A Little Surprise in a Cookbook…

A dried rose left in-between the pages of Morgan’s cookbook…this was so Morgan 🙂

Today I decided to open up one of Morgan’s cookbooks. She loved to cook and had started buying herself some cookbooks of her own, in the last 2 years of her life. When I started to flip through the pages of her Martha Stewart cookbook, I came across a dried rose, marking the recipe – it made me smile remembering how she used to leave roses in-between the pages of her books to mark something she wanted to refer back to in the future…then I cried again remembering that Morgan no longer has a future – she now lives only in our memories.

This is so unfair! It was so hard getting through the holidays again this year, the 7th time without Morgan. She should still be here with us. Morgan needs to receive justice, and I will do everything in my power to make sure her case no longer stays cold…there is a murderer still free, walking among us, and that murderer needs to be brought to justice. No other parents should have to go through what Steve and I have been going through for the last 7 years because of this criminal. #JusticeforMorganin2019!

Happy New Year Everyone!

2018 was actually an amazing year in our pursuit of justice for Morgan.  There were major developments and huge revelations made…people came forward with new information and Team Morgan is doing amazing things!  I am so grateful for everyone who is helping on our journey to justice – you all know who you are.

That being said, I believe with all my heart that 2019 will be a magical year.

I promise to let you all know what is happening as soon as I can.  I always try to explain to other families that I work with, families who have had their loved ones violently taken from them as well, that no matter how impossible and painful it may be you should never give up on your journey to justice for your loved one, because even if everyone else believes it is impossible, that doesn’t mean it is impossible for you…every day now we hear about cold cases that are over 30 years old getting solved…arrests being made, convictions with predators being taken off the street. These are cases that most people never thought would be solved – but beyond all logic the families still hoped and they got their miracle.  So never ever give up – make possible what others think of as impossible!
