guys were hearing “rocks” being thrown at the window, did you ever find a pile of them below her window? If it was indeed a BB Gun, could he possibly have had a laser pointer attached, and that was the red light that was seen!?!

  21. I apologize if this has been asked and answered but wouldn’t the first thing that’s needed for an investigation to (re)Begin be “Homicide” declared on the death certificate? Drumming up support 4 JUSTICE!

    • You are correct…Either homicide or undetermined and they would have had to open an investigation but instead the Forensic Pathologist put down Natural Causes for the first 8 months so no investigation and then changed it to suicide which it wasn’t and still no investigation…it is infuriating and has to change. How many criminals get to go free because of mistakes like this?

  22. Toni, you and your husband have every right to be angry! Your precious, irreplaceable, beautiful, loving, daughter was stolen from you by some evil person. The police need to listen to you! You need to have justice for Morgan! These evil lunatics need to be stopped from stalking and murdering our children!

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