The Fourth Anniversary of Missing Morgan


In June 2011 Morgan scratched letters in the sand in a simple yet beautiful message to say that she missed us. She took this picture, while in Hawaii and texted it to Steve and I, just another reminder of Morgan’s warmth and love, and we were so happy to know that Morgan was thinking of us. She called a little later to say she wished we could be there with her. I still remember that call. I can even hear her voice as if it was only hours ago, while at the same time, it may just as well have been another lifetime.

Morgan was in Hawaii visiting her Godfather and his wife, seeing the sights, catching up on life, and she was absolutely beaming. Steve called it Morgie’s big adventure as he called her trip just before that, and the one just before that. The early summer 2011 had become a collection of big adventures for Morgie. Two trips of travel mixed with working for her, and this one just for fun. It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but Morgan had recovered enough to travel. She had completely rebuilt her health and between her older sister and her Godfather the 19 year old young woman was busy traveling on her own.

She was formulating plans for herself too, by then she was dreaming of, and determined to go to Stanford law school, after finishing a degree in English at CU Boulder, but before that she was after a certification as a yoga instructor so she could work at something she loved while going to school and have a fall back, just in case. The sky up there was the limit, Morgan had her whole life before her.

Missing Morgan

Missing Morgan

Four years and six months later we would scratch letters in the sand and tell her we missed her. Only there was no place to text the picture to. No number to call her to say we wished that she could be there with us. We could only look up to the heavens and say these things out loud feeling like the little angel had heard us and have the overwhelming feeling yet again that it just wasn’t fair. When Morgan scratched her letters in the sand she would see us in less than a week. Her face would light up and she would come running into the terminal when she saw us letting out her typical Morgan squeal of happiness and adding a big tight hug along with it. Our letters scratched in the sand brought nothing close to that feeling.

Love You Morgan

Love You Morgan

20 candles for Morgan’s twenty years of life.  Her 20th year had only just begun, and the 20th candle we lit did not stay lit as long as the other candles – as you can see in the picture above.

Dear family and friends were with us to tell Morgan they missed her too on this fourth anniversary of her death, her murder. It’s been a long four years, years that have brought many changes to our lives. Morgan trusted and loved with all her heart, she shared her zeal for life with all those around her. Those now forced to miss her have only the precious memories of time spent with her. And the dreams of what she might be doing now. Morgan would want us to remember her loving us, and oh how we do.


Today is December 3rd – magic does happen

Beach 2 12.2.15Today, December 3rd is the  the day after the 4th anniversary of our daughter’s murder.  Yesterday was an extremely hard day for our family.  We wanted to celebrate Morgan’s wondrous life and not her tragic murder.  I was beside myself because I just did not know what to do.  My physical and emotional body wanted to crawl in a hole and morn, but my spiritual body wanted to do something that Morgan would have wanted us to do.

Because we have been blessed with such an amazing and supportive family an idea was born and we fulfilled that idea…we went to the beach at sundown, wrote in the sand, lit candles and thought about Morgan.  Then the magic began…during the beautiful one-of-a-kind sunset, a seal swam up to us, birds flocked over the water, sail boats stopped just under the setting sun, the Goodyear blimp flew by, the candles all stayed lit and as I sat in wonder chills ran up my spine.  I know those chills were a sign from Morgan that she was right there with us and she was seeing the same things we were being shown.  She was happy – this sent a warm happy feeling throughout my body. Beach 12.2.15

There are no words to explain how grateful I am to everyone across the world that burned candles in memory of Morgan last night.  I know she felt the love, as did Steve & I.  Thank you all so very much.  The fight for justice continues on today and will not stop until it is realized.  Changes will be made – because of the power of the people.  Love always creates change.


Morgan’s Middle School Picture

Morgan middle school picThis picture was posted yesterday on December 2nd by one of Morgan’s good friends in remembrance.  Morgan with her little ferret Angel.

Morgan mattered…Morgan was loved…Justice for Morgan!