Stalking: It’s not a joke. It’s not romantic. It’s not ok. It’s a crime.
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Stalking: It’s not a joke. It’s not romantic. It’s not ok. It’s a crime.
Visit to learn more.
Stalking is a crime that is pervasive, dangerous, & potentially lethal. Learn the realities of this crime:
What would you say to a friend who told you they were being stalked? Learn more about stalking at
I am so sorry that I have had a lag in posting more of the candle pictures that have been sent to me. Here is the start of the continuation of the photos of the candles that have been lit for Morgan. They have burned brightly in her memory as well as in the hope and prayers from everyone around the globe with the intent that justice is attained. And every single one of them has touched our family’s hearts. Thank you!
For Morgan – from Steve, Carol, Sean & Scott
Burning bright for Morgan from Erin
Next 3 photos are from Amy
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Ingram,
I hope that you all find comfort in the support the blog has brought to you. I think of Morgan often. I’m a mother to two girls, 8 and 2 1/2, and two boys, 17 and 18. I was also stalked and beat by my ex-husband. I know that you would give anything to have your daughter back, but please know that the story you tell of her last year has brought awareness to so many about stalking and comfort to many that have endured it. Morgan was a lucky girl to have parents like you. It sounds like you gave her a wonderful life. I’m so sorry for what you’ve had to endure due to evils in this world.
Here are my candle light pictures in honor of Morgan. I lit two; one for Morgan and one for women across the world that have endured stalking and fear at the hands of another human being.
One candle lit for Morgan and all the stalking victims out there.
I am very sorry for you loss.
Kind regards,
Nina and Ellen in Sweden
Here is the lighted candle on our Advent wreath, this first day of Advent 2012. With a lovely little angel face added in memory of your precious Morgan. Marybeth
“Those whom we loved never really leave us. They live on forever in our hearts, and cast their radiant light onto our every shadow” In memory of Morgan with love from Amanda
Here’s a pic of the candle I am burning for Morgan & victims of stalking today. After seeing the Dr Phil show about Morgan I began reading your blog as I was left wanting more information. I felt Dr Phil made you to seem a bit of a biased mother. However when Brooke appeared and her first response to accusations was ” Where’s the proof?”. This raised a big red flag for me and after reading you blog daily I have found it obvious that Morgan was not responsible for her own death and did not die of natural causes. I am sorry that you & your family & everyone that loves Morgan have had to deal with such inaction and irresponsibility on the part of your local law enforcement. I hope the fresh eyes you have investigating Morgan’s stalking and death provide you some answers and justice. I just cannot believe that such a productive, beautiful, brilliant full of love and life young woman can be stalked and murdered and the sick scum responsible can still roam the streets looking for a new victim.
Dear Toni and Steve,
I cannot express how deeply sorry I am for the loss of your sweet daughter, Morgan. There are just no words. You are in my thoughts and prayers as you pass such a very tragic and painful milestone today. May God embrace you with love and mercy.
How young can stalking behavior start?
Do you see stalking behaviors among high school students? Middle school students? Younger?
Know the facts
“Eighteen- to 24-year-olds have the highest rate of stalking victimization,” says Michelle Garcia, director for the National Center for Victims of Crime’s Stalking Resource Center. “The rates of stalking on college campuses are higher than in the general population; similar to the rates of sexual assault.”