November 2, 2011 – Day 93 of Morgan’s Stalking – The Mysterious Alibi “March,” What Does It Mean?

Steve is up early, and leaves for work, while it is still dark out.  Snow has fallen during the night, and it is melting off as morning breaks.  The streets are wet, but not icy, and the roofs and lawns have been gently covered in a light layer of white.  For snow country it is a gentle reminder of winter to come, when the road will need plowing, and cars will need to be uncovered, and windshields scrapped of ice before they can be driven, that is the winter right around the corner.  This was more of a light flurry compared to that.

After Morgan left for class, I walked outside in our backyard with the dogs, and was shocked at what I saw over the fence!  The foot trails of a person that was here last night.  I stood up on a bench, and with my eyes, followed the trail crossing behind the house, then turning and coming right to the outside corner of our room, as if someone came just close enough to reach out and touch the corner of the house, and peer into our Master Bedroom window!  Then back across the yard, up and over the berm toward the ranch that was behind our house, and twenty feet down, coming back over and heading for the front, right between our next door neighbor, Ken’s house and ours.  It was only lacking a sign that said “I was here”.  But why were there was no noises last night, no rocks on windows?  Morgan had said it was a quiet night before she left.

I called Steve and told him it looked like a very deliberate trail, straight, marching from this point to this point to the next.  It was unlike anything I had ever seen out there before.  Of course the trail taken by the person was clearly recorded in the snow, and since this was the first snow of any consequence this year it was so surprising to see all of the trails.  I wondered if this was what he did every other night he came.

Steve wanted me to call the sheriff’s department to report the incident, which I did, and then I called him back.  We were talking about how weird this was, as he drove home.  He pulled in the drive, and immediately saw the trail up there, crossing the front of our house and our other next door neighbor, Rhonda’s yard before veering out to the street.  We avoided walking on the yard and went up and down the street.  Then back through the house to see where it began (behind the house and over the berm) and ended.  It was obvious; the snowfall had stopped long before it filled the footprints in.  Was this a break for us, finally?

We went back inside and Steve drew a map of our corner of the neighborhood while he was waiting for the deputy, he carefully filled in the path of the footsteps and went to compare his map to what was still outside.  He called out that the trail passed right inbetween the sheriff’s two wildlife cameras, so he wanted me to call Detective Glassmire, but I did not get him on the phone and then left him a message.  The sheriff’s camera must have caught a perfect picture!

When the sheriff deputy arrived, Steve walked him around the trail, ten feet off to the side, pointing out the starting points, and it was then that they saw another trail, with an obvious section of backtracking.  Trying to walk in the same set of footprints twice, but not quite being able to do it.  Steve told me how he had looked at the deputy and asked him if he was seeing the same thing he saw.  I watched Steve from the back patio a few houses down very slowly walking backward, while looking over his shoulder and down.  The deputy nodded to him and agreed with whatever Steve was showing him.

They came back to our house and the deputy was handing Steve back his “map” and saying it was a good idea that we had documented the path that the footprints follow, and wondered if we saw anyone last night.  Steve tells him no, but that it probably is on video, it will just take a while to locate when it happened.  The deputy wants us to definitely check the video cameras and Steve adds that he will photograph whatever we can.  It was cold out, and with that the deputy left.

Morgan has the camera with her, so Steve just uses his phone, and walks around photographing what is left of the prints in the snow.  He would really like to go over the cameras with me, but does not have the time right now.  I am really busy also, and Steve leaves to go back to work.

We talk by phone, as he is driving away, about how curiously the trail does not go by Morgan’s window, which every time before this was the center of attention.  In fact the trail never goes down her side of the house at all, avoids it completely.  And of course there was no noise last night, if I had not walked outside and seen the trail I would not have even have known that this had happened.  At the rate it was melting away it would all be gone by noon.  This could have been a non event – and gee, if our cameras hadn’t recorded something I guess the sheriff’s would say we didn’t have a stalker…right?

Look for the little white flashes of light in the upper left corner.  That is at the top of the berm – looks like someone is texting on their cell phone…maybe saying, “Now what do I do – it’s snowing out.  Should I still go through with this ‘alibi’ walk around?”  That is what I believe was happening.  Then wait till it reaches the 1:04 spot and you will see the ‘female” get caught on camera coming over the berm.

Video one at approximately 11:51 

Cam.04.walkabout starts at ~ 1:04 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video two – ‘female’ seen marching ‘intentionally being caught on camera’

Cam.05.walkabout can be seen ~ 1:17 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video three

Camera 6 person walks by can be seen at ~ 1:32 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video four

Camera 1 car leaving after the walkaround can be seen at ~ :07 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Video five at approximately 11:55

Camera 2 car leaving after the walkaround can be seen at :05 from Morgan’s Stalking on Vimeo.

Today’s email from the felony stalking detective, assigned to our case, Sheriff Detective Rob Glassmire:

Hi Toni,
Attached are a few links that you might find helpful.
Taser: Stalking Resource Center:

I have only briefly looked at this website but it seems to have a lot of really good information.

I’m also reading a book on my Kindle called “How to Stop a Stalker” by Mike Proctor. It has a lot of good information. I’m not as far through as I would like to be but I try and read a little bit every night. It’s geared towards the victim and not the investigator.

We will stay in touch. If you call, try and call me on my cell phone, ———-. That way if I am at home or away from the desk I have a better chance of picking up. If I am at home and I don’t answer it is because my kids are probably around and acting up. Leave a message and I will call you back shortly after.

Stay with it. You, Steve, and Morgan are very strong. We will do the pretext phone call on Sunday and go from there.

Thank you, Rob

Click here to read about the 94th day of Morgan’s stalking

Here is the link to the petition that I just started – please sign it for Morgan


I just created a petition entitled Colorado State Governor John Hickenlooper: We want Morgan Ingram’s felony stalking investigation reopened.

I’m trying to collect 100 signatures, and I could really use your help.

To read more about what I’m trying to do and to sign my petition, click here:

It’ll just take a minute!

Once you’re done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well. Grassroots movements succeed because people like you are willing to spread the word!

Thank you all so very much!
